Your current status in Lent?

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I thought Lent was a spectator sport.
So I’m just watching to see how the rest of you fare.
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I gave up chicken beef turkey pork and any fast food that has this stuff.
May goal has been to make a permanent change for the love of Christ, namely, to let love override selfishness. So I have been trying to give up selfishness, selfcenteredness, ego inflation, etc. in practice it comes down to an awareness that each moment of my life gives me an option, of attitude, tone of response to each situation.

I’d give myself a B so far.
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I have yet to reach a tenth of Mother Theresa’s sanctity to even consider that possibility. More likely satan just wants me in hell and is inflicting damage on my weak points that are defenseless… Or this is all just stuff made up by the neurons in my head and there’s actually nothing spiritual going on.
I would say it couldn’t get any worse,… but I know from experience, it can.
There’s a prayer basket outside the chapel at the hospital I work near - the basket is offered during Sunday Mass 9:30 AM. Is your name Lily? I could write down your intentions for the surgery and drop it there. Or I could just write “that person from CAF” and I’m sure God knows who I would be talking about.

I can’t merit anything, but prayer during Mass should be effectual in one form or another.
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Yes, I’m Lily. And yes, prayers for a successful outcome with this surgery are most welcome. I feel God has brought this surgeon, a specialist in this type of surgery, to me. The surgery will be April 9 at 7:30am and is supposed to be 2-3 hrs.

Please pray for my mother too. She is recovering from a fall last year (on Holy Thursday) and will be at the hospital with me. I worry about her falling and reinjuring herself. We’ll have the nursing staff looking after both of us that night. (I have to stay because I’ll be quite swollen after the surgery and they want to make sure I can swallow liquids before I go home.)

Thank you again for your kindness.
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Arbovirus, this very nice thing you offered to do for Lily,
you can do the same thing for people on this site. Go to the prayer intentions section and pray for some people there for Lent. It may lift your spirits to know you are helping others!
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Brittany, I think you are a very special person! You often know more than people that have been Catholic their whole life. You will have a great Lent next year. 🙂
That’s a good idea. I’ll get to confession as soon as I am able (to make sure I’m in a state of grace and can actually merit something for those in the Prayer Intentions section). When I am tempted with despondence, I will go to that section and pray to Our Lady of Lourdes.
My Lent has been a corker. I enter the Church this Easter, and I think I’ve been so preoccupied with other enormous changes in my life, like going back to work after nearly twenty years of being a stay at home mum, that I underestimated how hard Lent would be, above and beyond what it normally has been.
I mean, usually, it’s a case of give something up, commit to pray more, and just get on with it. This time? Massive amounts of interpersonal conflict to test the boundaries of my commitment to love God and others. A proper, upsetting shaking of my foundations of faith.
I should have seen it coming really, I have moved from atheist childhood to charismatic and then Reformed Baptist Protestantism, and am finally becoming Catholic after holding out against it for years. It’s not really surprising that my Lenten preparation for my first Catholic Easter would be extra hard and full of battles!
I haven’t faltered in my fast, by the grace of God, but I have been put in so many situations where the temptation to gripe, or bicker, or return evil for evil has been almost overwhelming, and with it a crushing sense of how unworthy and unready I am to receive Christ. It’s all for my good, I know, but goodness, there’s no sense of being eased in gently!
The lenten reading I orginally chose was not for me, so I chose a different book.

As for everything else, I’m doing ok.
Lent ain’t over yet! You can still give up what you planned starting from… let’s say Monday.💫
I’m in a similar situation as @StephieNorthCo, except change “slightly” to “completely.” It has been very, very interesting and beneficial 😎, though not always pleasant 😞
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Lent has always been a tough time of year for me, I think it is just that some of us are sent some productive ‘redemptive suffering’ and that, is a good thing in the long run, not bad. I seem to “screw up” frequently. As an example today, I was sitting in and office while one of my special needs kids was in culinary class when someone offered me a plate of corned beef, potatoes, and cabbage, cooked in honor of St. Patricks day. I ate it, including the meat, without thinking. 30 minutes later I think, “oops”…
Had a few weak days but back on track.
But this year I added meditations/reflecting on the mysteries, and I managed to attend mass at a church in communion w mine while out of the country for a week. It seems like adding beneficial practices work way better for me than abstaining.

Still haven’t sat down in front of the TV but am so very, very tempted. My husband says “no, don’t do it. You’ll break your Lent.” I thought that was so very nice of him to say.

I don’t think I have the strength to give up TV forever but I think I’d get a lot more done. I need strength because I have none. I don’t want to give up on life once again and go into episode after episode of oblivion. Help!!!
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