Your current status in Lent?

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I attended the Lenten mission. I listen to
the Matthew Kelly daily meditations from
Dynamic Catholic and I have 3 spiritual
Lenten books I am reading daily.
I try to get into the Adoration chapel once a week.
So I am struggling and pushing forward.
Well I can see why you’re upset then. It’s not Catholic stuff at all dear one, It’s Christ stuff. Catholicism gives us sacraments, hope, and various tools for your coping toolbox. If you are stuck on rules and trying to comprehend fully each dogma and teaching, yes, you will get bogged down. Go to Adoration and just look at Him who died for you. Remember His sacrifice, and then look at the big crucifix and see His arms outstretched in love, forgiveness, and welcome.
I’m sure many here on this thread will say a little prayer for you. ☘️

Still haven’t sat down in front of the TV but am so very, very tempted. My husband says “no, don’t do it. You’ll break your Lent.” I thought that was so very nice of him to say.

I don’t think I have the strength to give up TV forever but I think I’d get a lot more done. I need strength because I have none. I don’t want to give up on life once again and go into episode after episode of oblivion. Help!!!
I disconnected from cable last October.
I really don’t miss TV. I wasted a lot of time in front of the TV morning, noon and night.
The Old Colonel continues to exercise bone-crushing discipline in the face of old age, an immensely grumpy attitude, and overwhelming temptations placed before me by the enemy. Hoorah!
Like Our Lord said, its not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man but what comes out of it
I can’t merit anything, but prayer during Mass should be effectual in one form or another.
Why can’t you merit anything for your heavenly reward? (no need to answer in the public forum)

I do not know what the condition of your soul is - only God and you do - but if you do not think it is in the state of grace, I invite you to go to Holy Confession.

For myself, I made several requests for earthly favors, some of which I have been making for years, to Our Blessed Mother via the Holy Rosary this Lent which may or may not come true. Yes, I do strongly desire they do come true, but I am at least comforted by the fact that even if they do not, Our Lady has promised us that whoever is devoted to the Holy Rosary will obtain a high degree of blessedness in heaven (keep in mind that Catholics are not required to believe private revelations).

I used to scoff at the “hidden graces” which accompany saying the Holy Rosary. But now that I am a bit more informed at the everlasting benefits which our Lady has promised, I can say the Holy Rosary with a bit more ease, though I am far from an expert “Rosary pray-er”, with my mind wandering this way or that very often.

All this being said, I still desire strongly the earthly requests I have made this Lent, if pleasing to His Majesty the King, so can you please drop off in the intentions basket at the hospital chapel one for Paul?
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I can’t help myself; how can I help others?

But I can be a messenger and drop off your name in the basket so that at least you receive the sure merit through Mass.
As per the other thread on how Lent is going; It’s a struggle - so must be doing something right*. I’m learning to embrace the failures. Evidenced by the failures, I’ve committed myself to something difficult for me and the failures have taught me a lot about humility and my own limitations.

Edit:* Either that or I really am just cr*p at doing Lenten discipline!
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I gave up YouTube for Lent. I gave it up with the intention of using the time I spent on there (often hours on end if I had nothing left to do at the end of the day.) So far I have only used YouTube if needed when miserably lost in homework, to check comments/subscribers on my channel, for karaoke lyrics, or a friend was showing me something in person.

I guess worst comes to worst I can give up giving something up! 😜
PRAYER, worthy reception fo the Eucharist with your family in Christ at your parish, Lots of ways. It’s the prince of lies that puts ideas of doubt in us.
God bless
I try not to think of it in terms of “succeeded” or “failed”.

I hit a few obstacles I wasn’t anticipating which made keeping my Lenten sacrifices harder than I anticipated, and ultimately, probably not in the interest of my overall health. But, at the same time, I’ve also made some great strides forward. For instance, it occurred to me that I had become very self-centered in my spiritual life - worrying about what I was getting from my prayer life, how others were perceiving me, etc., etc. That isn’t the goal of prayer. So now I’m making a real effort to turn back to God. I’m not perfect in those endeavours, but I’m striving.
Maybe it’s better to strive and learn, than to pick a lenten sacrifice that’s easily done, that lets you preen with accomplishment but which doesn’t help your spiritual growth.
Me setting a lenten goal at all this year and discussing it made my non-religious sister-in-law do the same. So even if I fall flat that is an achievement in and of itself.
I gave up my thing with gusto, was really on track for about two weeks, then fell right off the bandwagon when some serious temptation hit 😅

But…God’s grace has kept me interrogating the place of it in my life and has lead me to re-think how I use it, showing that it can be a good in my life that glorifies Him rather than simply disposing of it. I’ll be walking into Easter season with a fresh perspective. So for anyone out there wondering if their failed attempt was worth it, God will meet you where you are 🙏
I’ve kept my fast, but didn’t read what I set out to read. So I will after Easter. However, I have started singing in the choir and I go to Mass on Saturday, so that’s good.
Swapped some things around,but the things swapped for just some life’s difficulties that have popped up…I need some coffee to handle them ,so I think that’s ok having it again 😁 Avoiding the sweet tooth stuff and comfort food (apart from the coffee) So many things happening at once at once this week,and next week promises to be even more full of happenings.But it’s all to be made use of.
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