‘Chappaquiddick’ Is A Brutally Honest Movie Laying Bare The Kennedys For Who

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I’m not arguing the power or significance of memory. I’m only commenting that I’m surprised that at nine I gave a rat’s behind.
Okay, my mistake.

I don’t know if I would have cared at nine or not. I’d have to guess probably not.
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Frat boys … JFK’s weakness gave us the Bay of Pigs debacle disaster WHICH [weakness] led directly to the Cuban Missile Crisis … closest we ever came to an all out nuclear war. Russians/Soviets played chess. Kennedy brothers were busy boinking starlets.

JFK called retired President Eisenhower for “advice” … Ike was p*ssed [tone of voice] … Ike had arranged for U.S. Navy air to step in … JFK frat boy demurred … too much force projection … couldn’t handle simple things.

JFK didn’t write his book. And he was asleep on deck when his PT-109 was rammed.

Frat boys.
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These things are, for the most part, your opinion. I’ve worked in publishing, and I’m still an independent editor and ghostwriter, and I know many people who know JFK did, indeed, write his Pulitzer Prize winning book.

As for your assertions that he was asleep on PT-109 and that, as president, he couldn’t handle simple tasks, it’s just opinion. I hold a different opinion, although I certainly don’t idolize the Kennedys. As politicians, I don’t think they were any better or any worse than most politicians of either major party. They just got a lot more news coverage.
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Historical events of which we should be focused on are those which changed the course of the nation or the world, not accidents by a man who made bad decisions while intoxicated.

The spec in the neighbors eye comes to mind here.

Too bad many posters don’t live by those words here at CAF. Especially the
It didn’t effect America nor the rest of the world.

It was a tragic accident and being Ted Kennedy is no longer alive to defend himself, it should be let go.

Just because Ted Kennedy is no longer alive, does not mean we should let it go.
The Kennedy’s had a prominent role in
American history for decades. The actions of this family will be studied and have been studied. Yes he was the last hope for those who dreamed of another Kennedy in the White House. The aura around this family was quite something.
Chappaquiddick was a terrible scandal. Ted’s handlers did their best to present him in a sympathetic light.
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If we knew it had an effect it would be part of American History. It’s not.

It’s merely an issue for conservatives who hated Ted Kennedy.

Boy, you should work for the Kennedy family. You are in big denial of you don’t see the significance of Chappaquiddick.
I had read somewhere that the movie was based on the police report of the incident.
The significance of Chappaquiddick is that it derailed Ted Kennedy’s bid for the Presidency. It was the major factor in his decision not to run. Anytime His name was mentioned in any national scenario, there was mention also of Chappaquiddick.
It may have derailed Ted’s run for president, but then, he tried to run for the democratic nomination when Carter a democrat was the sitting president. Something rarely done by members of the same party.

The significance is of entitled and privileged politicians receiving preferential treatment by authorities and
not having to be held accountable to the law like the average citizen. By simply being a member of the Kennedy family,
he got a free pass.
We know that which was the point of Bringing up Laura Bush’s tragic accident when she was young, earlier.

But it’s nothing more than tabloid gossip.

As Catholics, we should know better.

You keep dismissing his second attempt in the 1980s.

That wasn’t against Carter. Chappaquiddick came up before Kennedy even spoke at a primary.

He never attempted it again.
I don’t recall any other attempt at running for the democratic nomination before.

Sorry this upsets you.

I’m not upset in the least. All I said was there was more than the Carter years. Just a comment.
Kennedy fan or not, I don’t see why anyone would give Ted a slide on this issue. He’s kind of the runt of the litter. I wouldn’t equate him with his brothers.
Ted Kennedy only made a formal run for president in 1980 in the democratic primary against Jimmy Carter.

I didn’t say he was successful in getting out of the primaries. I said he made/discussed a second attempt and was blasted with Chappaquiddick before he even got out the gate.
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