Either way, this story is shameful, shameful if true, very disgraceful if made up.
At this point, it would fit into the mode of that one from the Atlantic, of just tossing out some story in the run up to the election and like the Atlantic, it seems to come from a small type of independent outfit.
ICE has been called bad things and this story would fit into that imagery but none of the big networks, alphabet networks or satellite are really picking it up, maybe one of them mentioned it. I don’t know if the NY Times, Guardian out of the UK are even reporting this and if the Guardian doesn’t, that’s pretty bad. They are pretty bad to begin with in trying to catch conservatives.
That one lady, Atkisson who left CBS, she said about a week ago, we should be prepared to have all kinds of stories tossed out at us, the public. Sharyl Atkisson I believe.
Is ICE going to have a press conference tomorrow, I will be checking.