‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Depends upon which IA vote you are talking about and WHO made the claims of fraud.
Republican claims are ignored.
“Fraud changing the result” is what is important. Not someone moving and still voting in the old county.
“Fraud changing the result”
Hold it.

I thought fraud was non-existent and all of that?

Ya mean there IS fraud out there?

So the question is, to what extent is fraudulence going on in elections? Especially this election.

The other issue study of this highlights is,
how we can prevent it from happening again.

On with the investigation into the 2020 vote fraud.
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Horowitz: New analysis shows Biden winning nearly impossible margins on mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania​


David Cliff/NurPhoto/Getty Images


There has been a lot of focus on the number of mail-in ballots counted in Pennsylvania and the illegal state Supreme Court decisions that enabled them. But what is even more important to examine is the impossible margins Joe Biden would have achieved just among those mail-in ballots and just in Pennsylvania in order to obtain the unofficial lead he currently has.

POLL: What are you most worried about?

Here are the facts. We know that 2.6 million mail-in ballots have been counted in the Pennsylvania election returns, in addition to nearly 4.2 million Election Day votes. We also know from the secretary of state that Trump won Election Day votes, 2.7 million to 1.4 million. But we are to believe that Biden won 76% of mail-in ballots.

Yes, mail-ins overwhelmingly skewed Democrat, like Election Day votes skewed Republican, but they were not all from Democrats. We know that 64.7% of those votes were from registered Democrats, 23.7% from Republicans, and 11.6% from nonpartisan or other party voters.

What does this mean in simple arithmetic? My friend (who goes by screen name Gummi Bear on Twitter) crunched the numbers and showed that had Biden won 95% of returned Democrat mail-in votes, 21% of returned Republican votes, and 80% of returned independent votes, he would still have come up short of his margin of victory reported in the unofficial tally. . . .

Prove it.

Why are at least some of them not being arrested for such a “farce”?
This is farcical:

" “One of the witnesses in Sidney Powell’s new Michigan lawsuit says in a declaration he thinks there’s something fishy about election returns in Edison County, MI,” Oosting wrote on Twitter. “Thing is, there is no Edison County in Michigan.”

Hey, at least in this one she didn’t spell “district” four different ways! That’s what she did in her widely-belittled lawsuit in Pennsylvania, which certified its election for Biden before Thanksgiving.

But wait, it gets worse. There is no Edison County anywhere in the United States of America."

Arizona State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election

PHOENIX — A court ruled Monday that challengers to Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona can get documents they contend will cast doubt on the tally, even as top officials from both political parties certified the state’s election results as accurate the same day.

And an unofficial panel of nine Republican lawmakers that met Monday is looking to ask the full Legislature to void the official tally and give the state’s 11 electoral votes to President Trump — although legislative ability to do that legally remains in question.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Randall Warner said he will allow attorneys for state GOP Chair Kelli Ward to compare the signatures on 100 randomly selected envelopes that contained early ballots with the signatures for those same voters already on file.

Warner also ordered Maricopa County to produce 100 random ballots cast at polling places that were damaged or had other problems, to compare with the versions that were reproduced to ensure they could be read by the machines.

That in turn will lead to a hearing on Thursday where Ward’s attorney Jack Wilenchik said he hopes to prove there were mistakes. He said that would allow Warner to extrapolate out the error rate and declare that the officially reported and certified results are in doubt.

More to the point, Wilenchik told Warner, that would require the judge to declare the results invalid.

And that in turn would leave it to the Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature to decide who gets Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, Wilenchik said.

But wait, it gets worse. There is no Edison County anywhere in the United States of America."
I guess the residents of Edison, New Jersey, will be surprised.
Or perhaps Edison, Georgia.
Or Edison, california.
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I guess the residents of Edison, New Jersey, will be surprised.
Or perhaps Edison, Georgia.
Or Edison, california.
The poster was saying there is no Edison COUNTY anywhere in the United States.

Edison Georgia is in Calhoun County
Edison New Jersey is in Middlesex County
Edison California is in Kern County.

The places you listed are not examples of counties that are named Edison
Donald Trump, . . . inmate number 0037445.
I said that before he took office (but for different reasons).

They will be out to vindictively get him. Either after 2020 or after 2024.

This is what the left will HAVE TO do with him.

They will invent “Trumped-up” charges (again) and perp-walk President Trump and jail him if they can get away with it.

National leftists always push for a banana Republic. (The massive voter fraud is more banana “republicish” behavior from them.)

Leftist ideas cannot self-sustain in a democratic Republic. Their ideas are that bad.

President Trump has too big a voice to leave go by the left.

The left LIKES to close down discussion. They do not like ideas being bantered about which Trump will do.

Hopefully he can weather that storm.
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Hopefully he can weather that storm.
It will be okay. I know what it is like, waiting for an administration that one disagrees with strongly is about to occupy the Whitehouse. It will be okay.

And don’t worry, if the administration refuses to leave, the USA is fully capable of removing them when the time comes.
RootKitWarrior . .
@camoderator close this thread please. It no longer serves a purpose.
Pennsylvania has certified the election.
I disagree with your premise.

(How do you know it’s over?)
Trump’s lawyers vowed to appeal to the Supreme Court despite the judges’ assessment that the “campaign’s claims have no merit.”

Now it will go from the Federal Appeals Court to the Supreme Court.

Why would you want the discussion closed down?
(Things are still going on in this realm.)
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They will be out to vindictively get him. Either after 2020 or after 2024.

This is what the left will HAVE TO do with him.

They will invent “Trumped-up” charges (again) and perp-walk President Trump and jail him if they can get away with it.
Even after Nixon accepted his pardon, I know of a woman who still thinks he was not guilty.
Now it will go from the Federal Appeals Court to the Supreme Court.
Buddy, I doubt it.
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Even after Nixon accepted his pardon, I know of a woman who still thinks he was not guilty.
The correlation to Nixon spying on a campaign is not with President Trump, although the national leftists often PROJECT that message.

The correlation lies against the Democrat politicians and the Deep State that illegally lied to a FISA judge and spied on the Trump campaign.

A campaign that still beat them in 2016 despite “banana-Republicesque” election cheating.
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Nepperhan to me . . . .
Buddy, I doubt it.
Well take it up with the AP article I posted then.

Maybe the Supreme Court won’t accept the case (but maybe they will). I get that.

But this situation is not done yet.
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The correlation to Nixon spying on a campaign is not with President Trump, although the national leftists often PROJECT that message.
Nixon was an unindicted co-conspirator to obstruction of justice. The point is that the gullible considered him not guilty even after he resigned and accepted a pardon, which is an acknowledgement of guilt… Similarly, some will always believe that Trump prevailed in the election in 2020 but for fraud and other nasty stuff done by the Democrats. In the words of Gershwin, ‘it ain’t necessarily so’.
Nixon was an unindicted co-conspirator to obstruction of justice. The point is that the gullible considered him not guilty
So what?

I think he should have been indicted. I always thought that.

Likewise so should Obama, Hillary, Comey, etc.

But the gullible consider them not guilty.
That’s OK. In a couple of months it won’t matter who Trump bashes, since he will be just Donald Trump, private citizen, …, or maybe inmate number 0037445.
Given that no one pursued criminal charges against the Clinton’s, I doubt anyone would pursue anything against Trump.

After all, Hillary actually did violate the law. Trump has not.
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