‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden won, the transition is ongoing, and the inauguration is set for Jan 20, 2021 where Joe Biden will take the oath of office.

Hopefully, the Republicans won’t spend the next four years harping on a “stolen election”. It’s always sad when one becomes that which they’ve been accusing others of doing.
The Trump campaign in various cities and states have collected hundreds and hundreds of signed affidavits under penalty of perjury, from election workers, from state officials, from civilians, hundreds and hundreds.
That’s just not so. Remember, affidavits are like being on the witness stand. The GOP has hundreds of witnesses? No, it does not.

" In a blistering decision, a Philadelphia appeals court ruled on Friday that the Trump campaign could not stop — or attempt to reverse — the certification of the voting results in Pennsylvania, reprimanding the president’s team by noting that “calling an election unfair does not make it so.”

The 21-page ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals was a complete repudiation of Mr. Trump’s legal effort to halt Pennsylvania’s certification process and was written by a judge that he himself appointed to the bench. “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy,” Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote on behalf of the appeals court in a unanimous decision. “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Many courts have used scathing language in tossing out a relentless barrage of lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its supporters since Election Day; but even so, the Third Circuit’s ruling was particularly blunt.

“Voters, not lawyers, choose the president,” the court declared at one point. “Ballots, not briefs, decide elections.”

The court accused the Trump campaign of engaging in “repetitive litigation” and pointed out that the public interest strongly favored “counting every lawful voter’s vote, and not disenfranchising millions of Pennsylvania voters who voted by mail.”"

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It’s always sad when one becomes that which they’ve been accusing others of doing.
I agree. We’ve had to put up with that projection for the last four years by the Democrats.
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That’s just not so. Remember, affidavits are like being on the witness stand. The GOP has hundreds of witnesses? No, it does not.
Some of the affidavits are farcical. Several I’ve seen presented only swear that it is true that a person holds a specific opinion or belief, but does not swear than any action actually occurred.
Prove it.
Wow, I can tell that you haven’t been following the court filings or the responses from the court. I would normally respond with a link. But I am away from home, responding while the petrol flows into the car. So, for now, I decline.

I will however point you to a specific court opinion that can be found by searching for the Pennsylvania court dismissal containing the phrase “hearsay of a hearsay.”
Why are at least some of them not being arrested for such a “farce”?
Why would you expect someone to be arrested for swearing that they hold certain beliefs and conjectures? What is the offense?
I will however point you to a specific court opinion that can be found by searching for the Pennsylvania court dismissal containing the phrase “hearsay of a hearsay.”
That will never do.

You said it was a farce. I want to see arrests made.

Not evidence being inconclusive.
Why would you expect someone to be arrested for swearing that they hold certain beliefs and conjectures?
Why would you change the farce claim?

If it was a farce, then arrest them.

If it was holding “beliefs and conjectures” that is different.

Farce from Google . . .
a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.
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Tell Rudy to present evidence of fraud to a court. If he’s got it (which he doesn’t), he should probably show someone who can do something about it.

You’re being duped by a PR campaign. It’s not a legal battle, it’s a PR battle. It should tell you something that courts haven’t seen any of this evidence.
False, there is way more evidence than the multi-million dollar 3 and a half year investigation into Russia-gate. Was one vocal about that?

This forum is full of the information. Maybe one can see what people have posted.

And by the way, if State Supreme Courts reject some cases, it is because what is going on has national implications.
The only evidence that there are 1.25 million extra votes is from the text in the meme claiming that all that data is available. The correct way to establish the truth of a claim is not by making a meme but by linking to authoritative sources - something you rarely see the conspiracy theorists do. Perhaps close examination of the data at their source would show that the data was being misinterpreted in the meme. But that doesn’t matter, since most true believers in the conspiracy will not chase down all the data claimed in the meme, but will just believe it. And the claim is just obscure enough that those who wish to fact-check the meme will have a big job. And my the time anyone showing the fault of the meme has a chance to do so, the conspiracy theorists have already moved on and acquired several hundred more followers, and the fact-check will never catch up to the lie.
You have had a multitude of examples of unexplainable “irregularities” and blown them off.

Agreed. They are not evidence-worthy so far in a court of law.
How can they be
after a now-anonymous ballot is all that remains?

I have been warning about this for months here as it was plain to see (to me anyway), this was coming.

Why should I think another example would persuade you?
the conspiracy theorists have already moved on
The conspiracy theorists have been pushing a phony Trump-Russian-collusion narrative for years.

Then a fake impeachment sham (as corona was invading our shores, Adam was fighting with Jerry to schmooze for the cameras).

I don’t think they have “moved on”.
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Hopefully, the Republicans won’t spend the next four years harping on a “stolen election”.
So you are hoping that Republicans don’t act like the Democrats? You are hoping that Republicans are the “bigger person”. You are hoping that the Republicans act like grown ups and not like petulant children? Got it.

This is part of the bully culture the Democrats have set up believing that the Republicans won’t fight back because of their yucky “morals”. It’s despicable.
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