‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Do have personal insight others don’t, saying that they will be rejected?
No, I just know that the cases have no merit. Two courts have now rejected them for, among other reasons, a lack of evidence.

The Court is well aware of its role in the nation and history. Especially in light of Trump publicly saying that the court (with three of his picks) would enable him to win the election, I’d say there is a less than 0% chance they relish that idea.
Sam Alito has already issued two orders/opinions on PA’s shenanigans.

The Court is aware of it’s legal role, never-mind this “civic unrest” scare tactic role.

Posted on the PA State Dept.'s website, and since has been deleted.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The Trump campaign in various cities and states have collected hundreds and hundreds of signed affidavits under penalty of perjury, from election workers, from state officials, from civilians, hundreds and hundreds. Reminder: that’s hundreds and hundreds more than they ever had in the Russian collusion hoax. In PA this was a civil suit., and what people are forgetting is that you have the bar you need to pass so your case isn’t dismissed, then you conduct discovery of evidence.
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Sam Alito has already issued two orders/opinions on PA’s shenanigans.
I’m guessing you don’t know this, but an individual justice can only issue a temporary emergency injunction. In this case, there is nothing to temporarily enjoin.

Alito himself can’t really do anything meaningful.
The lies are starting to show like the 'pipe burst" in GA on election night which stopped the vote counting but city documents show it happened during the morning and in another part of the building. Where there is 1 lie there are many more.
Nice work Joy01.

I was not aware of that.
I’m guessing you don’t know this, but an individual justice can only issue a temporary emergency injunction. In this case, there is nothing to temporarily enjoin.
But you did not answer the question.

WHERE did the 1.25 million extra votes come from??
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WHERE did the 1.25 million extra votes come from??
Even the Trump Campaign hasn’t presented any evidence that they came from anywhere other than valid, registered voters.

Some people just can’t handle the fact that votes were not counted in the order in which they were cast. In-person votes were counted first (in which Trump led), only then were early votes counted. Biden won the early votes by a significant margin.

If there is any evidence of foul play, it sure would be nice if the Trump Campaign presented it in court.
Even the Trump Campaign hasn’t presented any evidence that they came from anywhere other than valid, registered voters.
I have already explained why that is in many posts.

You need to stop that in the early stages.

AFTER the votes are cast this is almost impossible to deal with.

That is exactly WHY, I have been warning about this for months BEFORE the election.

You saying everything is right, does not make it so.

There is ckearly dishonest fraudulent behavior going on here.

The issue is, knowing that, how should we proceed at this point?
The issue is, knowing that, how should we proceed at this point?
Tell Rudy to present evidence of fraud to a court. If he’s got it (which he doesn’t), he should probably show someone who can do something about it.

You’re being duped by a PR campaign. It’s not a legal battle, it’s a PR battle. It should tell you something that courts haven’t seen any of this evidence.
WHERE did the 1.25 million extra votes come from??
Trump did a great job of motivating people to vote! Because of him, records were broken. Not that all those he motivated were in favor of him continuing to be president.
WHERE did the 1.25 million extra votes come from??
Trump did a great job of motivating people to vote! Because of him, records were broken. Not that all those he motivated were in favor of him continuing to be president.
WHERE did the 1.25 million extra votes come from??
I question 1.25+ MILLION votes that don’t make sense.

Billsherman says to me . . . .
You’re being duped by a PR campaign.
Thanks billsherman.

How could I have gotten sucked in?

Well I guess that settles it
and now I can just go back to life in the slow lane
knowing that all is good!
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How could I have gotten sucked in?
In my experience, people are all too willing to believe something when it is what they want to hear.

If someone (particularly someone with power over you - a boss, a political leader) is telling you something with which you agree, you should always ask yourself “is this too good to be true?” It often is.

Mr. Trump has a lot to gain from duping you. You have virtually nothing to gain from him.
…the former VP put up a record haul of votes, despite Democrats’ general failures in local House and state legislative seats across the nation.
President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden’s appeal was so substantial that it overcame President Trump’s record support among minority voters.
Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election.
Despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.
Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.
Baris noted a statistical oddity from 2020’s election returns: “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Barnes added that in those “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”
“Donald Trump was pretty much the only incumbent president in U.S. history to lose his re-election while his own party gained seats in the House of Representatives.”
Joe Biden achieved the impossible.
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In my experience, people are all too willing to believe something when it is what they want to hear.

If someone (particularly someone with power over you - a boss, a political leader) is telling you something with which you agree, you should always ask yourself “is this too good to be true?” It often is.

Mr. Trump has a lot to gain from duping you. You have virtually nothing to gain from him.
I think it’s just the opposite.

I think it’s those guys gulping down what the socialists in the media and their buddies in politics are telling them night after night that makes them gullible enough
not just to shoulder-shrug off over a million vote aberration,
but to project
their own outlook upon other who DON’T think like that.

But hey. You are entitled to your opinion.
Votes come from voters. Of course.
But they don’t come ONLY from voters. At least legal eligible ones.

Fraud exists.

And with such a massive discrepancy (for me anyways),
thinking that everything is OK, would be gullible.

Out in the real world (not here on CAF) . .

Lots of leftists think it’s ok.

Others know very well it’s not ok, but since the ends justify the means (in their minds),
they go along with the spoof anyway.
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But they don’t come ONLY from voters.
All caps original (because I knew what was coming).

ThinkingSapien (changing my premise):
Of course votes come from voters

ThinkingSapien dropped my “ONLY” from my premise.

To the readers here. Draw your own conclusions.
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Have you tried censoring yourself instead by putting the individual posters on ignore?
Oh, believe me, I have a number of poster on ignore.

And, I do like to post links to articles. It’s just easier to read someone’s point.
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