‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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“I understand today’s press release. I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic…
It is difficult to have a lawsuit without a client. She’s going to have a hard way to go – organizations do not vote in elections so on whose behalf will she sue?
PA Lt Gov

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She should get herself a tinfoil hat:

"Ms. Powell burst into national attention on Thursday, when she appeared alongside Rudolph W. Giuliani, who is leading the president’s legal efforts, at a surreal news conference where she made claims that strained credulity, even for a presidential campaign that has repeatedly lowered the bar. In a matter of minutes, Ms. Powell blamed Cuba, Venezuela, the Clinton Foundation, the billionaire George Soros and Antifa, a loosely defined left-wing movement, for somehow making votes for Mr. Trump disappear.

Mr. Giuliani seemed unfazed as his new colleague floated these fanciful theories. And when Ms. Powell finished speaking, the former mayor of New York added another possible conspirator she had left out: Black Lives Matter activists.

Mr. Trump, however, was not so pleased. And he apparently had enough after Ms. Powell later accused Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and its Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, of being paid off for their involvement in the plot.

“Georgia is probably going to be the first state I’m going to blow up,” Ms. Powell said over the weekend in an interview with Newsmax TV. “And Mr. Kemp and the secretary of state need to go with it.”"

What she said about Kemp may be libelous so she should be careful.
These conspiracy theories are hilarious.

Keep 'em coming.
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Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion spoke with the founder of FEC United, Joe Oltmann, who made a bombshell discovery about a key member of Dominion’s leadership:
Do you really think that flooding the thread with fringe videos somehow strengthens the case for conspiracy and fraud? Look at your sources: Oan, Lifezette, Rumble, Tucker Carlson, and some anonymous substack blurb? There isn’t a serious reputable source among the bunch! Come back to reality and reject fringe sources.
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We just can’t! Those reputable sources you promote have soiled their standing in honest journalism!!!
We just can’t! Those reputable sources you promote have soiled their standing in honest journalism!!!
…says the fringe sources only. They have created an alternate reality where all the trusted sources of news are untrustworthy, and only the fringe sources are trustworthy. Once one buys into the false reality, he has a hard time recognizing reality again, but the false reality is so wonderfully internally consistent. Internal consistency is not a mark of trustworthiness. Fantasy writers, all the way back to Homer and continuing up to J. K. Rowling have shown mastery over this skill of constructing an alternate reality with internal consistency. But it should still strain the limits of credulity that all of the main stream media - together - have become untrustworthy. You would think it would have happened bit by bit over decades, and not all at once just because Trump was elected. Intellectual honesty would demand that those who hold on to the “can’t trust anyone in the mainstream media” idea would try to find at least two or three sources of long-standing high reputation to accuse the rest of them, instead of relying exclusively on these newcomers.
These are great sources, most are pro-life, nobody supporting and enabling the deaths of millions or even backing infanticide with their votes has no standing to be criticizing the credibility of these news agencies to me. Whose judgement is more trustworthy? As always, side with the side that respects the sanctity of life.

Nothing wrong with Dan Bongino and so on. OAN, I know they are wrong sometimes, that is up to each of us to decide.

Rumble seems to be some sort of depository for videos or something. Odd name but it’s okay.

Refute it, don’t just shoot the messenger.
…says the fringe sources only. They have created an alternate reality where all the trusted sources of news are untrustworthy, and only the fringe sources are trustworthy. Once one buys into the false reality, he has a hard time recognizing reality again, but the false reality is so wonderfully internally consistent. Internal consistency is not a mark of trustworthiness. Fantasy writers, all the way back to Homer and continuing up to J. K. Rowling have shown mastery over this skill of constructing an alternate reality with internal consistency. But it should still strain the limits of credulity that all of the main stream media - together - have become untrustworthy. You would think it would have happened bit by bit over decades, and not all at once just because Trump was elected. Intellectual honesty would demand that those who hold on to the “can’t trust anyone in the mainstream media” idea would try to find at least two or three sources of long-standing high reputation to accuse the rest of them, instead of relying exclusively on these newcomers.
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Refute it, don’t just shoot the messenger.
There are too many to refute in that blizzard of commentary, especially since nobody promoting these theories is going to bother to read my refutation. But if you would just select one specific point from one specific source in that posting, I would be happy to give it a go.
Prominent defense attorney Sidney Powell sued Georgia’s top officials late Wednesday, alleging in federal court that the GOP-run state government permitted a massive voter fraud scheme that rigged the Nov. 3 election in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta on behalf of several Georgia residents, electors and Republican Party officials and named Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election board members as defendants.

The 104-page complaint asked the court to issue an injunction “prohibiting the Governor and Secretary of State from transmitting the currently certified results to the Electoral College based on the overwhelming evidence of election tampering.”

“The fraud was executed by many means, but the most fundamentally troubling, insidious, and egregious is the systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘ballot-stuffing,’” Powell’s suit alleged. "It has now been amplified and rendered virtually invisible by computer software created and run by domestic and foreign actors for that very purpose. Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities, as shown by affidavits of multiple witnesses, documentation, and expert testimony evince this scheme across the state of Georgia.

“This scheme and artifice to defraud affected tens of thousands of votes in Georgia alone and ‘rigged’ the election in Georgia for Joe Biden,” the suit added.

This is from the title of the complaint. The typos are not mine. And this is the problem with this group. They don’t pay attention to the details.

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