‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Should Biden take office, I expect to see your celebratory threads when he advances abortion rights, limits religious liberty, and all other assaults on the Catholic Church.

Do you know what happens during an abortion or is it just a watered down word to you?

That is obviously the side you chose and are willing to fight for after all.
Should Biden take office, I expect to see your celebratory threads when he advances abortion rights, limits religious liberty, and all other assaults on the Catholic Church.
I am not a Biden supporter. I wanted Trump out, because he is bad for the country. If the last four years weren’t proof enough, the past two weeks certainly are.
That is obviously the side you chose and are willing to fight for after all.
No, obviously it isn’t. I’m on the side of the Constitution, which I was and am willing to fight for.

These attacks are tedious and predictable.
No, obviously it isn’t. I’m on the side of the Constitution, which I was and am willing to fight for.
And those who are willing to bypass the Constitution to get their way should be careful what they ask for, lest they get it. The Law of Unintended Consequences usually reveals surprises… not all of them pleasant.

CALIFORNIA. 🚨 Meanwhile Republicans are reporting that they are actually LOSING votes in the Golden State. And yes, this election is being run by Dominion. According to the press, * this is fine* 🔻 https://twitter.com/buzzpatterson/status/1329960126455840770

Buzz Patterson @BuzzPatterson

Somehow, my district is still counting votes and I LOST 4,000 votes overnight.

6:33 PM - 20 Nov 2020 848 371

That vote analysis is very disturbing, thousands of votes mailed and returned the same day… Seven thousand were received by the government before they were even mail out. How can that be,
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Beyond any election ballot fraud Pennsylvania could be overturned on Constitutional issues. There were different rules in different districts in violation of equal protection laws (we sure hear a lot about that in other contexts).
I think it is a violation of equal protection when under the SAME laws folks are treated differently. There’s not a violation with a county having different rules. If one county made its votes count for 1.5 votes, then they maybe would have a case.
Don’t believe everything you see on Twitter, or on the Internet in general. Anyone with a computer and a webcam can put up something on the Internet, and if they have a little bit of talent, they can even make it look slick and convincing. One of the skills we need to develop as consumers of information is how to vet said information. Sadly, many people do this by accepting information without question if it supports their world view and rejecting it if it doesn’t. That is the worst possible way to consume information.
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President Donald Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani spoke about the alleged corruption of Dominion Voting Systems Thursday, including within the leadership of the company. And he singled out one of Dominion’s Directors, Eric Coomer.

“Oh and by the way this Coomer character, who is close to Antifa, took off all his social media,” said Giuliani. “But we kept it. We’ve got it. The man is a vicious, vicious man, he wrote horrible things about the President, he is completely biased, he’s completely warped, and, he specifically says that they’re going to fix this election.”

According to a web archive recorded on Nov. 9, Eric Coomer is the Director of Product Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems.

He also owns multiple patents for Dominion’s software and systems.

After allegations against Dominion came out, the company deleted information about its leadership from its website. (see video at link for more)

From Rebel News, Canada:

This pattern of flooding the forum with fringe allegations follows the mistaken Trump principle that if you say something often enough, it becomes true.
I agree that we should evaluate all information put out on the web, be skeptical and thoughtful. It really doesn’t help when people (not you) tell Trump supporters to give up, suck it up and move on all the while belittling and shaming. We are just waiting! Sure it may never have been done before—so many things this year of 2020 have never been done before… we have spent so much time locked down and frightened for our families and our own lives, it just won’t hurt to wait and see! Most of us are prayerful people and we want the very best for our country! We are not unreasonable but when our reason tells us to look here at odd things happening it’s not civil to tell us just move along. Not saying you in particular. I appreciate your take on things because often it is opposite of mine and I try to see all sides!
Wow! Cheating on a major league scale!

Thank you for informing me in this area too.

God bless.

Sadly, many people do this by accepting information without question if it supports their world view and rejecting it if it doesn’t. That is the worst possible way to consume information.
Sadly, many people do this by rejecting information without question if it supports their world view and rejecting it if it doesn’t. That is the worst possible way to consume information.

If you think he is lying, go to the Government website, post it and discredit him.

Easy enough.

As for me?

I saw Trump ahead by about 650,000 votes in PA when they coincidentally suspended the vote count in multiple swing states all at the same time all where President Trump had significant leads.

I SAW it.

When the proverbial lights were turned on in the morning Biden was mystically in the lead virtually across the board.

What if it’s TRUE Leaf?
What if you go to the Government’s website and find out this is true?
Then what?

Are you going to join me in calling for Biden to step aside at least while we get this sorted out?

Is THAT what you are going to do?

Sadly, many people do this by rejecting information without question if it supports their world view and rejecting it if it doesn’t. That is the worst possible way to consume information.
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Judge was an Obama appointee, now, they will try to send it to SCOTUS.
Rudy is starting to sound more like Alex Jones in the construction of his arguments.
Judge was an Obama appointee, now, they will try to send it to SCOTUS.
SCOTUS won’t grant certiorari. There’s no reason. There’s no evidence, there’s no constitutional question.

This is all just wacky conspiracy theories. They used to live in the fringes and now they are being peddled by the President and his minions.
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“It is not in the power of this Court to violate the Constitution,” Judge Matthew Brann of the US District Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania wrote on Saturday in a withering decision, hours after the final round of filings in the case came in. The judge wholeheartedly rejected the Trump campaign’s attempt to throw out the Pennsylvania vote, noting that Biden has won the state and results will be certified by state officials on Monday. Biden has a margin of more than 81,000 votes in the state.

“In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more,” the judge wrote. “At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.”


This was essentially the last major case seeking to throw out or block enough votes that could swing a key state in Trump’s favor, and Brann’s decision on Saturday is at least the 30th loss or withdrawal of a case from the Trump campaign and its allies since Election Day. There have only been two wins in court for Republicans, about very small numbers of votes.
Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL
Oh? Do you see this:

" President Trump’s campaign on Sunday disavowed Sidney Powell, one of his lawyers, after she made wild accusations of Republican governors being involved in a payoff scheme to manipulate voting machines.

Ms. Powell, who had appeared with the Trump campaign at a news conference just last week about his efforts to overturn the results of the election, had been embraced by many of his allies.

The disavowal came a day after a Pennsylvania judge eviscerated arguments that other members of Mr. Trump’s legal teamhad made in court that millions of votes in the state should be invalidated, potentially disenfranchising huge numbers of voters. The president was said to be furious about the judge’s decision.

The extraordinary statement from Rudolph W. Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, two lawyers for Mr. Trump, about a third person who had been involved in their efforts was released Sunday evening.

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” the statement said. “She is not a member of the Trump legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the president in his personal capacity.”"

Beyond any election ballot fraud Pennsylvania could be overturned on Constitutional issues. There were different rules in different districts in violation of equal protection laws (we sure hear a lot about that in other contexts).
The judge disagrees:

"The suit claimed that under Ms. Boockvar’s guidance, the Democratic counties gave voters who had submitted mail-in ballots with minor flaws an opportunity to “cure” or fix them while counties with mostly Republican populations did not alert voters about faulty ballots.

That, according to the Trump campaign, violated the equal protections clause of the United States Constitution.

Judge Brann, a former Pennsylvania Republican Party official and a member of the conservative Federalist Society, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, rejected this argument, likening it to Frankenstein’s monster, which, he noted, had been “haphazardly stitched together.” He ruled that the Trump campaign, lacking standing to make the claim, could not prove that it had suffered any harm if some counties, anticipating a deluge of mail-in ballots, helped their voters to file proper ballots while others did not."

Did you notice that Judge Brann is a Republican appointed by Obama? I don’t think that Trump appointed any Democrats.
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