‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Again, I think when all of those states decided to stop counting at the same time is one of the key events that looks very suspicious.
Your reference prides itself as: “News for Conservatives”.I think you be very wary of its partiality and credence.
Victoria33 . . .
Again, I think when all of those states decided to stop counting at the same time is one of the key events that looks very suspicious.
I saw this (announced) happen the night of the election.

I agree with you.
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Pennsylvania GOP Slams Dominion Systems For Canceling On Giving Testimony​

By Hank Berrien

Nov 20, 2020 DailyWire.com

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

On Friday, Republican members on the State Government Committee slammed Dominion Voting Systems after Dominion company canceled a scheduled appearance to discuss voting irregularities.

The Pennsylvania House Republicans tweeted, “Transparency is key for our election security. Dominion Voting Software is asking us to give them only blind trust. We’re very disappointed in Dominion’s last minute cancelation in today’s hearing.”

Rep. Dawn Keefer later said at a press conference Friday that the GOP members had questions such as, “Were test runs done, conducted before the election? Were they done after the election?” . . .

. . . She added, “How do we know? Does Dominion use open-source software so that observers can go in and see exactly what switches are being turned on and turned off? We don’t know. Moreover, how tightly controlled is the source code, and who has control of that source code?”

Committee member Rep. Seth Grove snapped, “Instead of running towards the light of honesty and integrity, Dominion Voting Systems retreated to the darkness. Why? Why would a vendor of public goods fear discussing their product sold to the public for the public good? If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success?”

Claiming that Dominion had not released any post-election evidence to prove their result were accurate, he queried, “How hard is it to say ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised and they are 100 percent accurate’? … If they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding from us?”

Grove referred to the roughly 1.3 million Pennsylvania voters whose ballots were tabulated by Dominion, claiming that Dominion “has hung you out to dry and slapped you in your faces. … Not only are Pennsylvanians more skeptical, but the actions of Dominion voting systems last night have lent credibility to their accusers’ accusations.” . . .
Beyond any election ballot fraud Pennsylvania could be overturned on Constitutional issues. There were different rules in different districts in violation of equal protection laws (we sure hear a lot about that in other contexts). Also the Pennsylvania Supreme Court illegally changed election laws, while the US Constitution stipulates that it’s the state legislatures that make election law. There is a lot of talk about voter disenfranchisement in other contexts. Here we have massive disenfranchisement, and those usually the most vocal about it are now silent.
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There were different rules in different districts in violation of equal protection laws (we sure hear a lot about that in other contexts).
There was one set of rules. Officials in some Republican counties refused to follow them. The Trump campaign didn’t sue those officials but other counties. The oral arguments were a farce.

If the Trump campaign wishes to pursue this line of argument they need to file suit against the Republican officials in those counties, not try to claim votes from counties that followed the rules should be thrown out.
Also the Pennsylvania Supreme Court illegally changed election laws, while the US Constitution stipulates that it’s the state legislatures that make election law.
The legislature ratified the state constitution, which is what the PA supreme court was interpreting. SCOTUS isn’t going to interfere in a state court’s interpretation of a state constitution.
The PA law states that ballots have to be received by 8pm election day. The PA Supreme Court ruled that the ballots could be received up to three days after the election. The US Constitution gives the state legislatures the power to make election law, not the state courts. That is why Judge Alito ordered the ballots that came in after election day to be set aside for a possible ruling concerning them.
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The PA supreme court was simply applying the voting rights provision of the PA constitution. The legislature wrote/ratified the constitution, if the legislature doesn’t like the court’s interpretation they can change the constitution to clarify the elections rules. SCOTUS as a rule stays out of state courts’ interpretations of state constitutions outside of extraordinary circumstances. Given the fact that if all the votes received after November 3 were tossed the results wouldn’t change I don’t see SCOTUS getting involved.
That’s up to the Supreme Court if it ever gets there. Since Alito ordered the votes set aside there has to be something to the complaint. I agree that those ballots alone most likely wouldn’t change the results. Even if there were enough late votes initially to overturn, the order didn’t come until several days after election day after the late ballots counted until that time were already mixed in with the others. Also there is no guarantee they were all separated even after the order came down.
Her unwavering support and belief in their case is really something in the face of adversity.
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