‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Can finally put this nonsense to rest.
I wish but the conspiracy theorists will likely now say that the court was bought off, and they’ll only listen to the 6-3 Republican Supreme Court. Assuming they’ll agree to hear the appeal.
Trump’s attorneys are making an equal protection argument that, because some Republican counties ignored the election commissioner’s ballot curing guidelines, it was unfair that voters in Democratic counties got to fix their ballots but voters in some Republican counties didn’t. lol
So do you think her driver’s license, social security card, joint bank accounts and passport all refer to her as Mrs James Blalock?

Like her checks come with her name and address as Mrs James Blalock XYZ Street Somewhere GA …and she always signs them with a signature. . Mrs James Blalock?

When her husband was alive and both names were listed it looked like this?

Mr James Blalock
Mrs James Blalock
XYZ Street
Somewhere, GA

I still thank that is weird … and I am pretty sure no government/insurance/financial institution ever issued an ID card or had someone apply using the “married” spouse name. Even back in the day where women were commonly refered to as Mrs Smith in a host of ways - introductions, correspondence etc.

They always had a given name even as they “took on” their husband’s family name
I still thank that is weird … and I am pretty sure no government/insurance/financial institution ever issued an ID card or had someone apply using the “married” spouse name. Even back in the day where women were commonly refered to as Mrs Smith in a host of ways - introductions, correspondence etc
I don’t know about government ID, but I do remember the “Mrs. Husband” convention for a lot of stuff back in the day - including business correspondence.
So do you think her driver’s license, social security card, joint bank accounts and passport all refer to her as Mrs James Blalock?

Like her checks come with her name and address as Mrs James Blalock XYZ Street Somewhere GA …and she always signs them with a signature. . Mrs James Blalock?

When her husband was alive and both names were listed it looked like this?

Mr James Blalock
Mrs James Blalock
XYZ Street
Somewhere, GA
I have no idea the answer to these questions. Regarding her driver’s license. My grandmother would roughly be the same age as this woman if she were to be alive. . And I can tell you she never had a driver’s license. She never learned to drive. My grandfather had the drivers license. They had one car. He drove her everywhere.

It was a different era
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November 17, 2020

Barr’s DOJ Prosecuting Dems ‘Ringing Up’ Votes in Philly​

By John Keller

. . . Mr. William McSwain announced election fraud charges on July 23, 2020 Meyers of
“…conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Pennsylvania primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice.”
It was covered briefly in the national media due to the US Attorney’s press conference – with a traditional lack of reference to the guilty party’s political affiliation because he was a Democrat in a Democratic City, with a Democratic Primary and fraud against Democrat votes. …

“After receiving payments ranging from between $300 to $5,000 per election from Myers, Demuro [Ed: the election judge, also indicted, see below] would add fraudulent votes on the voting machine – also known as ‘ringing up’ votes – for Myers’ [sic] clients and preferred candidates, thereby diluting the value of ballots cast by actual voters. At Myers’ [sic] direction, Demuro would add these fraudulent votes to the totals during Election Day, and then would later falsely certify that the voting machine results were accurate.”

McSwain also brought charges against Domenick DeMuro, the Election Judge in 39th Ward, 26th Division referenced above. McSwain … on May 21, 2020 (emphasis added):
“Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If even one vote is fraudulently rung up, the integrity of that election is compromised. I want the public to know that this investigation is active and ongoing, and my Office is taking every possible step that we can to ensure the integrity of the upcoming primary and general elections in the nine counties of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.”
Note that McSwain has zero tolerance for voter fraud against election integrity.

Multiple years of primaries with regular and provable election interference in Philadelphia of all places. And all during the Trump era in Democrat primaries over multiple years. One of the prosecuting attorneys for DOJ in Philly is (was?) none other than Richard C. Pilger, the now former Director of Elections Crimes Branch, Criminal Division, Public Integrity Section, U.S. Department of Justice. Currently, the DOJ has not indicated Mr. Pilger’s status on these cases. Keeping in mind this instance of two collaborators, let me remind you that Pilger resigned his position in protest last week, but remains with the DOJ in an ironically positioned Public Integrity role.

Pilger, as one of the chief officials for DOJ election fraud, never found any vote fraud according to DOJ records until McSwain came along with the two Philly cases. Pilger found election fraud in the form of illegally moving money around in campaigns and the like, but over a decade and never any vote fraud until McSwain . . .
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So what legal challenge are actually left? The Penn Supreme Court threw out the remaining state law claim. Whatever the Rudy Show was arguing in federal court there seems to have mercifully run its course. I don’t know that there is anything left in PA.

Meanwhile, Michigan is certifying. Trump seems to have decided recounts are not worth it when he has to pay for them, so Wisconsin appears to be done. Georgia’s recount is confirming Biden’s win there. Arizona is done, except for one frivolous suit just filed in Maricopa.

I realize Trump is never going to accede to reality, but when does the rest of his party stop pretending to agree with him?
There seems to be no critical thinking going on. Just cherry-picking from questionable websites for “news” and opinion that fits the desired narrative.

Before I retired, “truth” was what the company wanted you to believe such as “we’re not going to sack anybody”… but they forget to add “today”, before announcing mass layoffs tomorrow or next week… most of us quickly learned how to decode corporate-speak pretty quickly.

Trump and his cronies seem to have adopted the technique very well, and it works on a subset of voters. Same folks who probably think “good I can go out and buy a new car tonight” after the company promises not to sack anyone…
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