‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Rockoh22 . . . .
What votes have been found fraudulent?
All the “dead persons” votes are fraudulent.

Most of the rest of the fraud legally is labelled as “irregularities” until proven in court.
. . . . “In the United States, we allow the jury to hear all the evidence, and that’s what’s happening right now,” he added. “Don’t rush to judgment. It’s important, especially given the fact that so many tens of millions of Americans feel right now disenfranchised.”

“So let’s get the facts in, allow this litigation to run its course just as in Bush v. Gore, it ran for 37 days,” Starr continued.

The fight over the 2000 presidential election in Florida went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and ended when the high court ruled that George W. Bush defeated then-Vice President Al Gore in the state by just 537 votes out of nearly 6 million cast, which was enough to award Bush all of Florida’s electoral votes, sending him to the White House.

Wallace asked Starr, “What is the best single case that you think the Trump legal team has out there and … would it switch enough votes in that one state to overturn the vote count and the electoral vote in that state?”

In response, Starr pointed to Michigan, saying if the lawsuit there is meritorious it “would change over 1 million votes,” adding that the same thing would happen in Georgia.

He noted that “Georgia itself has a state audit underway.”

Starr then cited those two states, as well as the allegations in Pennsylvania and the reported Friday ruling by a California judge that Gov. Gavin Newsom overstepped his authority when he issued an executive order requiring vote-by-mail ballots sent to all registered voters, as reasons why the results of the 2020 election should be checked. . . .
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Remember. It is very uncomfortable for leftists to read news outside of their thought ecosphere because they draw conclusions based upon feelings. Then work backwards.
LOL. Generalize much?

By the way, in the present election isn’t it the “rightists” who knew the conclusion (stolen election through voter fraud) before the election and have been scrambling to find proof but are unable to find any?

So, forget the news wars. In court, the Trump campaign has not had a substantive win. They went zero for nine on Friday alone.
PaulinVA. . . .
By the way, in the present election isn’t it the “rightists” who knew the conclusion (stolen election through voter fraud) before the election and have been scrambling to find proof but are unable to find any?
We knew the cheating was coming because the leftists have been telling us with proverbial bullhorns that they were going to do this for months.

I have been posting those leftist proclamations and actions for months.

PaulinVA . . .
but are unable to find any?

I would suggest you read PaulinVA where PaulinVA at least affirms “everywhere they found something that didn’t add up”. At least from the 2000 election (but human nature hasn’t changed significantly since then).

Here it is again . . . .
Remember 2000? Everywhere the Republican and Democrat lawyers looked, it seemed like they found something that didn’t add up. Clerks were telling us that routinely hundreds or thousands of ballots are tossed out in an election.
Bold mine.
Is it just possible that things that “don’t add up” need to be looked at?

So my suggestion for you PaulinVA is to read PaulinVA at least for starters.
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None have been found to be fraudulent. The dead man’s name was used, in that archaic way , by “Mrs. James Blalock”, his widow.
I guess I’m old now. I still sometimes refer to someone’s other half by their spouses name.


Smokin’ Joe Frazier Among 22 Dead People Who Still Vote In Philly​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

By Ralph Cipriano
for BigTrial.net

Smokin’ Joe Frazier, the city’s most famous boxer, may have died on Nov. 7, 2011. But he still lives on at the polls.

In 2018, according to city records, the former heavyweight champ voted in the general election in his adopted hometown.

On city records that provide a “detailed inquiry” on voters, they got Smokin’ Joe’s birthdate right, Jan. 12, 1944. In a touch of nostalgia, the records also list Frazier’s address as 2917 N. Broad Street. That’s the location of the old Smokin’ Joe’s Gym, the three-story converted brick warehouse where, in the 1970s, Frazier trained for all of three of his championship fights against Muhammed Ali, while living in an apartment on the third floor.

Frazier leads a parade of 22 dead people, who according to city records gathered by Big Trial, miraculously came back to life to vote in past Philadelphia elections. Others on the list that’s been uncovered so far include seven hero cops who died in the line of duty, a murdered community activist, and 11 dead relatives of cops.

The other celebrities on the list to date is Will Smith’s late father, Willard Carroll Smith Sr., who died on Nov. 7, 2016, but still managed to vote in the 2017 and 2018 general elections.

And Anna Henderson, the oldest living person in Pennsylvania, who died on July 1, 2014, at the ripe old age of 114. But, according to city records, she still managed to vote in the 2017 and 2018 general elections, when she would have been 117 and 118 years old respectively.

Going by the brazenness of these examples, it’s a safe bet that there may be more, many more, dead people voting in Philadelphia elections. . . .

Which if course is actually rather weird. Women do not register to vote using their husbands name with a Mrs. in front of it.

Does her driver’s license state her identity as Mrs. James Blalock?
Would she be issued a passport in the name of Mrs. James Blalock?

I have never heard of any woman voter - voting under her deceased husbands name …is that really a thing in Georgia?

Did she voter under her husbands name while he was still living … As in he voted as James Blalock and she voted as Mrs James Blalock? Or did she re-register from her own name to his at some point in time … and how did she prove she was Mrs. James Blalock? I am just guessing here … But I assume it was not with any government issued ID card - Not with her birth certificate, drivers license, social security card [which of course is not supposed to be used as ID the government said back when they created it - that promise did not last long did it 🤔].

So how does one vote under the assumed identity of another with the added title of Mrs?
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Many states do not require re-registering. And many many decades ago, states did not require a birth certificate, marriage certificate, blood test, dna proof, and your first born in order to register to vote.
And it was common to register as Mrs Husbands name and not your own given name …

Also, I am pretty old - I had to prove who I was when I registered to vote. My parents now deceased had to prove who they were when they registered to vote … In fact, when I first voted and for years and years - when we voted in person [Oregon is now all mail] we had to show a precinct card and drivers license or DMV ID card in order to vote on election day and if you voted absentee - you had to go to the courthouse and show the same two documents in order to get your ballot and vote early. When I was in the service - I had to request my ballot and prove I was in the service to get that absentee ballot to mail in.

Women - even back when the Mr. & Mrs was a common thing - did not give up use of their given names … not for getting a drivers license, and in Oregon not for voting and not for opeing up a joint bank account either …
So how does one vote under the assumed identity of another with the added title of Mrs?
To paraphrase Roseanne Roseannadanna: You ask a lot of questions!

Lights out in Pennsylvania:

" President Trump’s campaign on Sunday scrapped a major part of its federal lawsuit challenging the election results in Pennsylvania.

Trump’s attorneys filed a revised version of the lawsuit, removing allegations that election officials violated the Trump campaign’s constitutional rights by limiting the ability of their observers to watch votes being counted.

Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, his personal attorney, have said repeatedly that more than 600,000 votes in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh should be invalidated because of this issue.

Trump’s pared-down lawsuit now focuses on allegations that Republicans were illegally disadvantaged because some Democratic-leaning counties allowed voters to fix errors on their mail ballots. Counties have said this affected only a small number of votes."

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Which if course is actually rather weird. Women do not register to vote using their husbands name with a Mrs. in front of it.
"“Someone used the identity of James Blalock of Covington, Georgia to cast a ballot in last week’s election, even though Blalock died in 2006,” the campaign posted on its website, along with a screenshot of Blalock’s obituary. It added: “These victims of voter fraud deserve justice.”

Trump’s campaign had one thing right. James Blalock is dead.

But he wasn’t the one who voted.

“I knew it wasn’t fraud,” said Mrs. James Blalock, a 96-year-old widow, in an interview with Atlanta’s WXIA-TV on Friday.

Mrs. Blalock, whose first name is Agnes, had chosen to be listed on the voter rolls under her husband’s name — which is now an uncommon practice but is legal. She told WXIA she’d voted for Biden: “I guess I voted against the other one, really.”

Philip A. Johnson, chairman of the board of elections in Newton County, Ga., confirmed that account and called the allegations of Trump’s campaign “shameful.”
Yes . I saw the news days ago and understand that she voted under her husbands name …I am not saying this was not the case at all.

I merely note that it is just weird to do so … I guess in Georgia you can vote under an assumed name …

But hey … its 2020 … you can self identify and anything and everything depending on the hour or the day and change at will - we live in interesting times 🙃 🙂 😜 🤣
oes her driver’s license state her identity as Mrs. James Blalock?
At 96 years of age, I don’t think she drives herself any more.
I have never heard of any woman voter - voting under her deceased husbands name …is that really a thing in Georgia?
As the information on other people voting at the same time as me is private, I don’t know what names they use. But calling someone “Mrs <husband’s name>” is something that I recall observing throughout my life, though not as recently in the past several years. But it comes as no surprise that someone nearly 100 years old has continued in customs other than those that are modern.

I think the custom was intertwined with “Coverture,” which is also an archaic doctrine.
Is it just possible that things that “don’t add up” need to be looked at?

So my suggestion for you PaulinVA is to read PaulinVA at least for starters.
Doesn’t add up isn’t equal to fraud. Doesn’t add up can mean simply that votes get thrown out for being spoiled, for overvoting, whatever. Maybe doesn’t add up was the wrong phrase. Maybe it should be aren’t all counted.

As to @PaulinVA, I’ve been reading his posts here for years, and I find him to sometimes post contradictory things, but overall his posts are well thought out and worthy of a read. It’s been interesting watching him turn from a conservative to an independent with sometimes liberal leanings. He seems to be a thinking person who at least occasionally is able to break out of tribalism and try to get to the truth.
yep … but even a hundred years ago - women known as “Mrs Husband’s name” never totally gave up their given names …

At least that has not been my experience with the widows I have known.

I am pretty sure their parents, siblings and friends continued to call them by the given name

Casual acquaintances may have always referred to them as Mrs “Husband’s Family name”

I am pretty sure when she filed for Social Security on Mr Husbands earnings - that check/deposit comes in her given first name with hubby’s last name. If she ever applied for and got a drivers license or passport - I am positive that it was issued in her own name.

I’ll bet if she filed taxes after he died she filed in her own name.

I would even bet when she goes to the doctor they dont call her James … they may call her Mrs Blalock - but they would know her given name …

I have known a great many widows in my 6 plus decades and while some may have used the Mrs Husband name in formal correspondence - they did not loose their complete identity

WHich is why I said that this case was weird … not that it did not occur . it is just out of the norm … even for a 96 year old
As to @PaulinVA, I’ve been reading his posts here for years, and I find him to sometimes post contradictory things, but overall his posts are well thought out and worthy of a read. It’s been interesting watching him turn from a conservative to an independent with sometimes liberal leanings. He seems to be a thinking person who at least occasionally is able to break out of tribalism and try to get to the truth.
I agree! @PaulinVA is among the people whose expressions I like to read and whose opinion I like to hear. Not because of agreement or disagreement, but I just find his thoughts interesting. When I come across those threads that have hundreds of unread responses, as I scroll to the end I stop on his messages just to see what he had to say on the matter.


yep … but even a hundred years ago - women known as “Mrs Husband’s name” never totally gave up their given names …
Agnes still has her given name. Calling someone by the husband’s name was, at least in my childhood, a formality.
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