‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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That the media accurately projects the winner does not, in fact, provide the media with the power to appoint the title “president-elect”.
Until the process is completed, neither is winner of this race
When have they been wrong? I believe Hillary had some recounts done, but they did not change the outcome.
TMC . . .
O’Keefe may be the least credible person in the US.
I’m sure Planned Parenthood would agree with you.

I of course, utterly disagree.

But why not just deal with the substance?
The original videos are there for you to see.

The leftist mode of operation is to attack people personally and ignore the argument. (Or invent a new argument and defend that equivocation.)

I am not saying YOU are another leftist. But I am saying the media is. And it effects all of us in the way we argue. We all get affected by them to some extent.

I want to invite you to get beyond your ad hominem, and make a real substantial argument.

Or just admit you were victimized by
the outfit with a REAL lack of credibility – The Washington Post.

What they fed you was clearly FAKE news. Yet you are silent on them and attacking the messenger.

I’m not saying you have “Stockholm Syndrome” with the Washington Post (how can I? You have ignored them in their error. Not defended them.)

But I DO want to invite you to put forth a REAL argument.

Or just admit you were victimized by FAKE news.
It happens to all of us.
It happened to me two or three weeks ago here.

As soon as I found out, I posted a retraction. No big deal.

But WaPo clearly was peddling FAKE news. And you fell for it. And you are ignoring any substantive argument against the correction of it choosing instead name-calling (“the least credible person in the US”) to “bolster” your position.

And I think we can get beyond that now. Don’t you?
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Probably sarcasm.

Maybe who has credibility are Catholics who vote for Planned Parenthood. More sarcasm.

Maybe if O’Keefe followed the Democratic agenda and plugged for the aborting of babies in 3rd world countries, then, he’d have credibility with some.
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I stand by my post.
There’s a surprise!
I of course, utterly disagree.
Another big surprise.
The leftist mode of operation is to attack people personally and ignore the argument. (Or invent a new argument and defend that equivocation.)
Well, Trump took ad hominem to heights and frequencies never before experienced in American national politics, and he’s no leftist. Those are facts.

You are free to disagree.
Probably sarcasm.

Maybe who has credibility are Catholics who vote for Planned Parenthood. More sarcasm.

Maybe if O’Keefe followed the Democratic agenda …
Maybe if he adhered to generally acceptable journailistic standards …

You know, things like presenting both sides, seeking comment from those you slam, not playing masquerade, not trying to plant illegal listening devices. Things like that.
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I do not know of a time when an election was not called by the media in recent History and been recanted for the President of the United States.
Just … wow … what did they teach you in school?
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I did say recent history. Times have changed and methods as well.
Recent enough. My grandparents were around then. The surviving one would tell you things haven’t changed that much in terms of reporting. The great uncle who was born in 1925, voted in that election and is still around? Says the same. Sure the technology changes, but there has always been the need to get the scoop and to be right about it. That surely hasn’t changed one bit. So my point stands.
Entirely semantic. Perhaps he is the “President-elect in Waiting” or the “Winner of the Most Electoral Votes, Which Have, However Not Yet Been Officially Cast,” the “WMEVWHHNYBOC” for short.
“Presumptive President-Elect” may work, but I like your acronym better! 😃

There’s a discussion going on among the people that edit Wikipedia on this. If you want to see some pedantic people argue, you can find it here:

Talk:President-elect of the United States - Wikipedia?
Cathoholic (that’d be me) said . . .
Voter fraud on any scale here disenfranchises every other vote.
Then I explained why (you can see that here) because Nepperhan told me my response was illogical (here).

Nepperhan’s response? Ignore my points and instead go to my discussion of leftist actions.

Then have his point culminating in criticism of . . . “Trump”. . . .
Well, Trump took ad hominem . . .
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Flashback: Biden Said Two Months Ago He Would Not Declare Victory Until Election Was Independently Certified​

By Sister Toldjah | Nov 11, 2020 11:00 AM

There are a lot of things Democrats, NeverTrumpers, and the mainstream media have said and done in the aftermath of the election that are just flat out rotten . . .

. . . Among the most rotten of all has been Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden going back on what he said in September about how and when he would declare victory.

During the September presidential debate between Biden and President Trump, the last question moderator Chris Wallace asked both of them was if they would hold off on declaring victory until the election was “independently certified”:
Wallace: “Will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified?”
Trump stated he would be “100% on board” assuming the election was fair and free of fraud. “But if I see 10s of thousands of ballots being manipulated. I can’t go along with that,” he stipulated.

Biden, on the other hand, answered “yes” to the question unequivocally:
Biden: Yes. Here’s the deal, they count the ballots, as you pointed out some of these ballots in some states can’t even be open until Election Day. And if there’s thousands of ballots, it’s gonna take time to do it.


Here’s the deal, the fact is, I will accept it and he will too. Because you know why? Because once the winner is declared, after all the, all the ballots are counted, all the votes are counted, that’ll be the end of it. That’ll be the end of it. . . .
. . . And yet here we are, eight days after Election Day, when not only are votes are still being counted in states where the margin of “victory” is very narrow, but legal challenges are also being vigorously mounted by the Trump campaign against some of these close states, questioning the vote totals and alleging substantial amounts of mail-in ballot fraud.

Instead of waiting for the courts to rule on the impending lawsuits from Trump’s legal team and instead of waiting for official certification of the election results, Joe Biden gave a “victory speech” Saturday night and on Monday proclaimed that “this election is over.”

Biden has, of course, been aided and abetted by a dutiful mainstream media…
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These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.

…this decision cuts the legs out from under claims that Boockvar had any authority via “Guidance” to direct County Boards of Elections to act in any fashion contrary to the explicit provisions of the State’s Election Law. This is a huge issue in the federal court suit filed this past Monday which alleges that the seven named County Boards of Elections were given guidance by Boockvar’s office that they could evade certain aspects of state law with regard to “pre-canvassing” of ballots.
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