‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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November 13, 2020

President Trump achieved a small but significant victory in Pennsylvania​

By Andrea Widburg

Early in October, United States Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh drew a line in the sand, stating that the power to set voting rules within a state rests solely with the state’s Legislature. This means that judges, politicians, and bureaucrats cannot unilaterally alter those rules. On Thursday, Kavanaugh’s statement may have borne fruit, for a Pennsylvania judge held that secretary of state Kathy Boockvar could not authorize 10,000 votes when the voters’ identities were not confirmed.

Back in October, in Andino v. Middleton , the Supreme Court was asked to determine whether a federal district court could use the Wuhan virus as an excuse to change South Carolina election laws. The pre-Barrett, eight-member Court unilaterally, and with minimal comment, reversed the district court’s ruling.

Justice Kavanaugh used the decision to send out a warning to judges across America. He reminded them that the states’ legislatures, which are “politically accountable,” have the sole responsibility for changing election laws, even when there is a pandemic:
It follows that a State legislature’s decision either to keep or to make changes to election rules to address COVID–19 ordinarily “should not be subject to second-guessing by an ‘unelected federal judiciary,’ which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people.”
Ultimately, he said, district courts lack the appropriate accountability to second-guess the Legislature. Therefore, as elections draw near, district courts should not interfere with state election laws . . .
Link-heavy post so it needs two posts.

Pennsylvania Election Fraud: Evidence of Keystone State Chicanery During America’s 2020 Presidential Election​

by ammodotcom

Fri, 11/13/2020

Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the vote is free, fair, and accurate.

Below we explore the details and the data of what happened in Pennsylvania, nicknamed “The Keystone State“, on Election Day. Elsewhere we explore similar efforts in the key swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.

Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania​

Voter turnout was up everywhere. This was expected due to the highly partisan and hotly contested nature of the election. However, there is something worth taking a closer look at in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania — namely the incredibly lopsided impact that mail-in ballots had on the election.

We’re not sure how many mail-in ballots went for Biden in Wisconsin because the data has not been released. However, despite what we were told about how Biden would dominate in mail-in ballots, Pennsylvania is the only place of which we’re aware that this was actually true. Biden tended to be up single digits where he was ahead through mail-in ballots. The only places where Biden enjoyed a significant lead with mail-in balloting was Pennsylvania and Michigan. And, indeed, in the Keystone State, former Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed a 55.7 percent advantage in mail-in ballots.

Such a lead might not be noteworthy if it were not so anomalous and indeed, it is — Michigan, the other state where Biden had a lopsided mail-in ballot victory, had him leading by only 37.9 percent. The next biggest advantage was in Ohio with a comparatively paltry 15.3, the next Arizona at 8.1, with other swing states putting up only single digits.

What’s more, Pennsylvania was another state where vote-counting was paused with the Vote Fairy showing up in the middle of the night to drop obscene amounts of ballots, all marked for former Vice President Joe Biden.

Two examples of such dumps were reported on by left-leaning FiveThirtyEight on their Twitter feed: 23,277 votes came in from Philadelphia, all of them for Biden. 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, which includes Wilkes-Barre, with nearly 4,000 of them for Biden. This was on November 4, the day after the election, when the number of outstanding ballots miraculously increased throughout the day.

1/2 . . .
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2/2 . .

Another vote dump went for Joe Biden by a 92-8 margin, something that might have been plausible in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, but not so much in the United States.

Pennsylvania law does not allow for mail-in ballots to be counted in advance, which is rather convenient for anyone seeking to rig an election. Simply wait for the other side to count their ballots, then fabricate as many as you need to put your candidate slightly over the top.

Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, has stated in the lead up to the election that votes arriving late will be counted and that they don’t even require a postmark to do so.

This means that the “ballots” could be sent at any time, from anywhere in the world, but will count for the purposes of tabulating the final vote. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld this decision, which is a flagrant rewriting of state election law from the bench.

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has found at least two whistleblowers from the United States Postal Service, one of whom was willing to come forward with his real name and work with federal investigators

The whistleblower who came forward with his name is from Pennsylvania and claims that postal workers were instructed to illegally and fraudulently postmark ballots sent after the election so that they could be counted when the ballots arrived.

Philadelphia is known as a bit of a poster child for election fraud in America. As in Michigan, the dead are voting by mail-in ballot. This is nothing new: Joe Frazier “voted” in 2018, while Will Smith’s grandfather voted in both 2017 and 2018. We are already receiving reports that the practice of the dead voting in Philadelphia is, pun intended, alive and well in 2020.

Fully 98,000 people voted for Joe Biden and no one else in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Allegheny County, home of Pittsburgh is home to a rather shocking “irregularity.” Full ballots, with the appropriate markings to be read by machines, were available for download for anyone. There was a similar situation in Bucks County. . . .

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From The Gateway Pundit:
. . . The fix was in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are close to statistically impossible.

On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.

The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden’s 43% the next morning.

The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.

What happened next was corrupt and criminal as the Democrats went about to steal Pennsylvania for Biden.

They took a Trump landslide and they criminally flipped it to Joe Biden.

According to Pennsylvania’s election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state.

The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden’s 1.4 million votes. The President’s votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden’s!

But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.

They just kept counting.

The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania’s constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.

Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President’s 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.

How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here’s why.

When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. . . .,

. . . What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). . . .
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Two examples of such dumps were reported on by left-leaning FiveThirtyEight on their Twitter feed: 23,277 votes came in from Philadelphia, all of them for Biden. 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, which includes Wilkes-Barre, with nearly 4,000 of them for Biden. This was on November 4, the day after the election, when the number of outstanding ballots miraculously increased throughout the day.
Yes, it’s pretty clear. This is very fraudulent.

New Hampshire,

Hand Recount in Windham (Rock Dist. 7) Reveals “Machine” Shorted Every Republican by About 300 Votes​

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I think these kinds of events happen in every election. We’re just hyper focused on it right now.
How often I’ve thought of that Middle East finger being dipped into the ink well!!!
Not until the electoral vote is tallied and the states certify.
The winner is commonly called President-elect, and the transition started, well before the states certify the votes.
PaulinVA . . . .
I think these kinds of events happen in every election.
No. This does not happen “in every election”.
November 14, 2020

Biden’s Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin​

By Dan Rabil

I live in Switzerland and was working at my computer the morning after the U.S. election when I was stunned to see the Fox election map suddenly do something completely unnatural: in a split second between 3 A.M. and 4 A.M. U.S. Central Time, the Wisconsin icon switched from light-red Trump to light-blue Biden. In that same instant, the probability meter, which had been very accurate in 2016, likewise jerked from a 77% Trump likelihood to over 80% Biden. . . .
Biden's Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin World News
November 14, 2020 Biden’s Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin By Dan Rabil I live in Switzerland and was working at my computer the morning after the U.S. election when I was stunned to see the Fox election map suddenly do something completely unnatural: in a split second between 3 A.M. and 4 A.M. U.S. Central Time, the Wisconsin icon switched from light-red Trump to light-blue Biden. In that same instant, the probability meter, which had been very accurate in 2016, likewise jerk…
Philadelphia is known as a bit of a poster child for election fraud in America. As in Michigan, the dead are voting by mail-in ballot. This is nothing new: Joe Frazier “voted” in 2018, while Will Smith’s grandfather voted in both 2017 and 2018. We are already receiving reports that the practice of the dead voting in Philadelphia is, pun intended, alive and well in 2020.

Fully 98,000 people voted for Joe Biden and no one else in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Allegheny County, home of Pittsburgh is home to a rather shocking “irregularity.” Full ballots, with the appropriate markings to be read by machines, were available for download for anyone. There was a similar situation in Bucks County. . . .
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No. This does not happen “in every election”.
Dude, yes they do. Remember 2000? Everywhere the Republican and Democrat lawyers looked, it seemed like they found something that didn’t add up. Clerks were telling us that routinely hundreds or thousands of ballots are tossed out in an election. After a while, the thinking was that this is bad, let’s move on.

So, most jurisdictions went to electronic voting. Ours did, and then reverted to scanned paper ballots after problems with recounts and paper ballots became evident with the totally electronic systems.

Voting is administered by people, using various levels of automation. I think our goal is to get it as right as possible.
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PaulinVA . . .
Dude, yes they do. Remember 2000?
No dude. They don’t.

In 2000 America was not using computer voting machines for example.

There are other examples too of how you are wrong.
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No dude. They don’t.
Yes, unfortunately they do.

2000 in Florida, and, I believe, Arizona was looked at, too.
In 2000 America was not using computer voting machines for example.
I wasn’t saying they were. The electronic voting and counting systems came as a result of 2000. Some jurisdictions abandoned them soon thereafter due to a lack of paper trail for recounts.

Did you know that some states use a voting system that is computer based, but that prints out a ballot that is fed into a scanner? How stupid is that?
There are other examples too of how you are wrong.
Well, I’ve been wrong before. 😀 But, seriously, how much wrongness could I have packed into a three paragraph post, one paragraph of which was recounting an anecdote from my own county?
PaulinVA . . .
But, seriously, how much wrongness could I have packed into a three paragraph post . . .
Just one sweeping comment was all it took.
To the readers here:

Just a few short months ago recall many of the people telling you “voter fraud doesn’t exist”.

Then after the election, it turned into negligible and inconsequential amounts.

Now the message has morphed into (not from PaulIinVA here by the way,
but in your personal conversations) that’s always the way it has been.

We have ALWAYS had voter fraud (which is a truth for sure, but a partial truth. There are new means and magnitudes now. Many of them are being posted here at CAF by me, and others).

There will be more of that posturing publicly as more fraud surfaces too.

Remember. It is very uncomfortable for leftists to read news outside of their thought ecosphere because they draw conclusions based upon feelings. Then work backwards.

So they stay with their leftist “news” buddies.

And social media feeds them too with their ideas and censorship.

This in addition to international election interference by doing this (Remember. @ThinkingSapien, who was right on this point,
has reminded us here at CAF, that the social media GIANTS are International corporations).

So their election interference is particularly inappropriate. It is not mere expression of citizen opinion.
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Ok, I am confused here. I just read that @Nepperhan posted that the only fraud that has been found in all of this, was that one dead man voted. To which another replied that the media went to the persons house, it seems the man was not dead at all.

What votes have been found fraudulent?
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