‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Did I not agree with that … registration to vote, register for a drivers license and so much of life though - are also formal actions one does in their own name …USUALLY

Sheesh … I have been married and not in the new era where couples keep their own names but where the woman [wife] takes the husbands name … so I get it - I have lived that married couple reality

I guess - the alphabet soup of genders will really muddy the voting roles in the future for “couples” who go to vote … in fact we will probably need to come up with a slew of new descriptors for widow/widower … or someone will feel hurt/offended/left-out/discriminated against
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I guess - the alphabet soup of genders will really muddy the voting roles in the future for “couples” who go to vote … in fact we will probably need to come up with a slew of new descriptors for widow/widower … or someone will feel hurt/offended/left-out/discriminated against
I’ve noticed some people use the term “partner” irrespective of gender/sex/sexuality. I associate that term with a gay couple specifically, but that might partially be an age thing.

I did have a manager that wanted people to use the phrase “partner” and other gender neutral terms. Couldn’t do it.

There was a gay couple I knew that got married in secret. They swapped family names. So Bob Smith and John Doe became Bob Doe and John Smith.

I didn’t understand that decision.
PaulinVA . . .
and try to get to the truth.
Well PaulinVA. We both think getting “to the truth” is good which is WHY these “irregularities” need to be investigated.

Biden should withdraw from the race
or join President Trump calling for a full investigation of the many potential vote fraudulent activities.
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Biden should withdraw from the race
or join President Trump calling for a full investigation of the many potential vote fraudulent activities.
I’ve said that Biden needs to form a Predidential Commission to look at voting security and to seek improvements. This would help people have confidence in past, present, and future voting results.

The current brouhaha is just political theater, though. Trump should concede, admit Biden beat him, and start the transition
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The election was more crooked than a dog’s hind-leg. Hopefully, Trump prevails in court.

Affiant Melissa Carone was contracted by Dominion Voting Services to do IT work at the TCF Center for the November 3, 2020 election. Ms. Carone, a Republican, indicated that she “witnessed nothing but fraudulent actions take place” during her time at the TCF Center. Offering generalized statements, Ms. Carone described illegal activity that included, untrained counter tabulating machines that would get jammed four to five times per hour, as well as alleged cover up of loss of vast amounts of data. Ms. Carone indicated she reported her observations to the FBI.

Ms. Carone’s description of the events at the TCF Center does not square with any of the other affidavits. There are no other reports of lost data, or tabulating machines that jammed repeatedly every hour during the count. Neither Republican nor Democratic challengers nor city officials substantiate her version of events. The allegations simply are not credible.
I’m convinced the election was rigged but the clock’s a ticking. Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell can go on TV and claim evidence of software manipulation affecting hundreds of thousands of votes, but until they present it to a court it will be considered hot air.

If the election results stand, as of now in all likelihood they will, we are doomed like the ancients who allowed the Trojan horse to be dragged into the city.
Today’s hearing in the Middle District of Pennsylvania should be interesting.

The lawyers representing Trump from Porter, Wright all withdrew Friday. In their place is some radio host named Marc Scaringi, who practices business law.

This should be interesting. Only the best people.

Edit to add:



“At the end of the day, in my view, the litigation will not work,” the Harrisburg, Pa., lawyer said Nov. 7 on iHeartRadio. “It will not reverse this election.”

Barely a week later, Scaringi is now playing a key role in one piece of that litigation, representing the Trump campaign in what may be its last stand in Pennsylvania — an unlikely lawsuit intended to block the Keystone State from certifying its election results.
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Is this still a thing?

Couples used to be referred to as Mr. and Mrs. (husband’s first name) (husband’s last name).

The wife loses her name altogether and is now the Mrs version of her husband.
Personally, in the true spirit of feminism, I don’t see a problem with it. People should be allowed to go by whatever name they want as long as they aren’t doing it to avoid persucution.

In the spirit of genealogy research, it drives me crazy.
Couples used to be referred to as Mr. and Mrs. (husband’s first name) (husband’s last name).

The wife loses her name altogether and is now the Mrs version of her husband.
Mail that my household receives from our church
Is addressed to us in this manner.
" Mr and Mrs (my husband’s first name) (my husband’s last name)"

I personally like it.

My son’s friends have gotten into the habit of calling me by my first name. I’m not going to lie. I do feel annoyed.

I think in Mrs. Blalock generation, from my understanding.
Mrs James Blalock signifies her marriage to her husban, even as a widow.
If she were to have divorced she would have been referred to as “Mrs Agnes Blalock”
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Have you requested that you be addressed as Mrs. (last name)?
No, and it is something that is my fault for not addressing with these kids.

When I was a kid. My parents taught me to address my friends parents by their title (Mr or Mrs) and surname name.
My parents are babyboomers from southern states. This was ingrained into them and they ingrained it into me. I would never have dreamed of calling my friends parents by their first name.

I have also taught my child the same thing.

But in my generation, I’m a millennial. I don’t think, it occurs to other millennial parents to teach their kids to refer to the parents of their friends using the title “Mr” or “Mrs”
It’s just kind of thought of as:
“Is this still a thing?”

I think Im an odd one for still wanting it to be a thing

But, thinking on it more deeply. I’m the adult and they’re the children so I should just tell these children how to address me.

But, on the flip side of that coin. The parents of these children should have taught their kids how to address their friend’s parents.
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