‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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The field is muddied, that is for sure. But we should just accept this as is with no investigation let alone a resolution?
No one is saying don’t look into what happened and try to do better next time. But as things sit, even if the allegations are true it will not change the result. We can do both- move ahead with the proper certified result, and still look at any failings and try to implement change for the better.
When the law calls for ONLY the state legislature to be making election laws,
but an election official CHANGES those laws unilaterally,
or a judge does so,
or the precinct captains kicking Republican people out,
it leaves you with no recourse but to disqualify all that subset of non-lawful votes (i.e. ones not post marked in time is just one example regarding a plethora of cheating and irregularities that the MSM and Big Social Media is attempting to hide from the American people).
No, disenfranchising millions of people is not the proper result of a handful of allegations of mostly de minimus problems. The courts will deal with these small fry complaints in due course.
Yet I am not aware of one state certifying him yet.
They will in due course. It is not time yet for them to certify. The electors are not selected until December. Which states have said that their reported election results are false?
Honestly, this whole thing feels like a con that Trump is pulling on his followers. No one really believes that any of this will overturn the election. Biden is preparing his transition. Trump is golfing. The rest is gaslighting.
What is Rumble and why do we care?


Judges in the Michigan Court of Claims and the Wayne County Circuit Court have already denied similar requests to stop the counting of Detroit ballots, citing a lack of evidence of wrongdoing.

The city of Detroit, a defendant in the case, rejected the suits as “another belated lawsuit, raising baseless allegations” to shake people’s confidence in the election.

“Like two previous lawsuits, this case is not based upon actual evidence of any election fraud or misconduct, it is based upon various conspiracy theories, which have already been debunked,” said David Fink, the city’s lead lawyer on the case. “We are confident this case, like the others filed last week, will be dismissed.”

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What is Rumble and why do we care?
hehe, I have no idea what Rumble is. However, there are multiple lawsuits going on about the election. Not all will go through, and I personally do not see how can the lawsuits change the results.

That said. Will you accept the results if the courts decide that Trump did in fact win? Oy Vey. I do not know how to feel about that. You?
That said. Will you accept the results if the courts decide that Trump did in fact win? Oy Vey. I do not know how to feel about that. You?
I am a realist. If Trump wins fair and square through the courts you have to go with it. I think most people would think Biden was robbed.

I think I will be President before Trump wins a second term.
Even if the recount goes his way and he gets back Georgia and Pennsylvania he still loses I don’t see the point.
Even if the recount goes his way and he gets back Georgia and Pennsylvania he still loses I don’t see the point.
I guess a man that denies science isn’t terribly interested in math either.
What is Rumble and why do we care?
Looks to be a video sharing site, like YouTube.
Judges in the Michigan Court of Claims and the Wayne County Circuit Court have already denied similar requests to stop the counting of Detroit ballots, citing a lack of evidence of wrongdoing.
This looks like they are just taking the case that already got dismissed and are filing it again.
However, there are multiple lawsuits going on about the election.
The existence of a lawsuit doesn’t imply the merits of a claim. Anyone can file a lawsuit. No evidence needed. But add to this that some of these lawsuits have been put before a judge and the lawyers didn’t have evidence to present, resulting in them being dismissed.
Even if the recount goes his way and he gets back Georgia and Pennsylvania he still loses I don’t see the point.
It’s a PR campaign parading as a legal campaign.
TMC . . . .
No, disenfranchising millions of people is not the proper result of a handful of allegations of mostly de minimus problems.
Voter fraud on any scale here disenfranchises every other vote.

Not looking into this with a microscope (knowing what we know now) would be the disenfranchisement.

Yes there will be “disenfranchisement” either way.
But the fault will be that of the cheats.
Not the non-cheats who are calling for an honest election result.
TMC . . . .
It is not time yet for them to certify.
Then quit calling Biden “President-elect”.

(I am not talking to you personally here TMC, I am just telling America to quit this pretend labeling of Biden as “President-elect”.)
Voter fraud on any scale here disenfranchises every other vote.
How do you figure? If 150 million people vote, and two of those vote are fraudulent, you would throw out the other 149,999,998? There has to be proportionality in any proposed remedy. Of course first there has to be evidence of some actual problem, which has yet to be seen.
Then quit calling Biden “President-elect”.
:shrug Biden won. Whether he gets called “President-elect” now, or when the states certify, or when the electoral college votes - doesn’t really matter to me. Technically, it is probably only correct after the electoral college votes, but that is only going to require the passage of time at this point.
Because your figures are invented that’s how.

Think about it.

You have a precinct that did not lawfully allow ballot count oversight.

How is that 150 million people?

This investigation is the right thing to do.

Frankly it is long overdue.
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