‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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You definitely didn’t read it.
Absolutely did. The observer part is really not going anywhere. The other stuff has a few interesting allegations, but I don’t see tens of thousands of votes being tossed on these kinds of allegations. This is just an attempt to prevent timely certification - they can’t really expect to win on this.
Sounds frivolous since Trump is the declared winner
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I want to know as any illegal votes (and it is obvious there are SOME illegal votes) cancels out a legal vote.
There are probably some number of illegal or improper ballots cast in almost every election - whether by mistake or otherwise. The problem the GOP has is they seem to be saying that they think that some of the vote in this big pile of ballots are probably not proper votes - so let’s just throw them all out. No court is going to do that.
There are probably some number of illegal or improper ballots cast in almost every election - whether by mistake or otherwise. The problem the GOP has is they seem to be saying that they think that some of the vote in this big pile of ballots are probably not proper votes - so let’s just throw them all out. No court is going to do that.
The field is muddied, that is for sure. But we should just accept this as is with no investigation let alone a resolution?
TMC . . .
The problem the GOP has is they seem to be saying that they think that some of the vote in this big pile of ballots are probably not proper votes - so let’s just throw them all out. No court is going to do that.
Think about that TMC.

When the law calls for ONLY the state legislature to be making election laws,
but an election official CHANGES those laws unilaterally,
or a judge does so,
or the precinct captains kicking Republican people out,
it leaves you with no recourse but to disqualify all that subset of non-lawful votes (i.e. ones not post marked in time is just one example regarding a plethora of cheating and irregularities that the MSM and Big Social Media is attempting to hide from the American people).

That is not Trump’s fault.

That is the faults of the democrat activists that used corona virus, and misused their positions of power to autocratically impose their will in many instances.

It doesn’t leave you with a lot of other options.
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What did “Snopes” tell us to think about the instances where
you could see Trump losing votes in real time,
while Biden gained votes in real time

Was what everyone could see false too?
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There are a lot of FAKE news outfits referring to Biden as “President-elect”.

Yet I am not aware of one state certifying him yet.

Just a week ago the national leftist leaders and the media were telling us how important it is to count all the votes.

Now that they think they have the result that they want, and before all the (legal votes) are definitively counted, they are telling us that we need to move on.

Their words were saying “count all the votes”.
Their actions are saying "we want power, no matter how we get it."
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There are a lot of FAKE news outfits referring to Biden as “President-elect”.

Yet I am not aware of one state certifying him yet.
4 years ago the same was true.
There are a lot of news outfits referring to Trump as “President-elect”.

Yet I am not aware of one state certifying him yet.
Had to remove the “FAKE” part. Trump invented that.
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When the US Constitution calls for ONLY the state legislature to be making election laws,
but an election official CHANGES those laws unilaterally,
or a judge does so,
or the precinct captains kicking Republican people out,
it leaves you with no recourse but to disqualify all that subset of non-lawful votes
Fixed that for you.
RidgeSprinter . . .
4 years ago the same was true.
This is wrong.

You link me to one instance four years ago where
you saw Hillary losing votes,
while Trump simultaneously gained votes.

You link me to one instance four years ago where
you saw Trump precinct captains,
kicking out Hillary people while votes were being counted.

You link me to one instance four years ago where
you saw a suspension of counting in a multitude of states
all coincidently at the same time,
where Hillary was winning in each instance,
then the next morning when counts “resumed”
either Trump was ahead or significantly closed the gap.

What you saw four years ago was Trump winning probably in spite of some of this stuff against him.

Then the democrats caught off guard invented the Russian collusion hoax
which dovetailed nicely with their illegal campaign spying information that they misused their Government positions of authority for and nobody ended up behind bars for this leftist abuse of power (although many SHOULD have).

This election is trying to be stolen from President Trump alright. We will have to wait to see if this theft is “successful”.
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RidgeSprinter . . .
You accepted Trump as the winner before one single state certified him? Yes or No?
I don’t know. I can’t recall and I am not going to bother to look it up.

I do know Hillary conceded the next morning after the election so it was irrelevant this far out from the election.
What did “Snopes” tell us to think about the instances where
you could see Trump losing votes in real time,
while Biden gained votes in real time
You seem to be confusing a news outlet showing us vote totals and real vote totals.

Also, as an elections group is counting, they might find an anomaly or something that went wrong and fix it. It might look bad, but they are just doing their job.

Have the Republicans found massive fraud to overturn the election? A week later it seems the answer is no.
It won’t matter Anonkun. I wouldn’t bite, but it is your call.

This Snopes discussion has been had before. (But you are right-on. Snopes likes to change a premise, then easily “defend” against that new invented point.)

PaulinVA. Why not begin a thread on “Snopes” so you can assert what you think they dish out to the American people there?
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PaulinVA. Why not begin a thread on “Snopes” so you can assert what you think they dish out to the American people there?
No need at all. Anonkun made an assertion. I disproved it. If he wants to try to prove his assertion, he may. Else, I’ll assume it’s unsupportable.
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