‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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The state court followed the law and constitution as written by the legislature. If Pennsylvania Republicans are upset about it they should change the law and constitution.
The state court found a conflict between the state constitution and the legislation. To be fair, there is a legitimate dispute over that issue. My view is that the state court’s interpretation of its own constitution should control, but the USSC may disagree. Regardless, we are talking about a few late received ballots, not an amount that will change anything. We don’t even know that the late received ballots are even included in the current count.
My view is that the state court’s interpretation of its own constitution should control, but the USSC may disagree.
It’s not just your view, SCOTUS rarely intervenes in state court interpretations of state constitutions.
It’s not just your view, SCOTUS rarely intervenes in state court interpretations of state constitutions.
Then you should have no objection whatsoever to letting this dispute play out nor should you object to the USSC making a determination one way or the other.
I don’t have any objection to letting it play out, I just tend to criticize people who waste time and public money.
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Oh you mean like the Dems and their phony Russian hoax and baseless impeachment.? Talk about a waste of time and taxpayer money!
The Republican National Committee and Trump campaign on Saturday announced a new lawsuit filed in Arizona over allegations that Maricopa County “incorrectly rejected votes cast by in-person voters on Election Day.”

According to the lawsuit, the tabulation machine alerted voters to “facial irregularities in their ballot” and specifically mentions “ink ‘bleeds,’ splotches, stray marks” as the cause for ballots to be considered “spoiled.”

Instead of allowing voters to correct the issue, poll workers allegedly pressed voters to click a green button to override the vote. The override allegedly disregarded the person’s selections.

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,” Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign general counsel, said in a statement. “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”

The Trump campaign said they have collected declarations from voters who witnessed the problem and believe this was a widespread, large scale issue throughout Maricopa County, the state’s largest county.

Both the RNC and the Trump campaign are asking for a review of the overvotes, which they say could be critical in the outcome of the presidential election.

“Arizona law requires that putative overvotes be subjected to further review in an effort to discern the actual intent of the voter,” the lawsuit stated. “While this safeguard was afforded to putative overvotes cast on early ballots and on Election Day ballots that poll workers properly segregated in a separate repository, potentially thousands of voters across Maricopa County have been disenfranchised by systematic improper tabulator overrides.”
Update on the “software glitch”

Whether or not this was a glitch should be investigated, especially when it comes down to swing states. Areas in which this system was used should have a hand recount so voters know their votes were tabulated correctly. A glitch in one county is probable. A glitch in multiple counties in multiple states sounds like it could potentially be a bigger systemic problem.
It’s not just your view, SCOTUS rarely intervenes in state court interpretations of state constitutions.
True. It is a bit of an odd situation, though, given the potential conflict between the state and federal constitutions. Regardless, however academically interesting it may be, it won’t effect the outcome.
According to the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, several election irregularities in Pennsylvania require urgent attention and necessitate an audit of the state’s election results.
  1. Partisan Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unilaterally extended the deadline to receive late ballots and mandated that ballots without a postmark would be presumed to be timely.
a. This unconstitutional decision occurred just weeks before the November 3rd election and created chaos and confusion across Pennsylvania.

b. Democrats on the court unilaterally bypassed the state legislature, which is vested authority over state elections by the U.S. Constitution.
  1. Pennsylvania’s Democrat Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, directed county officials to accept absentee and mail ballots even if the signatures on the ballot did not match.
a. Her last-minute decision goes against long-standing Pennsylvania law and ignores one of the most basic tools to fight election fraud.

b. Boockvar has repeatedly expressed her dislike for President Trump and her desire to remove him from office on social media.
  1. Democrat election officials in largely populated Democrat-run counties allowed some voters to “cure” potential “defects” on their ballots.
a. However, not all counties were permitted to “cure” ballots prior to the election, raising equal protection concerns that voters from different counties were treated differently.
  1. Poll watchers across Pennsylvania were denied the opportunity to meaningfully observe the vote count.
a. Watching the vote count ensures transparency, fairness, and accuracy.

b. Denying poll watchers access raises the suspicion that Democrat-run officials had something to hide.
  1. An unprecedented 100,500 provisional ballots were issued across the state of Pennsylvania.
a. It is extremely rare to issue provisional ballots on such a large scale.

b. Officials must be sure that provisional ballots were not issued to people who had already turned in their absentee or mail-in ballot.
On Friday, the Supreme Court ordered Pennsylvania election boards to separately count mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day.

I think I heard PA. defied 2 US Supreme Court orders on this.
ThinkingSapien . . .
As I’m seeing similar warnings on election memes, I’m thinking these may be automated and not an indication of dislike.
If you think they are automated,
WHY do you think when mainstream “news” outfits
rarely report the same story, THEY are NOT having warnings
plastered on THEIR stories??
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To the readers here.

Social media Giants are attempting to discredit these stories, or even silence them altogether.

They are in essence feeding you propaganda,
that these true alternative news stories regarding these widespread voter irregularities are false.
Or at least suspect to the point of “warnings” issued.

Or when the social media Giants censor the stories (both censorship and “warnings” have occurred with these stories and very little of this is being reported by the mainstream media) altogether, that too is a form of propaganda.

Remember. The GIANTS want you to think these stories either are meritless, or do not exist.

Remember that as in a few weeks (or sooner) when some of these issues are being heard by the Supreme Court.

You should think to yourself . . .
Oh yeah. The stories if they were “meritless”, or “non-existent”,
would not be before the Supreme Court right now if they REALLY were “non-existent” and/or “meritless”. Hmmm.

WHY did the social media GIANTS and the mainstream “news” outlets, tell me by their actions these serious irregularities were “not happening” or were so “meritless” they deserved a “warning” (when the Supreme Court says there IS enough evidence to at least hear the case(s))??
Remember always what the mainstream media, social media GIANTS, and even some fellow-Americans did to you.

Realize that, and always recall that when dealing with these same outfits and/or people.

Remember how they re-define truth to come into conformity with their emotions instead of the other way around. A define your own reality paradigm to a certain extent.

Remember it well.
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I don’t think that . . . preoccupation . . . about election fraud helps any of us.

Trump lost – . . . people need to . . . deal with it.
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RidgeSprinter (on the Presidential election this year) . . .
I double dog dare them to deal with it.
Hold it! Wait a minute.

What ever happened to “count every vote”??

Ya mean they didn’t really mean it??!
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