‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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As far as PA goes, it ain’t over. The US Supreme Court’s Alito just signed this order yesterday. But of course, absolutely no coverage anywhere. The media need to stop gaslighting us.

A quote from the SC’s order (emphasis mine):
All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the following guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1, namely, (1) that all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified. The application received today also informs the Court that neither the applicant nor the Secretary has been able to verify that all boards are complying with the Secretary’s guidance, which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on them. I am immediately referring this application to the Conference and direct that any response be filed as soon as possible but in any event no later than 2 p.m. tomorrow, November 7, 2020.
From a commentator:
The Supreme Court tends to be understated. For those of you who aren’t familiar with how they speak, when an opinion says, “Not all boards are complying with the Secretary’s guidance… which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on them,” those are fighting words.
In other words, Justice Alito is calling them on the carpet to prove that they did follow the order or explain why they ignored it. Or further, explain why the order was not legally binding on them.

This is going to be interesting. How far will the machinery in PA go to defy the US SC?
The media and others need to stop with the gaslighting,if you get my drift.I include one of my daughters in this statement as well🙄
As far as PA goes, it ain’t over. The US Supreme Court’s Alito just signed this order yesterday. But of course, absolutely no coverage anywhere. The media need to stop gaslighting us.
You understand that if the Republicans get their way in this case and the maybe 5000 late votes were invalidated, and assuming those votes were 100% for Biden, Biden would currently be leading in Pennsylvania by 32,000 votes instead of 37,000 votes, right?
In other words, Justice Alito is calling them on the carpet to prove that they did follow the order or explain why they ignored it.
Alito’s order only makes obligatory what they say they are already doing. Regardless, it only applies to mail-in ballots received on Wed, Thurs or Fri. The dispute is whether those ballots should be counted, but that is a pretty small number, much too small to change the outcome.
You understand that if the Republicans get their way in this case and the maybe 5000 late votes were invalidated, and assuming those votes were 100% for Biden, Biden would currently be leading in Pennsylvania by 32,000 votes instead of 37,000 votes, right?
Yes, but also, both of the two most senior Republican elected officials in Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania’s GOP US Senator have all said there is no reason to believe there is any fraud. They are in a position to know, and have every reason to call it out if there were fraud. Any claim of fraud requires evidence, but all we have is claims - no evidence.
There is no evidence of this. I would stipulate that maybe 100 votes are in this category. Not enough to sway the election.

I see the statement by this guy as simply being a good Republican troop and spouting the party line.
The Republicans are not the party with a direct lineage to the Klan.

Republicans are not the party supporting abortion law that devastates minority communities.
It is utterly dishonest when thousands of votes pour in all for the same candidate (not to mention the media, social media and Hollywood lending support to all of this terrible self-destructive scourge we are bringing upon ourselves here).
Biden told folks to vote by mail. Trump told people not to vote by mail.

Then people are surprised when the vast majority of mail-in votes are for Biden?
The Republicans are not the party with a direct lineage to the Klan.

Republicans are not the party supporting abortion law that devastates minority communities.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.
You understand that if the Republicans get their way in this case and the maybe 5000 late votes were invalidated, and assuming those votes were 100% for Biden, Biden would currently be leading in Pennsylvania by 32,000 votes instead of 37,000 votes, right?
Alito’s order only makes obligatory what they say they are already doing. Regardless, it only applies to mail-in ballots received on Wed, Thurs or Fri. The dispute is whether those ballots should be counted, but that is a pretty small number, much too small to change the outcome.
Neither of you bothered to actually understand Alito’s order. Allow me to call your attention to the crucial quote that I bolded in my previous post (emphasis mine):
The application received today also informs the Court that neither the applicant nor the Secretary has been able to verify that all boards are complying with the Secretary’s guidance
In other words, neither side has confirmed that all the county boards actually complied with the Secretary’s guidance. If some counties did not, then they were in violation. If those counties allege that the order was not legally binding on them, then they will have to justify that reasoning.

If the late ballots were commingled with the rest in a given county in violation of the order, then how does anyone know the actual count of late ballots in that county? @Balto1 says 5000 total for the state, but how do you know that? There could be a lot more than that. If a given county is found in violation of the order, what is the remedy if the late ballots are going to be tossed? I should think the only thing fair thing they can do is conduct a revote in that county. If the Biden votes in that county are as legit as is alleged, then the Democrats shouldn’t have an issue with conducting a new (and monitored) vote in that county.

There is too much to sort here before we can say anything final about the PA vote.
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If the Biden votes in that county are as legit as is alleged, then the Democrats shouldn’t have an issue with conducting a new (and monitored) vote in that county.
Sorry, the state legislature sets the date of the election. It would be a violation of the Constitution to strip them of this authority to try and have a do-over election just because you don’t like the results.
Neither of you bothered to actually understand Alito’s order. Allow me to call your attention to the crucial quote that I bolded in my previous post (emphasis mine):
Yes, I completely understand Alito’s order and I accurately described it. It merely requires that mail ballots received on Wed, Thurs or Fri be segregated. They can be counted, but must be segregated as they are subject to a potential challenge. Even if the GOP wins that challenge (which they might), there are not enough ballots involved to change the outcome.

Do you have some different understanding of Alito’s order - if so what is it?
f a given county is found in violation of the order, what is the remedy if the late ballots are going to be tossed? I should think the only thing fair thing they can do is conduct a revote in that county.
This is ridiculous and betrays a gross misunderstanding of election law. If the late ballots are ruled ineligible, they won’t be counted. That is the only remedy needed. It won’t change the outcome.
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Sorry, the state legislature sets the date of the election. It would be a violation of the Constitution to strip them of this authority to try and have a do-over election just because you don’t like the results.
Correction: the state legislature set the original deadline for the votes to be accepted. It was the state court that rewrote that law to change the deadline. And it was the state secretary’s guidance that in light of the controversy over the state court’s decision, the late ballots should be kept separated from the rest until the legal issues were decided. What part of that do you not understand?
It was the state court that rewrote that law to change the deadline.
The state court followed the law and constitution as written by the legislature. If Pennsylvania Republicans are upset about it they should change the law and constitution.
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