‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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All this calling this state and calling that state amounts to nothing. It’s not up to the media especially with counting still taking place, recounts in several states, and multiple law suits. Until the states certify the votes there’s no president elect regardless of what any media outlet says.
They haven’t called North Carolina either, where Trump is clearly in the lead. Your point is?
To the readers here.

Social media Giants are attempting to discredit these stories, or even silence them altogether.

They are in essence feeding you propaganda,
that these true alternative news stories regarding these widespread voter irregularities are false.
Or at least suspect to the point of “warnings” issued.

Or when the social media Giants censor the stories (both censorship and “warnings” have occurred with these stories and very little of this is being reported by the mainstream media) altogether, that too is a form of propaganda.

Remember. The GIANTS want you to think these stories either are meritless, or do not exist.
If a social media outfit places a warning about the veracity of a post claiming the Loch Ness monster exists, is this evidence that Nessie actually does exist?
Random question. Did you vote one time or a couple hundred?
Here is political satirist Mark Dice with some footage on this (and related) voter irregularities/fraud subject.

It Hasn't Stopped!
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You won’t believe what they’re doing in Pennsylvania | Rep. speaks out​


•Nov 9, 2020



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Newsmax TV

839K subscribers

PENNSYLVANIA: Congressman Guy Reschenthaler comments on what he’s seen at voting locations and in ballot counting processes in the days following the presidential election, and what he feels should be done to stop and correct it. - with Newsmax TV’s Shaun Kraisman


Rod Blagojevich: Democrats have been stealing votes for years​


Nov 6, 2020

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Newsmax TV

839K subscribers

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich comments on the contested results across several key states in the presidential election match-up between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and the ‘schemes’ he believes are going on at voting sites. - with Newsmax TV’s Rob Schmitt

ANOTHER “GLITCH” – Trump Loses 32,615 Votes in Pennsylvania In One Hour in AP Totals​

By Jim Hoft
Published November 9, 2020 at 10:14pm

The “glitches” keep adding up — and for some strange reason THEY ALWAYS benefit Democrarats.

That’s weird?

It looks like there was at least one “glitch” in the Pennsylvania counting.

A reader from Gateway Pundit sent us this screenshots from November 5th as Republicans were locked out of the ballot counting center in Philadelphia and Joe Biden was gained over ONE MILLION votes on President Trump in two days.

TRENDING: HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training – OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

According to our reader:
My friend was looking at PA election results on the Associated Press and as you can see from the screenshots and time stamps Trump loses votes between each picture while Biden gains votes.

Also you can see how the reporting percentage dropped from 89% to 87%
This is what they found out.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

If you examine the screengrabs closely, at 7:31 Trump has 3,177,086 votes.

Then by 8:38 Trump has 3,144,471 votes.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Trump lost 32,615 votes in an hour while Joe Biden continued to increase his votes.

Also you can see how the reporting percentage dropped from 89% to 87%.

How does this happen? . . . .
November 9, 2020 | Clip Of RNC Chair McDaniel and White House Press Secretary McEnany News Conference

Trump Campaign Files Additional Lawsuits Over Pennsylvania Vote Count​

General Counsel for the Trump Campaign Matt Morgan announces two additional lawsuits in Pennsylvania, alleging election officials impeded observers’ access to the counting of ballots and adopted different standards to those required under law for the handling of ballots.

Trump Campaign Files Additional Lawsuits Over Pennsylvania Vote Count | C-SPAN.org
Here’s a link to the PDF of the actual lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign yesterday in PA. Serious allegations but we keep being gaslit that there is nothing there?

105 pages. The really interesting stuff begins on page 29 with a recounting of the history of mail-in ballots in PA going back to 1957 and concluding some pages later with the discussion of Act 77 that was passed by the PA legislature in 2019. As one will see, it wasn’t just the PA Supreme Court that rewrote a portion of that law, it was also the PA Secretary of State, an avowed anti-Trump member of the PA executive branch and hence not part of the PA legislature who issued orders that countermanded Act 77 provisions. Can stop reading at page 84, stuff that follows is just procedural and process serving items.

Let’s put it this way: it’s a real mess, the allegations are serious and the case will have to be heard.
A lot of dirt being thrown in the air, but what in there would change the outcome? I don’t see anything.
Trump lost 32,615 votes in an hour while Joe Biden continued to increase his votes.

Also you can see how the reporting percentage dropped from 89% to 87%.

How does this happen? . . . .
So, let me get what you are trying to say.

The AP (and other news organizations) can’t call an election for a specific candidate, you have to wait for the State to certify the election. BUT,BUT, you can use the AP to show that there are shenanigans. Maybe it’s just an AP problem. Maybe it’s made up.

Either the AP is official or it isn’t.

It isn’t.
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TMC . . .
A lot of dirt being thrown in the air, but what in there would change the outcome? I don’t see anything.
You may very well be right here TMC.

I want to know as any illegal votes (and it is obvious there are SOME illegal votes) cancels out a legal vote.

It disenfranchises Americans.

The other thing is, the putting of all this out, MAY help give America meaningful election reform.

Not the kind of “election reform” Pelosi is calling for (the “California-ization” of the whole country) but real meaningful election reform.

An OLV-OLV (One legal voter, one legal vote) movement would result in drastic changes for the better in this country in my opinion.

The last benefit is, this puts current politicians on notice.

Things need to change and will change. Bad politicians may find it easier to lose elections where people overseeing voting are all being sent home at the same time (perhaps they won’t leave the voting oversight areas so easily next time. Some were never allowed in, in the first place it sounds like.)

We can get rid of online electronic voting machines too.

We can get rid of electronic voting altogether.

I am hoping much good comes out of this.

It may not change the final outcome (because the breadth and degree of cheating will be difficult to assess) but it will be good for the country.

One final benefit.

The left is going to try to arrest, perp-walk, and silence Donald Trump if they ever get the White House back.

That has been evident to me for years. And I have been saying that here on CAF for years.

Trump out if office may actually have enormous influence. A lot if America has been “red-pilled” over the last several years and are sick of the shenanigans. Media trust is at an all-time low (they have done that against themselves).

Big Tech will join in to silence him. Trump will lose his Twitter account virtually immediately. They may not wait for him to be out of office.

I don’t know how Trump would deal with that, but he will. Parler is not going to do it (Twitter or one of the others will just buy them out likely).

There are still some dicey issues, but either way, Trump is not going silent.

At this point it is a given. The left HAS TO rid themselves of the Trump threat.

My guess is, the left continues to (mis)use the legal system to hurt President Trump (as they have been the last four years) to do this. We’ve all seen the threats against President Trump’s life. Heaven forbid that ever happens, but much of the left would clearly rejoice. Some have already said that.

A true sign of a banana Republic. (Which is what the left wants.)
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