‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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If election fraud or some other significant issue creates problems for the state, it can withhold submission of electors until the issue is rectified.
47 states and DC have now certified their electors. Only Montana, Hawaii, and NJ haven’t (but will Monday or Tuesday).

The Electoral College votes on Monday, December 14.

Rudy might want to speed up those SCOTUS appeals.
DeKalb cannot even find its chain of custody records, but the SofS in Michigan and Pennsylvania can turn over personal voting records to far left activist groups.

Why would they do that? Ask yourself that question until you arrive at a sufficiently reasonable answer.

Let me suggest for starters that it would help those groups identify voters not likely to vote in this election so fraudulent ballots masquerading as “mail-ins” could be submitted with less likelihood of being questioned by actual voters.
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That’s right, GA doesn’t know where their chain of custody is…

Rudy came down with COVID.

Jenna or someone will take charge I guess, prayers for them.
Justice Alito just moved the Pennsylvania case to Dec 8.
Good. The sooner we settle this the better for the nation.
DeKalb cannot even find its chain of custody records, but the SofS in Michigan and Pennsylvania can turn over personal voting records to far left activist groups.
All this is is far right groups making allegations by quoting other far-right groups and their allegations, as if they were authoritative. The reason these cases are all being thrown out is that none of these allegations have any substance beyond what other far-right groups say. That is circular. Just once I would like to see some evidence quoted that does not involve some far right group as the messenger.
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All this is is far right groups making allegations by quoting other far-right groups and their allegations, as if they were authoritative.
And the far right groups would have far less to squawk about if those in power and controlling the election process weren’t so lacking in transparency.

I noticed you haven’t commented on the SofSs in PA and MI turning over the private voter information to far left activists.

And another case of questionable election spending to tweak outcomes…

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It’s not over…
I’ll see your 100 sample ballots and raise you 1500…
What is not being said, (although I am still confirming this information) is that 11% of those ballots did not have matching signatures. That is significant when extrapolated across all the mail in ballots.
Just once I would like to see some evidence quoted that does not involve some far right group as the messenger
As an aside: re: a defund the police thread from a couple months back where you spoke highly of social workers being trained to defuse situations…

…got any comment on the social worker in Seattle who was stabbed to death by a client she was working with on the same day the Seattle city council were voting on defunding law enforcement and initiating a more “socially conscious” program?

And the far right groups would have far less to squawk about if those in power and controlling the election process weren’t so lacking in transparency.
Yes the poor far right, just fighting for the little guy.
I noticed you haven’t commented on the SofSs in PA and MI turning over the private voter information to far left activists.
Probably because no one has presented evidence that wasn’t served up by right-wing media that such a thing happened. I only comment about what I know to be true - not what someone alleges is true.
Just once I would like to see some evidence quoted that does not involve some far right group as the messenger
As an aside: re: a defund the police thread from a couple months back where you spoke highly of social workers being trained to defuse situations…

…got any comment on the social worker in Seattle who was stabbed to death by a client she was working with on the same day the Seattle city council were voting on defunding law enforcement and initiating a more “socially conscious” program?
Yes. It is unwise to base policy on the exceptional case.
And never ever claiming that they are the victims in their fight for said little guy.
And never ever claiming that they are the victims in their fight for said little guy.
Actually SallyButler I am doing this as a favor for you, @StudentMI and others.

When you fight against freedom, you are just hurting yourself in my opinion.

If you read the CCC 675-677 and prayerfully meditate on it, you will see the implicit warnings about too much trust in political deliverance.

What you do with those gifts that we are given in the CCC, is between you and God.
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Actually SallyButler I am doing this as a favor for you, @StudentMI and others.

When you fight against freedom, you are just hurting yourself in my opinion.
I think one can fight for freedom without aligning with the far right, my friend.
If you read the CCC 675-677 and prayerfully meditate on it, you will see the implicit warnings about too much trust in political deliverance.
Now that his administration (and CAF) is winding down what’s your estimate for the total number of pro-Trump/Republican threads you posted?
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Balto1 . . .
Now that his administration (and CAF) is winding down what’s your estimate for the total number of pro-Trump/Republican threads you posted?
If you think I post that for “me” or political gain for “me” you’re wrong. (I did you a favor with that.)
Christians Aren’t In Existential Despair If Biden Won, Because Government Isn’t Our God World News
My apologies. I was so pleased to see your thread that I was expressing my gratitude. You, like St. Paul, are being a peacemaker, focusing not on idols but on the center of our faith. Excellent article. Do you see how the words from the letter to the Galatians fits right in to this topic?
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We have a duty to defend the right to life, womb to tomb, cradle to grave.

Back to the election, I don’t put much credence in the map but it is remotely possible.

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