‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Back to the election, I don’t put much credence in the map but it is remotely possible.

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California red in 2020? Wow, that is wishful thinking.

Reminds me of that Absut advertisement for the Mexican market.

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Some democrats have also voiced concern of events that happened on election night! Just people concerned about the truth!
Some may indeed have been taken in by the storm of right-wing allegations. But how many, really?
Right-wing allegations? There are thousands of affidavits, that’s valid evidence in a court of law along with many other types of evidence, including video.

This terminology is just demonizing others and I think in lieu of a valid argument, it’s sort of name-calling.

But if one’s moral compass have them supporting a party that in many cases, most, condones evils like infanticide, what can one expect?
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That dog don’t hunt.

Trump leading in most battleground states under scrutiny when the polls closed and ballots of mail in votes came in between 3-6:30 in the morning.

Nobody should be called names because they want transparency.
Some may indeed have been taken in by the storm of right-wing allegations. But how many, really?
Right-wing allegations? There are thousands of affidavits, that’s valid evidence in a court of law along with many other types of evidence, including video.
Are you sure? Show me the evidence without it being served up by a right-wing media source.
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Republicans or right-wingers have nothing to apologize for. Democrats have their history, they have horrible ugly demographics in the present day hurting minorities. I think it’s totally disgraceful to impugn the integrity of others. It’s not Republican strongholds but Democratic strongholds that went up in smoke this past summer. It’s pretty disgraceful one would run with the Democratic party agenda in a religious forum. No religious leader, save some extremist outfits will ever condone infanticide and people vote for that?
the crime of killing a child within a year of birth.
It’s disgraceful as well to fund International Planned Parenthood for abortions in Africa or wherever. That’s not what the Republicans are doing.
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And yet all of the people complaining about the vote are using the government (courts are part of the government) to deliver them from Biden. Interesting.
Using the Government to deliver them from the Government?

Just once I would like to see some evidence quoted that does not involve some far right group as the messenger
As an aside: re: a defund the police thread from a couple months back where you spoke highly of social workers being trained to defuse situations…

…got any comment on the social worker in Seattle who was stabbed to death by a client she was working with on the same day the Seattle city council were voting on defunding law enforcement and initiating a more “socially conscious” program?
Yes. It is unwise to base policy on the exceptional case.
As in defunding the police based upon a few questionable cases of police shooting?
So here is GA Senator Elena Parent claiming the hearing to be led down a rabbit hole regarding voter fraud in 2020…

But in 2018 the very same Senator Parent arguing that the Dominion voting machines were susceptible to hacking and voter fraud with no paper trail and no way to audit them…

Tell me again who we are supposed to be trusting?
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And yet all of the people complaining about the vote are using the government (courts are part of the government) to deliver them from Biden. Interesting.
Except that the primary focus is not on themselves but innocently murdered babies.

Many people cannot see the difference.
We are a nation of law, should we not follow the laws? Have free and fair elections?

Wow, that was easy, that’s all anyone should want.
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It is not “irony” at all if you affirm the Constitution and the pact that fledgling America has with the Government they were forming.

That’s much of what the Constitution is all about.
Protection of the citizens against its own Government.

The only lack of safeguard here are politicians usurping power they do not have. Not the appropriate government.

And we have seen plenty of usurpation of power by politicians.

Every time an innocent baby is murdered in this country with no government protection, you are seeing tyranny according to the principles laid out by the late Saint Pope John Paul II.

To many that just doesn’t matter. But it will matter to them when they too are deemed expendible by Government usurpers. But it will be too late for them then.
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Now it is coming out that Ralph Jones Sr. was supervising the team that stuck around after the monitors were sent home at the State Farm Center. He is the father of Ralph Jones Jr.

Both are connected to a consulting firm hired by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms and to Stacey Abrams…

Ralph Jones JR is also an official spokesperson for Democratic US Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

So who were those individuals counting the votes after sending monitors home? They were trustworthy and neutral with no skin in the game?

Remind me again about how it is who counts the votes that matters?
We are a nation of law, should we not follow the laws? Have free and fair elections?

Wow, that was easy, that’s all anyone should want.
The entire election boils down to the erosion of chain of custody and bypassing signature authentication such that ballots from who knows who and who knows where were infused into the system. That explains why election officials are adamant that signature matching not be done in any of the states still in play.
Just once I would like to see some evidence quoted that does not involve some far right group as the messenger
As an aside: re: a defund the police thread from a couple months back where you spoke highly of social workers being trained to defuse situations…

…got any comment on the social worker in Seattle who was stabbed to death by a client she was working with on the same day the Seattle city council were voting on defunding law enforcement and initiating a more “socially conscious” program?
Yes. It is unwise to base policy on the exceptional case.
As in defunding the police based upon a few questionable cases of police shooting?
Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with this database of police shootings before calling it a “few”:

And here is more:

Police shootings are more common than the number of social workers who are stabbed by their clients. If you want to know how dangerous it is being a social worker, in a list of the 20 most dangerous jobs in America, the job of social worker comes in at #20 at 1 death per 100,000. More dangerous jobs in that list include architects and engineers (1.2/100,000), janitors and pest control specialists (5.8/100,000), firefighters and police officers (6.2/100,000), mechanics (7.6/100,000), miners (11.4), construction workers (12.5), taxi drivers (14.7), tree trimmers (18.1), electrical line workers (20.5), farmers (22), truckers (24.7), steel workers (29.8), garbage collectors (38.8), roofers (39.7), pilots and flight engineers (40.4), fishermen (54.8), and loggers (132.7 / 100,000), a full 132.7 times as dangerous as being a social worker. So I think it is safe to say that instances of social workers being stabbed on the job are definitely isolated cases, unlike police shootings.
Some democrats have also voiced concern of events that happened on election night! Just people concerned about the truth!
Some may indeed have been taken in by the storm of right-wing allegations. But how many, really?
According to Rasmussen between 20-30% of Democrats believe “… that Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win…”

December 7, 2020

A six-minute video sums up 2020’s impossible election paradoxes​

By Andrea Widburg

Patrick Basham, the founding director of the Democracy Institute, while on the Mark Levin show, gave a remarkably lucid explanation for the peculiarities surrounding the election. He did not focus specifically on the allegations of election fraud. Instead, he explained that traditional markers associated with an incumbent’s almost inevitable victory were all lined up to result in an overwhelming Trump win. That Trump did not, in fact, win simply makes no sense. . .

. . . This was especially apparent with Trump’s support among blacks and Hispanics. It rose to highs not seen since Nixon’s win in 1960 (yes, he won but that election also went to a Democrat because of fraud). At the same time, Biden’s standing with those same groups declined. That fact alone should have presaged a Trump victory.

Basham explains that there are other metrics associated with elections that invariably predict elections. He’s not talking about polls. Instead, he’s talking about everything surrounding polls . .

The article is powerful, but sometimes hearing someone speak has more resonance. That’s probably why Basham’s 6-minute-long statement on the Mark Levine show, seen in the following video, had been viewed 1.6 million times in 24 hours . .

. . . At bottom, it’s completely bizarre that Biden did not sweep the United States. Instead, he swept a few specific precincts. If Biden were as popular as his victory indicates, wouldn’t his support have been enormous in every state in which he won? It’s simply inconceivable to a logical person that every non-polling metric predicted a massive Trump victory, only to have Biden win in a handful states that had election anomalies never before seen in an American election – but often seen in a Venezuelan one.

Bold mine.

A six-minute video sums up 2020's impossible election paradoxes - American Thinker
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