‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Tim Pool Interviews Matt Braynard Discussing Voter Fraud
Matt Braynard was eviscerated yesterday by a GA state legislator who researched individual voters he claimed illegally voted.

They did not.


When Georgia state Rep. Bee Nguyen (D) reviewed a list of voters who President Trump’s campaign claimed cast illegal ballots in the state, three names caught her eye: two friends and a constituent.

For days, Nguyen pored over public records, spoke with voters by phone and even knocked on doors in person to vet the Trump list. She found that it included dozens of voters who were eligible to vote in Georgia — along with their full names and home addresses.

On Thursday, when a data analyst who compiled the list told a panel of state lawmakers that it proved thousands of voters cast ballots in Georgia who should not have, Nguyen was ready.

“I do want to share with you some of the things that I found that appeared to be incorrect to me,” the two-term lawmaker told Matt Braynard, whose research has been cited in numerous suits filed by Trump and his allies, several of which have been tossed out of the courts.

Nguyen’s 10-minute dissection of the data offered a rare real-time fact check of the unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud that the president’s allies have promoted in state hearings around the country, largely before friendly Republican audiences.

“If you are going to take the names of voters in the state of Georgia and publish their first, middle and last name, their home address, and accuse them of committing a felony, at the very minimum there should have been an attempt to contact these voters,” she said in an interview after the hearing. “There was no such attempt.”

During the hearing Thursday, Nguyen countered Braynard’s analysis with her own research, based on a sampling of the exhibits included in the lawsuit.

Of the first 10 names on the list that were allegedly out-of-state voters, Nguyen said she found eight who were longtime Georgia residents and property owners by using public records.

Dozens of voters who the campaign suggested used P.O. boxes to vote illegally were actually residents of a single condominium building that had a mail center on the first floor — including Republicans and Democrats, she said.
AUSTIN, TX / WASHINGTON DC (CBSDFW.COM) — Eighteen states — now including Arizona — have backed a Texas lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. That lawsuit was filed directly with the United States Supreme Court on Monday, Dec. 7.

The suit asks the court to order the ‘defendant states’ legislatures to displace “tainted” election results in those states and choose their own slate of electors.

Paxton sued battleground states on behalf of the state of Texas saying the ‘defendant states’ made unconstitutional changes to their laws before the 2020 election.

UPDATE: President Trump Asks Sen. Ted Cruz To Argue Texas Election Lawsuit Should Supreme Court Move Forward

He said those states tainted the integrity of the vote in Texas and all states. . . .



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And TX has no standing to bring such a suit.
Actually, yes. They do.
As a state in the union, they will be governed in part by the outcome of the election these other states compromised.

“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”
Thus ends the painful ordeal of listening to a bunch of non-lawyers suddenly become experts on standing.
They have 2 more chances.
Dec 14th and Jan 6th.
Both attempts would be underhanded and inherently evil against the will of the people.
would be underhanded and inherently evil against the will of the people.
What was “underhanded and inherently evil against the will of the people” was the rampant voter and election fraud (my opinion) that took place in the 2020 election.
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What was “underhanded and inherently evil against the will of the people” was the rampant voter and election fraud (my opinion) that took place in the 2020 election.
52 Court Decisions say otherwise.
52 Court Decisions say otherwise.
No they don’t.

They merely say it is not enough to prosecute in a court of law.

A point which I have agreed with and could see forthcoming months BEFORE the election as I have posted here on CAF.
No they don’t.

They merely say it is not enough to prosecute in a court of law.
I go with Barr. He says that any fraud which occurred doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Trump got millions fewer votes. He lost; he’s out of office.

All the rest just cranks up the low information folks and enables the far-right radicals.
I’m kinda offended by possibly being referred to as low information folks! But I’ll pray for you!
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So? That’s the lower courts. SCOTUS ruled against the TX lawsuit on standing, not on merits.

There’s no more reason to believe Barr than a sworn witness.

The Democrat primaries have been questioned for years,

Hillary and Bernie,

Even Klobuchar and Warren said Dominion machines switch votes.

And now, the Iowa Democratic Party says there Caucas was all messed up.

I will go with what the Iowa Democratic Party says, Amy and Elizabeth and Bernie say then.

At one point, I know Barr said his report was not finalized when he first said that, I don’t know if it is finalized now.
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You know, right now all the Trumpsters have is technicalities. They haven’t been able to prove fraud, so they’re trying to say the voting rules were changed by the Executive branch, which shouldn’t have happened. That it. Technicalities.

So, Trump lost. Every Court has said the same thing.

As for the Supremes, Alito and Thomas said they would grant cert, but not give any of the relief asked for.

It. Is. Over.
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The Democrat primaries have been questioned for years,
Primaries don’t matter. How the parties pick candidates is not a government function. The Democratic Party could literally a candidate by playing musical chairs and it would not matter.

With respect, some of your responses here indicate that you don’t have a great understanding of the federal court system.
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