I happen to like to learn about others from their own side. What are some sources of news and commentary from the “right that actually exists” would you recommend?
Hoooooo boy. Where do I begin to untangle this? 1) Both sides “emotionalise people”. That’s politics. 2) General rule: honest politicians are a rare breed, regardless of the team. 3) This is actually a good example of some of the general attitude that has helped to produce the polarization and breakdown of civil political discourse in the US. Thank you for illustrating it.
Democratic party ≠ the Left.
(Psst, they are actually quite a bit on the right, just a bit less so than the Republicans.)
Nah. Let this lefty tell you what our philosophy fundamentally is. There is widespread inequality and economic injustice. We want to give everyone healthcare and the opportunity to live a decent life. Because right now, that opportunity does not exist. Nothing more nefarious than that. Ooooooo healthcare and economic opportunity for everyone … sooooo scary!
This is my last post today before i give you the floor.
Firstly i am in favour of national healthcare so i am unsure why i am supposed to be scared with that. It is a big issue and certainly there can be nationalised health which is more in line with the destructive philosophies of the Left. I certainly oppose those.
Secondly you say the Left is not the Democratic Party. I agree but the Left are in the moral driving seat of the Democratic Party and have been there for at least a couple of decades. They have gradually and purposefully replaced other voices that used to dominate including the Catholic voice.
Thirdly the polarisation you speak of is a direct and purposeful consequence of the Left’s take over of education and media over the preceding decades which go back to the cold war.
Lastly, today we only say ‘right’ as opposed to the Left which is a definite group referring to the Left side of the French Parliament at the time of the revolution.
They believe themselves to be for Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and the belief in a big state as a modern force of reason and rationality with a civic identification replacing religion. Of course you have the identity politics routed in ‘historic injustice’ that i mentioned above.
So there are ‘many ‘rights’’. Anyone who opposes the Left are called right.
If you want to know about alternate news services i recommend The Duran in Europe (based in Athens, London and Moscow) and Bill Whittle and Daily Wire in the USA.
There are also many groups who like myself come out of the Left and are now critical of it including in Britain, atheists such as Sargon of Akkad and Brendan O’Neil’s ‘Spiked’.