10K Jews to the Temple Mount

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A grassroots Jewish organization plans to bring 10,000 Jews next month to the heavily restricted Temple Mount to spark Israeli dialogue about reclaiming the holy site from its Muslim custodians.

“The Temple Mount is the single holiest place in the world for Jews. It’s about time the Israeli government restores it to the Jewish people, where it belongs,” David Ha’ivri, chairman of Revava, the group orchestrating the gathering, told WND.

The visit, scheduled for April 10, would be the largest Jewish presence at the Temple Mount since the ancient Temple period, said Haivri.

The Muslims took it from the Jews and now the Jews are taking it back. What’s wrong with that?
I don’t think these Jews represent mainstream Jewish or Israeli opinion. They are extremists, and the Israelis police will try to keep them off the mount. This could really set back the finally renewed peace process. Heaven help them if they succeed.
The Muslims took it from the Jews and now the Jews are taking it back. What’s wrong with that?
The rule of law. The Israeli government doesn’t function on the level of children scrapping on a playground. “Mine!” “No, mine!” “No, mine!” ad infinitum.

How would you feel if a “group” took the Vatican by force, and then the Italian government said “No Christians allowed?”
How would you feel if a “group” took the Vatican by force, and then the Italian government said “No Christians allowed?”
I’d wonder why the Italian authorities didn’t send police to regain the Vatican immediately after the seizure.
I’d wonder why the Italian authorities didn’t send police to regain the Vatican immediately after the seizure.
Your kidding right ?

When I first read the story …My first thought was also …this is the first step in rebuilding the Temple.

God’s will be done

Okay–but suppose my scerio is true.
I can’t so imagine. I presume there’d be immediate mob action by Romans against those who seized the Vatican, and it would probably take the Italian Army as well as the Caribinieri to restore order. And if the Italian government then closed the Vatican off to Chrstians, the government would fall in a matter of days. Impossible no matter how you look at it.

Try to picture how the temple mount was taking…then compare…

Try to picture how the temple mount was taking…then compare…
Are you speaking of the Moslem conquest of Jerusalem in the 7th century? They built several mosques on the site of the present Al-Aqsa Mosque (dates from 11th century). That’s 15 centuries ago!!!

BTW, the Mosque and shrine are currently administered by an Islamic Trust that has been granted almost total autonomy by the State of Israel since 1967.

The temple area is sacred to both Jews and Moslems.
An interesting point of history according to Arab historians and confirmed by medieval Jewish documents:

Christians in Jerusalem used the ruins of the Temple as a rubbish dump to humiliate the Jews. Our attitudes have, mercifully, changed since then.

Ask yourself, who had possesion of the mount first?

Ask yourself, who had possesion of the mount first?
It doesn’t matter. Possession is “nine points of the law.” And the Moslems have held it for 15 centuries. Even after Israeli seized all Jerusalem during the Six Days War, Israel returned control of the Mount to the Moslem Waqf, and has respected Moslem control since then.

The Western Wall of the Temple Mount is, for all purposes, the holiest site for Jews to pray at, and the Temple Mount is the third most holy site to Moslems after Mecca and Medina.

They must both share it.

So then, it will be fine if the church is kicked out of the vatican for the next 1500 years–right?
I wonder how many posters who think this is a good thing (ie, a harbinger of the coming of the rebuilt Temple, then the Second Coming of the Savior) are converts? I am, myself, a convert. I think it wise to remember that this sort of preoccupation with things like the rebuilt temple, etc, are carry-overs from Protestant theology and speculation, to which Holy Mother Church does NOT subscribe. If I’m wrong, someone correct me.

I agree, rebuilding the temple is the work of the anti-christ and no Christian should favor it…imo.

So then, it will be fine if the church is kicked out of the vatican for the next 1500 years–right?
There’s no comparison whatever between your story and with the actual history.

When the Moslems conquered Jerusalem, the Caliph saw the terrible state the site was in, and was so horrified that he ordered it cleaned and performed prayer there at once. His action was hailed by the Jews of the time as a restoration of the Temple. There was no hostility connected with what the Moslems did.

The Temple Mount must be shared by both, given its sacred status to both.
I think it wise to remember that this sort of preoccupation with things like the rebuilt temple, etc, are carry-overs from Protestant theology and speculation, to which Holy Mother Church does NOT subscribe. If I’m wrong, someone correct me.
Not Protestant theology, but Fundamentalist and Evangelical pre-millenial theology (mainline Protestants, like Catholics, are amillenialists). And it’s very big among those groups, all of whom, are awaiting the Rapture and the rebuilding of the Temple.
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