How long does the illness last?During a surge, the numbers of those who die from COVID will lag behind those who have been infected by several weeks.
I believe it is no more than three weeks…not several.
How long does the illness last?During a surge, the numbers of those who die from COVID will lag behind those who have been infected by several weeks.
Among those who die, the final outcome can come as quickly as two weeks after symptoms start, or up to eight weeks later.
Who is this addressed to?Is there some reason you do not want masks to be effective?
A question does not assume. It asks. My reasoning is based on the way confirmation bias works. People tend to focus on data that supports what they want, and not data that contradicts it. I do not doubt there is a tendency for people who do not want to be inconvenienced by a mask to find where masks do not work and hope they will be shown to be totally ineffectual. I have seen this in my own family, and it is the mechanism of confirmation bias.Why the assumption of their thoughts?
Hmmm…A question does not assume. It asks.
Looks like the larger part of that question is “do not want masks to be effective”.Is there some reason you do not want masks to be effective?
I do not agree. I thought it legitimate, but I edited it out since it found it offensive.Looks like a push poll type of question.
You are assuming the position on masks.
Yes, that by definition would be the ‘current rate’. You are reference a cumulative rate. From what I could see the CDC doesn’t proved a rate, they just give tallies by area.The current rate cannot be find by dividing the current numbers against the current deaths.
Yep, same here.Been doing the same for nearly 10 years.
Mine are just suffering heat stroke being in the car in 95 degree days.The only problem I have is the masks getting a sunburn.
One never knows how an individual body will react to something. Most people aren’t allergic to peanut butter. Yet, for many “otherwise healthy young people” it can be fatal. Same with bees.Covid 19 is not fatal for otherwise healthy young people.
The threat of reopening schools, therefore, is the health of teachers, faculty, and childrens’ families. Measures should be aimed at protecting those populations.
Children under 10 are less likely to get infected than adults and if they get infected, they are less likely to get seriously ill. What is interesting is that even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents.
Are you being sarcastic? I forget where you stand in general on issues.And we can test this by fully opening all the schools and observing at which age children get sick and transmit the virus to their teachers and bring it home to their parents and grandparents. Let’s do the experiment and find out.