35 Million to Aid Tsunami Victims Is Not Enough?

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I would like to know, on a global scale, how many times throwing money at a problem ever solved it. From my academic experience, the more money you throw at a problem, the more impetus the recipients have in ensure the perpetuation of that problem, so as to continue receiving free money. We had 4-5 devastating hurrricanes make landfall here in the US, how much foriegn financial assistance have we received? How much did the UN pledge. I think the other nations of the world should concern themselves with how much THEY are giving in assistance and keep there noses out of US business.
Right now there are millions needing fresh water and food. Good time to thow some money in the direction of the relief agencies.
I think it’s very important for Americans who want to give to provide cash to organizations that will be able to focus resources and assets to meet specific needs. In other words, a lot of times Americans, in their desire to help, will send blankets or clothes. That may be necessary, but to me it makes more sense to send cash to organizations that could then use that cash to make sure we match resources with specific needs on the ground. There are many NGOs now involved that understand what is specifically needed to meet the needs of these countries.
Cash is the most important. They can buy the material things closer to home. That will also help their economy which will need a lot of help after this mess settles.Not to mention, it will buy more when there is no shipping involved from here. Money travels faster.

Send Money to : Catholic Relief Services
I would like to know, on a global scale, how many times throwing money at a problem ever solved it. From my academic experience, the more money you throw at a problem, the more impetus the recipients have in ensure the perpetuation of that problem, so as to continue receiving free money. We had 4-5 devastating hurrricanes make landfall here in the US, how much foriegn financial assistance have we received? How much did the UN pledge. I think the other nations of the world should concern themselves with how much THEY are giving in assistance and keep there noses out of US business.
These countries are already poor. It’s not their fault. The United States is the one that should be pretty much able to take care of it’s self. These other countries are already struggling

To those whom much is given, much is expected.
Cash is the most important. They can buy the material things closer to home. That will also help their economy which will need a lot of help after this mess settles.Not to mention, it will buy more when there is no shipping involved from here. Money travels faster.

Send Money to : Catholic Relief Services
Actually in addition to money and medical - I’d like to see the UN relocate say to Sri Lanka. It would be a shot in the arm for their now ruined economy, the UN could see the Third World close up and watch where their money is going and I think it would do them good to live there - I know it would make me happy.
Actually in addition to money and medical - I’d like to see the UN relocate say to Sri Lanka. It would be a shot in the arm for their now ruined economy, the UN could see the Third World close up and watch where their money is going and I think it would do them good to live there - I know it would make me happy.
Great idea! It might help the parking situation in NY city. They can abuse their diplomatic immunity elsewhere for a change! 🙂
Okay, I’ll agree with your point, but I have to admit a slight guffaw when I read


I don’t have the inclination to look up their population. Can you do the math for me? :rotfl:

On a serious note, my prayers are with the families and souls of those affected by this terrible catastrophe.

God Bless,

Be carefull with such news stories. After the first news from the region the German government promised just 1 million Euros, everybody thought it would be sufficient for a “little flooding”.
They said back then (on Monday) that most probably no Germans were harmed.
In the meantime 1000 German tourists are missing and the government promissed 20 million Euros.
So i am pretty sure that French number is from Monday, when nobody knew about the real damages.

Be carefull with such news stories. After the first news from the region the German government promised just 1 million Euros, everybody thought it would be sufficient for a “little flooding”.
They said back then (on Monday) that most probably no Germans were harmed.
In the meantime 1000 German tourists are missing and the government promissed 20 million Euros.
So i am pretty sure that French number is from Monday, when nobody knew about the real damages.

Yes the French have promised more. Everyone’s amounts on Monday were low and even the aid agencies ask for low amounts. It wasn’t until later in the day and Tuesday that more was known to be needed.

This all is really a non-issue.
Jan Eglan or whatever his name is is the one who made an issue out of it Gilliam. It’s sad.
Jan Eglan or whatever his name is is the one who made an issue out of it Gilliam. It’s sad.
I can understand his point of view as well. Overall, more is consistantly needed. His job is to try to get it.
I can understand his point of view as well. Overall, more is consistantly needed. His job is to try to get it.
With him as their spokesperson, they are doing themselves a grave disservice.

From Mark 12:​

41 And he sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. 42 And a poor widow came, and put in two copper coins, which make a penny. 43 And he called his disciples to him, and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.

As this scripture says, the 35 million should be viewed not in terms of a total but a sacrifice.
Because the United Nations is evil. It is headed by the most backwards governments in the world.

No matter how charitable we are, how much we give, and how much of our blood we shed for the liberty of others, we are the Great Satan.

No matter how kind and tolerant Israel is, and how free Arabs and Muslims are in Israel as opposed to other nations, Isreal is a pariah.

According to the United Nations, we are violating human rights when we protect innocents. However, the United Nations never sees a human rights violation when Jews are blown up.
Yes the French have promised more. Everyone’s amounts on Monday were low and even the aid agencies ask for low amounts. It wasn’t until later in the day and Tuesday that more was known to be needed.

This all is really a non-issue.
Exactly the point I was trying to make. No one should have made an issue out of what the US was giving either, especially since the figures given represent government not private donations. Those who dislike our country jumped on the $35M figure immediately.

I’m sure that thoughtful people throughout the world are going to make private contributions. This is a terrible tragedy and my prayers are with all those effected.

God Bless,

Mac6yver said:
$35 million will do very little for this size of a disaster. We are spending $800 million a week on our little war in Iraq, I think we should pony up more then $35 million for these poor people.

Then I would recommend that you spend less time on this site condemning those who give and see where YOU can give. There are many places where you can fulfill your desire to give. Bless you for that part of your attitude.

Mac6yver said:
$35 mill may seem like a lot to you and I, but on a larger scale it is nothing. Just as an example, Pres Bush’s inauguration this January is going to cost the government about $40 million dollars.

A slight correction. The $40 million dollars is private monies donated specifically for the inauguration, just as in all other inaugurations. Note that the United States with Corporate and private giving has now far exceeded the preliminary federal pledge of $35 million so that as of now the US is pledged at over $80 million.

Peace in your ruminations

A good place to link up to the many organizations that are helping with tsunami relief is Networkforgood.org. There you can give to one or more charities all at the same time and use your credit card to pay. What I liked is that Catholic Relief Services is one of the charities specifically singled out for this disaster relief. You can also read all about the charity on this sight, including financial statements, etc. I chose to spread my donation around, giving the bulk to Catholic Relief Services, but some also to the Red Cross, Care USA, Doctors without Borders, and Save the Children. Dig deep, folks. We can’t rely on our government to do what Jesus says WE should be doing in Matthew 25:31. I also think that as Catholics, we should consider ourselves citizens of God’s Kingdom first, who happen to have the good fortune of living in America. Our “neighbor” is every human being in need. To me, I do think 35 million is a drop in the bucket… I would like to see George Bush demonstrate his Christianity by offering to forgo all the hoopla and have the donations go to disaster relief instead… but that is in an ideal world. But I know Americans will rise to the occassion and give tons more than that piddly $35 mil. “There but by the Grace of God go I.” Keep praying, everyone.
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