35 Million to Aid Tsunami Victims Is Not Enough?

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Well, just to shut up the unhappy democrats and the Bush bashers, the US raised the aid to Asia to $350 million.
Not “just to.” The plans all along were to increase disaster relief aid. The figure will probably climb even higher over the next few months, once more specific solutions and programs are in place. Don’t be surprised if, over the next year, the U.S. government doesn’t funnel about a billion dollars into the region.

– Mark L. Chance.
Not “just to.” The plans all along were to increase disaster relief aid. The figure will probably climb even higher over the next few months, once more specific solutions and programs are in place. Don’t be surprised if, over the next year, the U.S. government doesn’t funnel about a billion dollars into the region.

– Mark L. Chance.
I agree.

Rome was not built in a day and this horrible disaster can’t be funded nor solved in a day or a week. It will take years. 😦
Rome was not built in a day and this horrible disaster can’t be funded nor solved in a day or a week. It will take years. 😦
Hear, hear!

All of the armchair disaster relief quarterbacks need to cash a giant reality check. This disaster struck on 26 December 2004. It is just now 1 January 2005. That’s only one week, not enough time for a whole lot to be accomplished aside from the prophets of doom and whiners to turn this tragedy into a political statement.

– Mark L. Chance.
Because the United Nations is evil. It is headed by the most backwards governments in the world.

No matter how charitable we are, how much we give, and how much of our blood we shed for the liberty of others, we are the Great Satan.

No matter how kind and tolerant Israel is, and how free Arabs and Muslims are in Israel as opposed to other nations, Isreal is a pariah.

According to the United Nations, we are violating human rights when we protect innocents. However, the United Nations never sees a human rights violation when Jews are blown up.
Its not fair to say Isreal is innocent. Isreal and Palestine are both guilty and have both murdered others and thrown bombs. The UN may always have something against us, I agree. But evil is an overstatement by far.

Irish, As usual your posts are filled with self righteous arrogance. Why don’t you pray about your rotten attitude?​

Unfortunately, that particular poster has inflated sense of self rightiousness all his/her posts have the same rotten flavor

I didn’t realize you were such a connoiseur of my posting style; thank you for noticing 👍 . I’ll try praying for an attitude adjustment and see if it makes a difference :cool: . Do be sure and let me know how I’m progressing :rolleyes: .

Many years,

35 million piddly? Let me give you a piddly 35 million.
There will be more given but to give the label piddly to 35 million is Laughable.
As for The UN who says it can be trusted to make sure the money goes where it should.
Lily- I don’t think you can make that comparison. I am one person and 35 million dollars would be a fortune to me. But we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people who need all the basics of life, as well as help rebuilding their shattered villages, etc. So looking at it that way, $35 million is a piddly amount for the job at hand. And yes, I know that the President increased it TENFOLD… perhaps he was feeling a little embarrassed by the amount himself. I also stated that I knew that Americans would rise to the occasion through private donations, which they have. As Christians, and ESPECIALLY Catholics (because we have a mandate to give the poor preferential treatment) we are supposed to “give until it hurts.” I recall Jesus telling the rich young man to “sell what you have and give it to the poor…” I’m a little surprised that people on this board seem a little defensive about how little the US originally pledged.
Lily- I don’t think you can make that comparison. I am one person and 35 million dollars would be a fortune to me. But we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people who need all the basics of life, as well as help rebuilding their shattered villages, etc. So looking at it that way, $35 million is a piddly amount for the job at hand. And yes, I know that the President increased it TENFOLD… perhaps he was feeling a little embarrassed by the amount himself. I also stated that I knew that Americans would rise to the occasion through private donations, which they have. As Christians, and ESPECIALLY Catholics (because we have a mandate to give the poor preferential treatment) we are supposed to “give until it hurts.” I recall Jesus telling the rich young man to “sell what you have and give it to the poor…” I’m a little surprised that people on this board seem a little defensive about how little the US originally pledged.
I was brought up to believe that when charity is extended, one doesn’t bite the hand that feeds. You say thank you. We were one of the first out to offer aid, and all nations originally pledged less because they did not realize the extent of the devastation until more was known.

Most nations have upped their contributions substantially (except for France - haven’t heard a word more from them via the news).

That being as it may, it was rude, totally uncalled for and ungrateful for any spokesperson from the UN of all places to comment on the amounts offered by nations and to follow that up with complaints that the President should have sent all of the US contributions to them for handling. Considering their well earned reputation for incompetence and dishonesty, and now their public statements, one would think they have too much to be ashamed of and apologetic for to criticize anyone for anything.

They continue to affirm and reinforce the idea that it’s time to get out of there and send them packing and the sooner the quicker.
I am glad that aid in the wake of this disaster is so forthcoming from so many nations. At the moment I have no interest in this debate, but I would like to set the record straight on something. Canada is actually upping its pledge and sending $40 million in addition to matching dollar for dollar the contributions made by individual/corporate donors (the Church included). I heard this yesterday from Monsignor after Mass, since a second collection would be taken up next Sunday for this cause, and also read it in the newspaper. I know that means nothing for proof, but I don’t know where to find it on the net. Google will probably help you if you need to verify. 🙂

But we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people who need all the basics of life, as well as help rebuilding their shattered villages, etc. So looking at it that way, $35 million is a piddly amount for the job at hand. And yes, I know that the President increased it TENFOLD… perhaps he was feeling a little embarrassed by the amount himself​

So you don’t think 35 million is enough to purify drinking water? I doubt he was embarrassed perhaps he wanted to give in a way where he knew the money would get to those who desperately need it.
Unlike the oil for food situation. Can you imagine the U.S giving money to this cause and it not reaching those who need it? Sadly the U.N seems to have made a habit of such.
Cradle, I understand about Canada, it’s a big country with not a heck of a lot of people in it. The only thing I don’t appreciate is when Canadians trash Americans.
Heard an interesting statistic the other day, America is willing to give 35 Million to aid the sufferers from the Tsunami, very good, very generous, (I think), but, if this is so generous how come the government gave 1.7 Billion to the much smaller number victims of the Florida Hurricanes last year? Is this a case of charity beginning at home? or is there a reasonable charge of lip service to disasters.

I would point out the “Public” in the UK, not the government, have raised going on £100,000,000 sterling, thats almost $200,000,000 American in the last ten days by public appeals and donations to the appeal. Now we only have a poulation of 60,000,000 how I wonder does that compare with America. I only ask?

Yours in Christ (everybody’s)
Heard an interesting statistic the other day, America is willing to give 35 Million to aid the sufferers from the Tsunami, very good, very generous, (I think), but, if this is so generous how come the government gave 1.7 Billion to the much smaller number victims of the Florida Hurricanes last year? Is this a case of charity beginning at home? or is there a reasonable charge of lip service to disasters.

I would point out the “Public” in the UK, not the government, have raised going on £100,000,000 sterling, thats almost $200,000,000 American in the last ten days by public appeals and donations to the appeal. Now we only have a poulation of 60,000,000 how I wonder does that compare with America. I only ask?

Yours in Christ (everybody’s)
Lest not you be guilty of judging us, and I know you have chastised many on these posts in such a short time for being judgemental, please look up some facts. All our numbers have increased as have the donations of many other countries that did not know the extent of the damage at first. Our private donations are being collected in every church and every radio station and we won’t quit donating until all the people have the help they need. It is our way, and it should be the way of all Christians.

Don’t compare Florida and the 5 hurricanes to the tsunamis. We are not and you should not be doing so. They have needs also, and that happened months ago. Why do you feel the need to compare? Our tax dollars are collected to take care of local needs.

Christ wants us to help all in need. It doesn’t matter where they live, wouldn’t you agree?
Christ wants us to help all in need. It doesn’t matter where they live, wouldn’t you agree?
I totally agree. That goes for Afganistan, Iraq, Russia, Georgia, China, Africa, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, even France… need I go on?🙂
I totally agree. That goes for Afganistan, Iraq, Russia, Georgia, China, Africa, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, even France… need I go on?🙂
So what’s your point? Did they all have tsunamis that I don’t know about?
The Front page of the Oakland Press in Michigan today said how US is heading the efforts over there now. It is always interesting that we get ripped apart for not doing enough and then we get left holding the bag and the UN and the liberals continue to rip us apart.

Interestingly enough George Bush Sr. and Clinton were on a program the other day and they were talking about the aid the reporter asked them both if they gave and of course Clinton said I have not yet but will give a sizeable donation and George Bush just looked at the reporter and said I already gave.

Where do these people get off always telling the US that we do nothing and just like Iraq everyone leaves but who is still there? So aggravating. I don’t have money to give but continue to pray for them all.
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