35 Million to Aid Tsunami Victims Is Not Enough?

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That people are busy complaining about how badly the US is being treated by the UN and arguing that 35M is certainly enough is unbelievable.

135,000 people died - can you fathom that number?

It is more than twice the number killed in Viet Nam, by 20,000 individuals. If you have ever walked The Wall and seen those thousands of names inscribed in granite there, imagine twice that number, plus. And that represents only the dead.

Be thankful that the US can give.

Be thankful that nothing of this magnitude has ever struck the US.

Do something useful instead of congratulating yourselves on how generous the richest nation in the world is for giving such a paltry percentage of its wealth to assist with one of the greatest disasters that you will see in your lifetime - try praying.
Irish Melkite:
That people are busy complaining about how badly the US is being treated by the UN and arguing that 35M is certainly enough is unbelievable.

117,000 people died - can you fathom that number?

It is almost exactly twice the number killed in Viet Nam. If you have ever walked The Wall and seen those thousands of names inscribed in granite there, imagine twice that number. And that represents only the dead.

Be thankful that the US can give.

Be thankful that nothing of this magnitude has ever struck the US.

Do something useful instead of congratulating yourselves on how generous the richest nation in the world is for giving such a paltry percentage of its wealth to assist with one of the greatest disasters that you will see in your lifetime - try praying.
Thankfully, we can multi-task - pray, give and complain. No need to wag your finger.

God Bless,


Irish, As usual your posts are filled with self righteous arrogance. Why don’t you pray about your rotten attitude?​

Thankfully, we can multi-task - pray, give and complain. No need to wag your finger.​

Unfortunately, that particular poster has inflated sense of self rightiousness all his/her posts have the same rotten flavor
Irish Melkite:
That people are busy complaining about how badly the US is being treated by the UN and arguing that 35M is certainly enough is unbelievable.
Who said 35M is enough?

But I know Americans will rise to the occassion and give tons more than that piddly $35 mil. “There but by the Grace of God go I.” Keep praying, everyone.​

35 million piddly? Let me give you a piddly 35 million.
There will be more given but to give the label piddly to 35 million is Laughable.
As for The UN who says it can be trusted to make sure the money goes where it should.
But I know Americans will rise to the occassion and give tons more than that piddly $35 mil. “There but by the Grace of God go I.” Keep praying, everyone.
We have already. Through the World Bank we have contributed over $250million. The US is sending the Navy to assist. More information of how we are helping is here:
Good Gilliam! That post was not mine I was responding to another one. I am certain more will be given, I just believe it would be used more effectively by non-UN organizations. Plus, it would where it should.
Here is comes!

CNN: Breaking News. The United States will increase it’s aid for Tsunami victims from $35 million to $350 million CNN has learned. More details to follow.

(Excerpt) Read more at cnn.com

Irish, As usual your posts are filled with self righteous arrogance. Why don’t you pray about your rotten attitude?​

Thankfully, we can multi-task - pray, give and complain. No need to wag your finger.​

Unfortunately, that particular poster has inflated sense of self rightiousness all his/her posts have the same rotten flavor
Me? Ouch. I didn’t realize I was appearing self-righteous in my posts. Certainly not my intention. I will stop posting, pray more and maybe return at another time.

God Bless,

That post was directed at Irish Melkite.
Oh. :o Your “that poster” came right after the quote of my post 🙂 . Thanks for clarifying.

God Bless,

Irish Melkite:
Do something useful instead of congratulating yourselves on how generous the richest nation in the world is for giving such a paltry percentage of its wealth to assist with one of the greatest disasters that you will see in your lifetime - try praying.
The government and people of the U.S. are the most generous nation in the world. Donations, both public and private, account for the single largest proportion of aid given annually from all sources. The U.S. government contributed $2.4 billion in relief aid last year alone. The total budget for development and relief aid in 2003 was $24 billion, somewhat more than a 100% increase from President Clinton’s last year in office. In 2003, private contributions to various charities from Americans exceeded $240 billion.

Accusing the U.S. government or Americans in general of being stingy is ludicrous.

– Mark L. Chance.
The UN said we’re selfish because the amount we’ve pledged, compared to our GDP, put us at the bottom of other rich countries.
Well maybe the UN will be Happy with 350 million:D God Bless

Lisa they will still complain.​

rlg94086 certainly not! I have yet to see a nasty self righteous post from you. Unfortunately, the other poster makes that a habit.
I don’t think that anything would could have pledged would have been right enough or big enough in light of the severity of the tragedy. I knew the amount that we would ultimately give would go up, and so did everyone else that knows Americans. What do we care now what others think about us as we give of our hearts. I am real tired of everything we do being suspect and not good enough. We should continue to do what is right, and let the gossips wag their tongues. They will be dealt with as time goes by.

I look at the TV coverage and I can’t believe that we spend any time talking about what is being pledged for aid. I think the world will respond and help- every country, every person. I don’t think ill of anyone in this. I can’t spend time worrying about people that think so negatively.

Lisa they will still complain.​

rlg94086 certainly not! I have yet to see a nasty self righteous post from you. Unfortunately, the other poster makes that a habit.
Oh well:crying: I have seen some of there agendas,so I guess its better that they find us so irritating:D God Bless
From Power Line:

Via Tim Blair, Chuck Simmins has tried to tabulate contributions by American individuals and companies to tsunami relief efforts. His total so far: $169 million.

And that doesn’t even count the aircraft carriers.

UPDATE: The New York Times says:

The huge response from individual donors who want to help victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia, spurred in part by a year-end spirit of gift-giving, has stunned officials at the world’s largest private relief agencies. Many relief agency officials, accustomed to begging for donations after a disaster has hit, called the response “unprecedented.” They said that while no one has tallied all private giving, the numbers reported by individual organizations indicate that the amount will far surpass contributions for previous disasters.
Pope John Paul II has repeatedly called on wealthy nations to do more to relieve the suffering of our less fortunate bretheren.
When, oh, when will the Holy Father stop his endless U.S.-bashing? :rolleyes:
Yes…funny isn’t it. If I say that the US doesn’t give enough, I’ll be bashed…but it’s funny that the Holy Father says the same thing. (I don’t mean in this particular case…but as a general statement, he believes, as I do, that the Western World, and not just the US, are not giving our part to the development world…do you think God’s going to pat us on the back for the 10 million souls who die to starvation every year when there is more than enough food to go around?).

Someone above criticized the the amount Canada was initially giving. Interesting how they didn’t mention that Canada’s population is 1/9 that of the United States. Surely that poster doesn’t expect each Canadians to give nine times as much in tax dollars. (Of course, I said above that it is all Western nations that need to give more, and not just for this, but in general…Canada included).
Well, just to shut up the unhappy democrats and the Bush bashers, the US raised the aid to Asia to $350 million. That should shut up a few people, until they find something else to complain about. This has been the worst natural disaster in my lifetime, and I find it ironic that they try to make something political about it, such as the girl on fox news the other day. Go figure.
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