Homosexuality is not selfless;self-giving; it’s selfish,sterile, and by its very nature homosexuality cannot participate in the creative act. Two people with same-sex attraction who engage in same-sex sexual activity cannot produce a child. Their act is not one of mutual self-giving but of mutual masturbation, if you will. All that to say, a homosexual “couple” by its very nature or anti-nature cannot produce the foundation for a loving family life. Yes, some of you will attack and say that these “couples” can produce a loving family environment, but let’s look at the word “loving.” “Loving” cannot be based on selfishness and lust and acting out on feelings that run contrary to natural law. These “couples” put their being able to act on their feelings first. What’s loving about that? Then they want to bring children into that environment. This poor child died because he insinctively could not adhere to something that was unnatural and because he did not, he was killed. He really should be deemed a martyr. and his death points out that for homosexual “couples,” it’s not about the children. It’s about using children to legitimize their subversion of natural law. If they were “loving,” they would think of the children first, who do not need to be subjected to an evironment that eradicates God-created differences in favor of man-made social constructions that fly in the face of right reason.
The homosexual agenda is not about children; it’s about those with same-attraction ramroding (no pun intended) their sin onto the cultural landscape. And if a child gets killed in the process, so be it. We’re so far down the slippery slope now that some media outlets, if they even print this at all, which they won’t will probably say that the four-year old could’ve been charged with a hate crime for failing to accord the “daddy” “his” rights. It’s a sad world we live in when some feel that those with same-sex attraction can mimic the family that God Himself ordained. And its further proof of our descent into madness when we employ semantic engineering to subvert words like “love.” It’s a tool of the devil to subvert familiar words to inject them with new meanings. Homosexuals cannot “love” each other in the natural sense. Their love is “disordered.” But we are accepting now in our society that they can and should be allowed to “love” one another. And through our society’s blinders we acquiese and accept all sorts of deviance in the name of “love.” Well I say that we need to stop in the name of love and return sanity to the public square. This poor child had more sense than many three times his age…but it does say in the Bible that a little child shall lead them.