4-Year-Old Killed for Refusing to Call Mom's Lesbian Lover "Daddy"

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Just plain sick:
4-Year-Old Killed for Refusing to Call Mom’s Lesbian Lover "Daddy"
By John-Henry Westen
JOHANNESBURG, March 24, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Writing in the South African paper, The Star, journalist Baldwin Ndaba reports on the outcome of a court case concerning the death of four year old Jandre Botha, a young boy who according to evidence given in court was beaten to death after refusing to call his mother’s lesbian love “Daddy”.
That is sick. If this is true, this is one of the reasons why I oppose gay or lesbian couples having any right to raise a child.
Pax Vobiscum!

Absolutely terrible. How could you live with yourself after doing something like this? This woman’s lesbian lover’s wishes to be called “daddy” were more important to her than her own son’s life??? Disgusting.

In Christ,
It’s things like this that just makes my heart ache. If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s violence to children and others who cannot protect themselves. 😦

Scout :tiphat:
Sick and demonic, I want to throw up, safe in the arms of Jesus at last and His Daddy.
That is sick. If this is true, this is one of the reasons why I oppose gay or lesbian couples having any right to raise a child.
Oh come on. You can oppose homosexual unions and such all you want, but to suggest that this is going to become in any way common is ridiculous.
Oh come on. You can oppose homosexual unions and such all you want, but to suggest that this is going to become in any way common is ridiculous.
Maybe, but one can never be certain how people like these think or act. They certainly don’t have any values or belief in family values.
It is like a horrific version of “the Emperor’s new Clothes”. This child lost his life because he refused to go along with a lie. Children have a way of seeing things as they really are. I guess some people can’t handle that. :crying: :mad:
I wonder if he could be considered a martyr, not being at the age of reason?
Maybe, but one can never be certain how people like these think or act. They certainly don’t have any values or belief in family values.
That’s a very blanket statement. You may be able to say that about this couple, but I don’t think it’s fair to assume that all lesbian or homosexual couples are that way. Simply because they don’t agree with your idea of family values, doesn’t mean that all homosexual couples don’t have any family values.

The fact is that the situation is a tragedy, whether the couple was lesbian or not. A child died at the hands of another-and that happens in both straight and homosexual families.

Scout :tiphat:
The fact is that the situation is a tragedy, whether the couple was lesbian or not. A child died at the hands of another-and that happens in both straight and homosexual families.

Scout :tiphat:
That’s a good point. You’re right, I shouldn’t make that blanket statement considering similar tragedies and crimes happen in straight families as well, unfortunately.
That’s a good point. You’re right, I shouldn’t make that blanket statement considering similar tragedies and crimes happen in straight families as well, unfortunately.
It’s understandable. I think, in situations like these, I know I try very hard to find an answer as to why something like this happened. And when I can’t find an answer to satisfy me, I go for anything that’s available.

The fact is, there really isn’t an answer as to why this happens, except to say that there’s truly evil in this world, and there are evil people in this world. That’s not a comforting reason, but it’s still a fact.
Scout :tiphat:
Homosexuality is not selfless;self-giving; it’s selfish,sterile, and by its very nature homosexuality cannot participate in the creative act. Two people with same-sex attraction who engage in same-sex sexual activity cannot produce a child. Their act is not one of mutual self-giving but of mutual masturbation, if you will. All that to say, a homosexual “couple” by its very nature or anti-nature cannot produce the foundation for a loving family life. Yes, some of you will attack and say that these “couples” can produce a loving family environment, but let’s look at the word “loving.” “Loving” cannot be based on selfishness and lust and acting out on feelings that run contrary to natural law. These “couples” put their being able to act on their feelings first. What’s loving about that? Then they want to bring children into that environment. This poor child died because he insinctively could not adhere to something that was unnatural and because he did not, he was killed. He really should be deemed a martyr. and his death points out that for homosexual “couples,” it’s not about the children. It’s about using children to legitimize their subversion of natural law. If they were “loving,” they would think of the children first, who do not need to be subjected to an evironment that eradicates God-created differences in favor of man-made social constructions that fly in the face of right reason.
The homosexual agenda is not about children; it’s about those with same-attraction ramroding (no pun intended) their sin onto the cultural landscape. And if a child gets killed in the process, so be it. We’re so far down the slippery slope now that some media outlets, if they even print this at all, which they won’t will probably say that the four-year old could’ve been charged with a hate crime for failing to accord the “daddy” “his” rights. It’s a sad world we live in when some feel that those with same-sex attraction can mimic the family that God Himself ordained. And its further proof of our descent into madness when we employ semantic engineering to subvert words like “love.” It’s a tool of the devil to subvert familiar words to inject them with new meanings. Homosexuals cannot “love” each other in the natural sense. Their love is “disordered.” But we are accepting now in our society that they can and should be allowed to “love” one another. And through our society’s blinders we acquiese and accept all sorts of deviance in the name of “love.” Well I say that we need to stop in the name of love and return sanity to the public square. This poor child had more sense than many three times his age…but it does say in the Bible that a little child shall lead them.
Homosexuality is not selfless;self-giving; it’s selfish,sterile, and by its very nature homosexuality cannot participate in the creative act. Two people with same-sex attraction who engage in same-sex sexual activity cannot produce a child. Their act is not one of mutual self-giving but of mutual masturbation, if you will. All that to say, a homosexual “couple” by its very nature or anti-nature cannot produce the foundation for a loving family life. Yes, some of you will attack and say that these “couples” can produce a loving family environment, but let’s look at the word “loving.” “Loving” cannot be based on selfishness and lust and acting out on feelings that run contrary to natural law. These “couples” put their being able to act on their feelings first. What’s loving about that? Then they want to bring children into that environment. This poor child died because he insinctively could not adhere to something that was unnatural and because he did not, he was killed. He really should be deemed a martyr. and his death points out that for homosexual “couples,” it’s not about the children. It’s about using children to legitimize their subversion of natural law. If they were “loving,” they would think of the children first, who do not need to be subjected to an evironment that eradicates God-created differences in favor of man-made social constructions that fly in the face of right reason.
The homosexual agenda is not about children; it’s about those with same-attraction ramroding (no pun intended) their sin onto the cultural landscape. And if a child gets killed in the process, so be it. We’re so far down the slippery slope now that some media outlets, if they even print this at all, which they won’t will probably say that the four-year old could’ve been charged with a hate crime for failing to accord the “daddy” “his” rights. It’s a sad world we live in when some feel that those with same-sex attraction can mimic the family that God Himself ordained. And its further proof of our descent into madness when we employ semantic engineering to subvert words like “love.” It’s a tool of the devil to subvert familiar words to inject them with new meanings. Homosexuals cannot “love” each other in the natural sense. Their love is “disordered.” But we are accepting now in our society that they can and should be allowed to “love” one another. And through our society’s blinders we acquiese and accept all sorts of deviance in the name of “love.” Well I say that we need to stop in the name of love and return sanity to the public square. This poor child had more sense than many three times his age…but it does say in the Bible that a little child shall lead them.
Amen !
I love Cecelia’s post. In fact, I plan to print it out.

However, I do have to agree that the whole issue of same-sex parents and child abuse within the home are two seperate issues.

Yes, this child was killed for not addressing one parent in the way she demanded. But there are children in heterosexual families who are killed for having potty accidents, not eating all their dinner, etc, etc, etc.

There are other situations where a child is being reared in a selfish, lustful environment. What about the mother who brings in a string of boyfriends? What about homes where incest and molestation are practiced?

Tragic situations, all of them. I don’t think same sex couples have the exclusion on depravity.

This is just so tragically bizarre. My heart just aches for the child.
I love Cecelia’s post. In fact, I plan to print it out.

However, I do have to agree that the whole issue of same-sex parents and child abuse within the home are two seperate issues.

Yes, this child was killed for not addressing one parent in the way she demanded. But there are children in heterosexual families who are killed for having potty accidents, not eating all their dinner, etc, etc, etc.

There are other situations where a child is being reared in a selfish, lustful environment. What about the mother who brings in a string of boyfriends? What about homes where incest and molestation are practiced?

Tragic situations, all of them. I don’t think same sex couples have the exclusion on depravity.

While this may be true, don’t turn the focus away from where it belongs.

In this case, the disorder of being homosexual manifested itself in a very violent and evil way.

Let’s focus on what should be done to the piece of evil that did this to the innocent child. This is the perfect death penalty case. She does not deserve to live on the same earth as normal people. She does not deserve to breath our oxygen. If they would let me, I’d execute her myself.
While this may be true, don’t turn the focus away from where it belongs.

In this case, the disorder of being homosexual manifested itself in a very violent and evil way.

Let’s focus on what should be done to the piece of evil that did this to the innocent child. This is the perfect death penalty case. She does not deserve to live on the same earth as normal people. She does not deserve to breath our oxygen. If they would let me, I’d execute her myself.
I agree they need to lock them both up and throw away the key. Surely they need to be brought to justcie for murdering (and standing by silently) an innocent child.

I’m just saying that it could have just as easily been a nonhomosexual manifesting violence and evil. Certainly not all homosexuals are violent and evil. Not calling a woman “daddy” was the circumstance, I don’t agree that the same sex marriage was necessarily the cause.

I guess they’re really two seperate points.

I don’t really care what the cause was. Execute the person (gay or not) who murders a child.

At the same time, I don’t think same sex couples can or should raise a child. One of my son’s friends is from a same sex parent family. Two women. I consider them friends. But the fact remains that this poor child has severe emotional problems and socialization problems that obviously stem from his having two women for parents.

I also think that there is a strong possibility that the emotional state of this woman who killed her child could be largely contributed to her being a lesbian in the first place. I can’t believe that a homosexual is truely happy with life and not torn apart inside. Everything about them (biological and spiritual) screams for a companion in life that is the opposite sex. Some may be able to hide it better, even forever, but I venture to say that many have varying emotional instabilities because of it. And in this case, I think it contributed to the murder of an innocent child. That’s just my opinion based on observations in my life.
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