4-Year-Old Killed for Refusing to Call Mom's Lesbian Lover "Daddy"

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Come on folks -

This thread is silly, these people are child killers, it is not because of their orientation, but because they are fanatics, people who cannot control anger.

To claim that somehow the orientation plays a big part in the child killing ways is - for lack of a better term - purely ignorant.

This is not the ‘culture of death’ - lets call a spade a spade - this is two horrible people who killed a child for a pathetic reason.

Also, it is LifeSite reporting… given their past record I cannot help but be a little suspicious…
That is sick. If this is true, this is one of the reasons why I oppose gay or lesbian couples having any right to raise a child.
Ya, because straight people never kill their children…:banghead:
It also goes to show you that homosexual unions are dysfunctional families and the consequences of allowing gay couples to adopt children. SIN DOESN’T PAY!
Come on folks -

This thread is silly, these people are child killers, it is not because of their orientation, but because they are fanatics, people who cannot control anger.

To claim that somehow the orientation plays a big part in the child killing ways is - for lack of a better term - purely ignorant.

This is not the ‘culture of death’ - lets call a spade a spade - this is two horrible people who killed a child for a pathetic reason.

Also, it is LifeSite reporting… given their past record I cannot help but be a little suspicious…
Well, lesbianism certainly played a role in the woman’s insistence that the little boy call her “daddy”, even though she is a female. And i bet it played a role in having the little boy entrusted to the lesbian couple in the first place, as the court must have stubbornly insisted on the unreasonable claim that the homosexuality of the couple had no bearing on their suitability as guardians.

If the lesbian “lover” had not killed the little boy, we would never even have heard of this weird indoctrination she was trying to accomplish.

Is this just a totally irrelevant tragedy? Given the fact that only a miniscule percentage of children are currently being raised by same-sex homosexual couples, and we are already seeing problems - isn’t this significant?

I definitely think this is part of the culture of death.
Come on folks -

This thread is silly, these people are child killers, it is not because of their orientation, but because they are fanatics, people who cannot control anger.

To claim that somehow the orientation plays a big part in the child killing ways is - for lack of a better term - purely ignorant.

This is not the ‘culture of death’ - lets call a spade a spade - this is two horrible people who killed a child for a pathetic reason.

Also, it is LifeSite reporting… given their past record I cannot help but be a little suspicious…
AMEN! Finally, a voice of reason!

Scout :tiphat:
In other words a voice of the Devil.
That is one of the most insulting things I’ve ever heard. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t automatically make them “the voice of the devil”. Let’s show a little respect for people, okay?

Scout :tiphat:
That is one of the most insulting things I’ve ever heard. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t automatically make them “the voice of the devil”. Let’s show a little respect for people, okay?

Scout :tiphat:
Thankyou, I too raise my hat to you :tiphat: 😛
Ya, because straight people never kill their children…:banghead:
If you’d paid attention to another post of mine afterwards, you’ll notice I made that realization.
That is one of the most insulting things I’ve ever heard. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t automatically make them “the voice of the devil”. Let’s show a little respect for people, okay?

Scout :tiphat:
Anyone who take cheapshots at pro-lifers and even approves of them is not of God. Do you believe in the Devil?
Anyone who take cheapshots at pro-lifers and even approves of them is not of God. Do you believe in the Devil?
Yes, I believe in Satan. I just don’t think he was taking cheapshots at anybody. I think telling someone they’re of the devil, simply because they don’t agree with you, is wrong. When you say something like that, you’re basically saying they’re a demon. I don’t think you have the right to say that. If you want to disagree with me, or him, that’s fine-but don’t tell us we’re Satanic.

Scout :tiphat:
At the same time, I don’t think same sex couples can or should raise a child. One of my son’s friends is from a same sex parent family. Two women. I consider them friends. But the fact remains that this poor child has severe emotional problems and socialization problems that obviously stem from his having two women for parents.
On this we definately agree. Everything that Cecelia said in her post about selfishness, wanting to act on sexual needs out of the context of God’s plan for creating life, and bringing a child into that environment. I do not think same sex marriages are any place for children. Children get a really warped sense of what relationships should be about.
Yes, I believe in Satan. I just don’t think he was taking cheapshots at anybody. I think telling someone they’re of the devil, simply because they don’t agree with you, is wrong. When you say something like that, you’re basically saying they’re a demon. I don’t think you have the right to say that. If you want to disagree with me, or him, that’s fine-but don’t tell us we’re Satanic.

Scout :tiphat:
Let’s see, libero making sweeping incorrect statements like “This thread is silly” and this is not the ‘culture of death’. To you which you responded “Amen”. That’s saying yes to heresy. What you say is just a disagreement looks like an attack to me. Your ‘Amen’ to libero’s post is the embracing of the culture of death. The Devil is the root of all heresy. Your response “Amen, finally a voice of Reason” is saying that the Catholic faith is just simply of bunch of blind statements made up out of thin air by people with a blind faith. Faith is reasonable not blind. I tired of being called a racist, sexist homophobic bigot for expressing my beliefs.
Let’s see, libero making sweeping incorrect statements like “This thread is silly” and this is not the ‘culture of death’. To you which you responded “Amen”. That’s saying yes to heresy. What you say is just a disagreement looks like an attack to me. Your ‘Amen’ to libero’s post is the embracing of the culture of death. The Devil is the root of all heresy. Your response “Amen, finally a voice of Reason” is saying that the Catholic faith is just simply of bunch of blind statements made up out of thin air by people with a blind faith. Faith is reasonable not blind. I tired of being called a racist, sexist homophobic bigot for expressing my beliefs.
Libero didn’t make a “sweeping incorrect statement”. He was stating his opinion. The point he was making is that things like this happen in hereosexual marriages, just like they do in the homosexual community. And to blame this happening, simply on the fact that this was a lesbian couple, is ridiculous.

I have not ever, ever said that the Catholic faith is a bunch of “blind statements”, as you said. Please don’t put words in my mouth. I’m a very good Catholic and I resent being told that I’m “of the devil”. I’m simply saying that it’s ridiculous to blame this situation on the sole fact that this couple was lesbian. I’m sorry you took it as an attack, but it wasn’t directed at you. I was simply agreeing with the things Libero said in his post.

As far as being tired of being called a “sexist homophobic bigot”, I don’t recall anyone of this thread calling you that-I certainly have not. I’m not of the devil, neither is Libero. I can’t speak for Libero, but I can say that I’m guessing I hate being told I’m of Satan just as much as you hate being called a “sexist homophobic bigot”.

Scout :tiphat:
I have to agree with Bones on this one. It’s very typical for someone to voice an opinion that’s opposite of the majority, and catch living hell for it.

We don’t have to agree with Bones’ opinion, but if your going to voice opinions that the “whole thread is silly.” and then “Amen” to it, then you have to allow for others to make broad statements as well. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s opinion does NOT make it insulting. By the way, saying that the whole thread is silly could easily be taken as insulting to the origional poster!!!

Now for my opinion. Not an insult to homosexuals, just my beliefs.

I honestly believe that them being lesbians contributed in a major way to the child’s murder. That makes it a “culture of death” issue. It’s an accepted fact the gays have a higher rate of suicide. A higher rate of drug abuse. A higher rate of psychological problems leading to prescription drugs. A higher rate of prostitution. A higher rate of infectious diseases.

You can’t argue any of that. It’s proven fact. Go to the CDC website and look up the averages. Even a lot of the pro-gay websites put this info up to try and gather support for their cause. They blame it on Christians, but it doesn’t change the facts.

Now, knowing the above to be true, how long do you think it would take to see an increase in child abuse among gays with children? Of course not all, but how many? How many is too much?

Also, if she killed the boy for not calling the other one daddy, what do you think might have happened if the child grew up to think that they were wrong for being homosexuals? What do you think she would have done to him then?

I know that EVERY SINGLE problem listed above is present in heterosexual families as well. And I’ll be the first to call any one evil for killing a child. Regardless of the reason. But I just believe that the parents being lesbian was a major contribution to this death.
Does anyone realize that there is more to this story? That this child was previously removed from the home on suspicions of abuse? Dad had suspected that he was being abused and upon investigation, the boy was removed and sent to foster care.(Don’t ask me why they didn’t send him to the father). Mom petitioned the courts and they sent him back home! http://bestsmileys.com/angry2/3.gifhttp://bestsmileys.com/angry1/14.gif

And as for those who think the lesbian “parents” should be executed, while my feelings say that I would be the first in line to do to them what they did to him, we must remember that Jesus loves them, too. We don’t know if they were abused as children themselves and carried it on. As a child of an abusive home, I can testify that it does get carried on…my grandparents abused my parents, who abused us. Luckily, ours was much less than what my parents received, so, while none of us are phsyically or sexually abusive, I do know that certain siblings have issues with being very controlling. My brother for one. And some of us were willing to put up with it. Me, for example. In other words, you most often will learn to abuse or to put up with abuse.

They need our prayers and our compassion. Not that they should ever get out of jail…but we must pray that they will come to repentance and healing. I am sure that this boy is praying for them.

P.S. I will get the other links about the rest of the story.
Let’s see, libero making sweeping incorrect statements like “This thread is silly” and this is not the ‘culture of death’. To you which you responded “Amen”. That’s saying yes to heresy. What you say is just a disagreement looks like an attack to me. Your ‘Amen’ to libero’s post is the embracing of the culture of death. The Devil is the root of all heresy. Your response “Amen, finally a voice of Reason” is saying that the Catholic faith is just simply of bunch of blind statements made up out of thin air by people with a blind faith. Faith is reasonable not blind. I tired of being called a racist, sexist homophobic bigot for expressing my beliefs.
This thread is silly, I do not see the point of it - is there going to be any intelligent discussion of the matter, or are people simply going to whine about how terrible homosexuals are, followed by a nice session of accusing people of being worshippers of the Devil (which really above all cannot be determined simply because you really do not know the slightest thing about us)

Please please please Bones, just be nice - I try so hard not to let our comments deteriorate into attacks and slurs upon each other but it never works. Why be mean? - Why? I am virtually positive you know we are not Devil worshippers - so why claim we are? Just be nice!!! 😦 - I have never called you racist or homophobic… just remember that I pledge not to, and if ever you believe I have just say so in a civilised manner - being nice to other people here is so important to me, regardless of our differences, as this is one of the most important things being Catholic means to me “Love your neighbour”…
Mom of one:
Well, here are 2 other links to support their story. Both have the same story, but I figured I would post both the links, just in case people couldn’t get one of them.

It’s not pretty, I assure you.


Yes it is rather grusome. But I maintain that being a lesbian has really got nothing to do with it. I could post just as many articles about heterosexuals who have abused children (and they would be just as sickening) believe me - there was an incident last week in Britain where a man raped an 11 year old girl in a supermarket toilet whilst her mum was shopping…

Other than that, we can see evidence in so many other instances which contradicts this “violent gay” idea - look at the situation in Ulster. Recently in N Ireland there have been a spate of attacks on gays yet no gays have fought back with violence for their “cause” in fact it has been quite the opposite…

It is imperitive that we do not try to claim that the orientation was connected to the murder in this case, because really it wasn’t - it has nothing to do with the fact the women were lesbians, just the fact that they were control freaks who snapped at the most pedantic little issues. It is sad, but let’s not read into the situation what isn’t there… 😦
    • Also, why do neither of the other two reports pick up on the fact that the death was becuase the child refused to call the lover daddy? :confused: - -
I have to agree with Bones on this one. It’s very typical for someone to voice an opinion that’s opposite of the majority, and catch living hell for it.

We don’t have to agree with Bones’ opinion, but if your going to voice opinions that the “whole thread is silly.” and then “Amen” to it, then you have to allow for others to make broad statements as well. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s opinion does NOT make it insulting. By the way, saying that the whole thread is silly could easily be taken as insulting to the origional poster!!!

Now for my opinion. Not an insult to homosexuals, just my beliefs.

I honestly believe that them being lesbians contributed in a major way to the child’s murder. That makes it a “culture of death” issue. It’s an accepted fact the gays have a higher rate of suicide. A higher rate of drug abuse. A higher rate of psychological problems leading to prescription drugs. A higher rate of prostitution. A higher rate of infectious diseases.

You can’t argue any of that. It’s proven fact. Go to the CDC website and look up the averages. Even a lot of the pro-gay websites put this info up to try and gather support for their cause. They blame it on Christians, but it doesn’t change the facts.

Now, knowing the above to be true, how long do you think it would take to see an increase in child abuse among gays with children? Of course not all, but how many? How many is too much?

Also, if she killed the boy for not calling the other one daddy, what do you think might have happened if the child grew up to think that they were wrong for being homosexuals? What do you think she would have done to him then?

I know that EVERY SINGLE problem listed above is present in heterosexual families as well. And I’ll be the first to call any one evil for killing a child. Regardless of the reason. But I just believe that the parents being lesbian was a major contribution to this death.
If people want me to explain why I think the thread is silly - JUST ASK, no need to go off calling it heresy…

But if you read the other two articles it seems to be implied that the death was not related to a “lesbian” theme at all, but rather a refusal to eat dinner…

And if we actually think about why gays may use drugs and have issues etc. it becomes apparent, our societies shun gays, disriminating against them, referring to them in derogatory ways, this goes unchallenged in schools… Our society makes a joke about gays, our society promotes a message of intolerance in regards to them… No wonder they shall abuse drugs if their lives are made so unbearable - these people are looking for a way out!!!

Cigarette brands know this… The President of Marlboro has admitted he put loads of advertising into selling cigarettes to gays because it is an attempt to gain a more manly stance.

What truly is interesting is if you look at the rates of drug abuse, suicide etc. among gays in countries that are far more accepting towards homosexuality (like Germany or the Czech Republic - thought of as the most tolerant two countries in the world) and then compare these statistics to countries that are less accepting (such as America etc.) You shall see a significant relationship.
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