5 Non-Negotiable Issues

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This is all very clever but misses the point. The concern clearly is about the positions one may legitimately take on various political issues. The five non-negotiable values are nothing more than five issues that involve intrinsic evils, meaning one position on those issues is, for Catholics, forbidden. For all the other political concerns one may take opposing stands without violating church doctrine, just not on those five.

Torture involves an intrinsic evil.


Torture which uses physical or moral violence to extract confessions, punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.

Yet the Catholic Church claims them to be Catholic on the basis of their Baptism or Confirmation. So to say they should not claim to be Catholic can cause confusion to those on CAF trying to learn the teachings of Catholicism which would include who it is the Catholic Church claims to be and considers Catholic.
This is not quite accurate. “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic” is not what the church believes. Rejecting what the church teaches effectively separates one from the church.
Actually only those are to be included (annumerandi) as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body… (Pius XII)
Torture involves an intrinsic evil.
I’m not aware that either party is advocating torture, therefore it is not currently a political issue, therefore it doesn’t belong on the list. If you can demonstrate that any individual running for office is calling for torture (e.g. waterboarding), make your case.

Let me also point this out: arguing that the list is not extensive enough does not change the problem caused by the things that clearly belong on the list. I know it’s a struggle to find something, anything, you can legitimately add to the list that might apply to Republicans and not Democrats, and this might be your best shot, but I think the best you’ll get out of this is that some Republicans might support it, so it might apply to individuals but not the entire party. Good luck with that.

I’m not aware that either party is advocating torture, therefore it is not currently a political issue, therefore it doesn’t belong on the list. If you can demonstrate that any individual running for office is calling for torture (e.g. waterboarding), make your case.
No one is advocating abortion either. It is their non-action on abortion that is the problem. Similarly, it is the non-action on torture - a refusal to end it - that is an issue. If you can fault a politician for letting abortion stand, you can fault a politician for letting a policy stand that allows torture.
Let me also point this out: arguing that the list is not extensive enough does not change the problem caused by the things that clearly belong on the list.
Well, yes it does. The idea behind the list is that these items take precedent -are an absolute veto - over issues not on the list. So if you add more things to the list, you increase the chances that you will be faced with deciding between two non-negotiables. This undermines the whole concept of a non-negotiable item being fundamentally different from items without this veto power.
We are not discussing values; the conversation is about issues.
But we are discussing values implicitly because the issues that are non-negotiable are non-negotiable because of the values they uphold.
The “non-negotionable” expression refers to this: some acts are forbidden so discussions about when they might be beneficial are irrelevant.
This is a strawman argument. No one is claiming that the possible benefits of abortion are in any way relevant. What they are claiming is the possible benefits of voting for someone who, incidentally favors allowing abortion, are relevant. The benefits cited have nothing to do with abortion. Their only link is that the politician who would promote those benefits also happens to promote tolerance of abortion. One need not abandon his belief in abortion being intrinsically evil to recognize such a benefit.
This is not quite accurate. “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic” is not what the church believes. Rejecting what the church teaches effectively separates one from the church.
Actually only those are to be included (annumerandi) as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body… (Pius XII)
"The Code of Canon Law currently does not recognize that someone can leave the Catholic Church. You might become a non-practicing member, but the Church’s laws consider anyone baptized Catholic to always be Catholic".

"The Code of Canon Law currently does not recognize that someone can leave the Catholic Church. You might become a non-practicing member, but the Church’s laws consider anyone baptized Catholic to always be Catholic".
Not exactly:
Can. 1117 The form established above must be observed if at least one of the parties contracting marriage was baptized in the Catholic Church or received into it and has not defected from it by a formal act
Apparently if you have formally defected from the church you aren’t considered to be Catholic, at least as far as the laws concerning marriage are concerned.

Not exactly:
Can. 1117 The form established above must be observed if at least one of the parties contracting marriage was baptized in the Catholic Church or received into it and has not defected from it by a formal act
Apparently if you have formally defected from the church you aren’t considered to be Catholic, at least as far as the laws concerning marriage are concerned.

In the original 1983 Code of Canon Law there was a section that dealt with “formal defection” from the Catholic Church. What qualified as “formal defection” was rather vague and various opinions abounded. In the early to mid 80’s its quite possible that a well meaning priest sincerely tried to interpret what formal defection meant or was given certain instructions from his Bishop’s office. In 2006 the Pontifical Commission for Legislative Texts issued a “Notification” that narrowly defined formal defection.However in 2009 any reference to formal defection was abolished from the code of canon law.

The link below goes on to say further… Despite the erroneous reading of canon law
by virtue of his Catholic baptism (he) is indeed considered a Catholic.

End of story.

I’m going to interject that it is beyond the pale to support helping improve the plight of the poor by ignoring the killing of the babies of the poor. I think the Holy Father was doubling down, not standing down, when he said we don’t need to talk about one issue all the time. Abortion, euthanasia, are key issues because standard of living for dead people doesn’t matter. We must do more, while not failing to provide wholesale support to life.
I’m going to interject that it is beyond the pale to support helping improve the plight of the poor by ignoring the killing of the babies of the poor.
Is it OK to ignore the killing of babies once in a great while, as long as we don’t ignore it all of the time?
Whenever elections come around, I always see somebody citing the Catholic Answers list of 5 non-negotiable voting issues, which are:

1 - Abortion
2 - Euthanasia
3 - Embryonic Stem Cell Research
4 - Human Cloning
5 - Gay Marriage

Why are these the only “non-negotiable” issues?
Because the 5 issues cited are currently in the “public square.” Those running for elected office will, if elected, have authority to advance or derail the legalizing of immoral actions. For those immoral acts which have already been legalized, an elected official who negotiates to limit or reduce the evil effects with a purpose to eventually eliminate the legality of immoral acts would, in my opinion, be acting morally.
Aren’t there a whole slew of “non-negotiable” issues such as

1-Taking care of the poor
2-Helping the helpless
3-Engaging only in just wars
4-Caring for the environment
5-Providing ample opportunities for everyone
6-Helping the refugee

The list can go on and on. Aren’t all of these essential Christian issues that are non-negotiable? Why is there only a focus on a subset of issues that happen to align with one party?
Issues 1, 2, 5 and 6 involve distributive justice. Shame on the community that does nothing for the alien, widow or orphan. If we believe the state is not doing enough, we can always do more personally – charity has no upper limit. Issues 3 and 4 always involve prudential judgment. Pick the candidate whose rationale most agrees with your own.
Is it OK to ignore the killing of babies once in a great while, as long as we don’t ignore it all of the time?
When your “once in a great while” empowers someone who will work tirelessly to protect the legal killing of those babies you are infrequently ignoring, I think it’s safe to say it’s a problem.
When your “once in a great while” empowers someone who will work tirelessly to protect the legal killing of those babies you are infrequently ignoring, I think it’s safe to say it’s a problem.
And what constitutes “empowering” such a person? I mean is there anything we can do or fail to do (besides voting for him) that can be considered “empowering such a person”?
Because the 5 issues cited are currently in the “public square.”
The purpose of the list is not the tell us which issues are in the public square and which are not. The purpose of the list is to distinguish between issues that are “non-negotiable” (whatever that means) from issues that are in some sense negotiable. When you say this list is limited to the items it has because of which issues cross a certain threshold of public awareness, you are implying that there may be many other issues that are also non-negotiable, but are omitted from the list by their not meeting this somewhat arbitrary threshold. This makes it difficult to use this list effectively. When you find yourself torn between two issues - one of which is on the list and the other is not, it may be that your idea of what is sufficiently “in the public square” is not the same as the writers of this list. The two issues might actually be equally non-negotiable. How then do you decide between two issues that are both non-negotiable, but you cannot have them both? For instance torture vs. gay marriage. Gay marriage is on the list. Torture is not. If your voting decision only allows you to support one of these issues, which one should you support?
It has already been shown that the Holy Father said, “I have never understood the expression non-negotiable values. Values are values, and that is it. I can’t say that, of the fingers of a hand, there is one less useful than the rest”.


So who was it that coined the phrase? A lay internet business?
I believe the term was coined by Catholic Answers for use in its voters guide a couple of election cycles ago.
I believe the term was coined by Catholic Answers for use in its voters guide a couple of election cycles ago.
Thank you. I thought I had seen that on another subforum not too long ago but wanted to be sure.
The purpose of the list is not the tell us which issues are in the public square and which are not. The purpose of the list is to distinguish between issues that are “non-negotiable” (whatever that means) from issues that are in some sense negotiable. When you say this list is limited to the items it has because of which issues cross a certain threshold of public awareness, you are implying that there may be many other issues that are also non-negotiable, but are omitted from the list by their not meeting this somewhat arbitrary threshold. This makes it difficult to use this list effectively. When you find yourself torn between two issues - one of which is on the list and the other is not, it may be that your idea of what is sufficiently “in the public square” is not the same as the writers of this list. The two issues might actually be equally non-negotiable. How then do you decide between two issues that are both non-negotiable, but you cannot have them both? For instance torture vs. gay marriage. Gay marriage is on the list. Torture is not. If your voting decision only allows you to support one of these issues, which one should you support?
Thank you for this. Well put. This I’m thinking might be a reason why the bishops say in “Faithful Citizenship” it is not their intent to tell Catholics for whom to vote for, or against, and instead they leave it up to each individual to make their own choice. Because the real world isn’t always easy or everything in black and white. The bishops even say Catholics often face difficult choices about how to vote.
Thank you for this. Well put. This I’m thinking might be a reason why the bishops say in “Faithful Citizenship” it is not their intent to tell Catholics for whom to vote for, or against, and instead they leave it up to each individual to make their own choice. Because the real world isn’t always easy or everything in black and white. The bishops even say Catholics often face difficult choices about how to vote.
That’s one of my problems with the term “non-negotiable.” It is so black and white that a person following those guidelines would almost never be able to vote. There are very, very few candidates who are 100% in line with Catholic teaching on those matters and if you vote for someone who isn’t isn’t 100% in line, you have basically said that those issues are, in fact, negotiable.

You see that all the time in the news forum. Someone will say, for example, that abortion is non-negotiable and then turn around and say they are supporting a candidate who supports abortion in cases of rape, incest and life of the mother because they are better than another candidate on those issues. Now, that reasoning may be fine, but it’s still a form of negotiation.

Saying an issue is non-negotiable and supporting a candidate who isn’t 100% percent on that issue is talking the talk without walking the walk. Words have meaning and “non-negotiable” means that you absolutely can not and will not accept anything less than 100%. People will say well 98% is better than 80% or 50% is better than 0 and, again, that may be sound reasoning but it’s still a negotiation of principles they are claiming aren’t negotiable.
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