Ahh but now for the fun part!!
Will voting in a pro-lifer do anything to stop the recoginziation of abortion as a constitutional right? Of course not. Hence we had abortion during presidencies of Regan, HW, W Bush.
Say you vote your guy in, abortions still happen, or even worse, they make abortion illegal and women get them done anyway, illegally. A bit of a hollow victory for fetal life, eh?
Now, as some pro-life liberals believe, you expand resources to mothers and give more benefits to women in crisis pregnancies, this appears to attack the very demand of a large population of women who want abortions. You actually CAUSE fetal life to come into this world. IF a CATHOLIC TRULY BELIEVES that the number of abortions will go down using this strategy. IT IS PERFECTLY OK TO VOTE FOR A PRO-CHOICE candidate.
The fun part? Kind of a grim topic for “fun”.
At a point, one really has to accept it that commitments matter and that actions matter, even if neither accomplishes everything one might want.
The Repub appointees to the Supreme Court are Kennedy, Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas. The Dem appointees are Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer.
Of them, those who vote for abortion without fail are Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer and Kennedy. But, in the partial birth abortion ban case, it was too much even for Kennedy, so state partial birth abortion bans were approved by Kennedy, Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas. Voting to oppose those bans were Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Breyer, Kagan. As absolutely horrific as “partial birth abortions” are, they still wanted them legal. So now states can limit or even ban them, thanks ONLY to the Republican appointees.
G.W. Bush instituted all kinds of prolife orders, the Mexico City Accords and many others. Obama undid them all. Repubs have done a lot on both the federal and state level to oppose and limit abortion. Dems have done nothing at all.
The majority of Americans do not oppose abortion in all cases, but they do oppose abortion on demand, and favor restrictions on it. The Dem party says right in its platform that it supports abortion. The Repub party says the opposite.
And no, it is not “perfectly ok for a Catholic to vote for an abortion-supporting candidate”. The “but if there were more benefits to pregnant women there would be fewer abortions, so support the welfare-promoter” argument doesn’t work. First, there’s no evidence for it. But second, when the Dems had an absolutely bulletproof lock on power right after Obama’s election, did they provide additional assistance to pregnant women and encouragement not to abort? No they didn’t.
Repub measures to restrict abortion haven’t all been successful, but some have been, particularly at the state level. Only one abortion clinic remains in my state, for example, thanks to a Repub legislature.
Dems have done absolutely nothing to restrict it, and defend it every way there is to do it.