A day after refusing to condemn white supremacists, Trump aims a xenophobic attack at Ilhan Omar

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More insults from Trump! . . . Is this the kind of language that the whole of America should adopt? As president, he’s supposed to set a standard.

" Mr. Trump, who has a long history of demeaning female adversaries — especially women of color and Ms. Omar in particular — questioned her standing as an American during a rant about a video posted by a right-wing group allied with him that researchers say is part of a coordinated disinformation campaign. The video accuses Ms. Omar’s campaign of ballot harvesting but provides no verifiable evidence that her campaign collected ballots illegally or was involved in voter fraud.

As Mr. Trump rattled off his grievances against Ms. Omar, the crowd chanted, “Lock her up!”

“Harvesting is terrible, but it’s the least of things that she has done,” Mr. Trump said. “Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people — right? What the hell happened?”

Ms Ohmar, is a federal official and has been a citizen for over 20 years. Trump should be ashamed of himself but he’s not.

When will he call for national unity?
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On this, all I have to say is that the left wing media has cried so many time wolf, that no one takes those cries serious anymore.

This is where I personally have problems. SO many a times, even daily, the main stream media calls President Trump a (((Insert fear mongering))) names, that when President Trump does something really phobic. No one will believe it, unless you exist in the media bubble.
On this, all I have to say is that the left wing media has cried so many time wolf, that no one takes those cries serious anymore.

This is where I personally have problems. SO many a times, even daily, the main stream media calls President Trump a (((Insert fear mongering))) names, that when President Trump does something really phobic. No one will believe it, unless you exist in the media bubble.
The issue is what Trump said, not media reports as to Trump. What he stated was inappropriate for an elected official (or anyone!) and he should be roundly condemned for it.
Leaving aside troubling rumors that Ohmar married her brother to maintain citizenship, she has made a strong effort to radically change the country that has given her safe haven.

I for one find the idea of criticizing the country that is giving you such a good home to be extremely rude and ungrateful to say the least. She had left a war-torn and dangerous nation to stay in relative safety, and now spends all her time attacking this nation and its culture.
She’s a citizen and an elected official so it is inappropriate to talk about ‘the country which’. It is her country and she deserves respect.
be roundly condemned for it.
You are doing a good job at it.

I see a political attack. This happens a lot. People call the President a White supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Racist bigot, and all kinds of other names.
I see a political attack. This happens a lot. People call the President a White supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Racist bigot, and all kinds of other names.
That’s kind of (what Jesuits call) ‘tu quoque’. The issue is what Trump said, not if others had been mean to him. He’s president – “they do it too!” and “They made me do it!” are not valid excuses for what he says or does.
Respect is earned, and she has done little to show she is deserving of such.
When she became a member of the United States House of Representatives in the tradition of John Adams she deserved greater respect than what we’d give an ordinary citizen. She has earned respect.
My dad loves America, but since he is foreign-born, he will never pretend that he can take what the US provides for granted. A guest who is treated like family is still a guest, and must conduct himself with a certain level of gratitude. People like Ms. Ohmar, who act as though the US and Christian culture that took her in are objects of ridicule, absolutely deserve to be called out.
That doesn’t follow.
  1. She’s not a guest.
  2. She can say what she wants.
  3. American culture constantly changes.
Trump was wrong in what he said. Apologists seem not to be able to admit that.
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You err:

" How to Address a Member of the United States House of Representatives

—-Envelope, official:
——–The Honorable
——–(Full Name)
——–(Room) (Name of House Office Building)
——–United States House of Representatives
——–Washington, DC 20515

That’s basic manners. It goes without saying that it applies to all of the members. Folks need to accept that fact.
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What’s so bad about what he said? From what I understand she is about as dangerous of a political person as you can get. I have no idea where the xenophobia comes in. She is just plain dangerous.
From what I understand she is about as dangerous of a political person as you can get.
I think you understand wrong. She could be an out and out radical and it would be wrong for Trump to talk about ‘our country’ to a foreign-born member of the House. Look, that’s just wrong.

FDR started off a 1938 speech to the Daughters of the American Revolution: “Fellow immigrants…” Trump should absorb that lesson and emulate him.

I’m not even going to discuss if she is ‘dangerous’ or not. The thread is about what Trump said.
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Maybe you are misunderstanding. You could say our country for someone born here. “ Who elected Trump to represent our country?” Crying racism here is alarmist and reactionary and uncalled for.
Maybe you are misunderstanding. You could say our country for someone born here. “ Who elected Trump to represent our country?” Crying racism here is alarmist and reactionary and uncalled for.
Trump said: ““Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? …” There was no misunderstanding his meaning during a speech in which he panned immigrants. Look, that’s just wrong. She is one of the people running the country, according to the Constitution.

The last time he came up with something like that even Republicans were calling it a racist remark. There’s nothing alarmist or reactionary about that conclusion – it is more correctly patently evident.
The fact that we allow foreign born people to hold political office in this country is farce to begin with. Immigrants, myself included, should be barred from office.
Maybe when IO stops trashing the Country that welcomed her with open arms years ago.
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Yet JB called our POTUS any number of prejoratives a few nights ago,and addressed him as Hey man, 🤨
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Just making a glaring example of the hypocrisy being posted. Respect is deserving for the conressmwoman but NOT the POTUS! 🤨
I don’t understand what’s happening in this thread - since when have politicians deserved our respect?
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