I’d like to know what day Trump refused to condemn white supremacists?
Tit for tat? He’s the president for heaven’s sake. He can’t rise above slights?Since many Democrats don’t feel the need to give the President his due respect, I don’t see why he should feel obligated to show them anything.
Can we stick to the subject here?’d like to know what day Trump refused to condemn white supremacists?
So all the stuff about immigrants from Somalia in Minnesota meant nothing? OK, if that’s how you want to play it.Here let’s just substitute Romney. And the he (Romney) tells us how to run our county.” I don’t see a problem. Omar is super shady I don’t care if she is from middle earth or Ohio.
I call dibs on “never.”
Agree. How despicable. Also, I will just leave it at this. The Democrats have no room nor right to accuse others of racism. Not as long as voting for the party means supporting if not voting for Planned Parenthood.You are doing a good job at it.
I see a political attack. This happens a lot. People call the President a White supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Racist bigot, and all kinds of other names.
So while you are busy giving us lectures about our needing to show basic manners on how to address an elected Rep. Omar, in every post I have ever seen from you, you always disrespectfully call our elected president only by his last name. He is our president, therefore, he is President Trump. If we “need to accept that fact” on how to address people, then so do you.You err:
" How to Address a Member of the United States House of Representatives
—-Envelope, official:
——–The Honorable
——–(Full Name)
——–(Room) (Name of House Office Building)
——–United States House of Representatives
——–Washington, DC 20515"’
That’s basic manners. It goes without saying that it applies to all of the members. Folks need to accept that fact.
People voted for her.I have often wondered how she got elected myself.
Richard Spencer will do anything for attention.Richard Spencer, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and organizer of the infamous 2017 Charlottesville riots, announced yesterday on Twitter that he will be voting for Joe Biden in the upcoming 2020 election.
members of his own party called him out. As well as , (gasp!) Fox and Friends host.A. At this point, MSM calls out Trump for so many things,
Apparently we already have by the lie in the title. Trump has often condemned white supremacists.More insults from Trump! . . . Is this the kind of language that the whole of America should adopt? As president, he’s supposed to set a standard.