A day after refusing to condemn white supremacists, Trump aims a xenophobic attack at Ilhan Omar

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I’d like to know what day Trump refused to condemn white supremacists?
He hasn’t.Have you noticed the pivot towards focusing o the “white supremacists” being behind all the chaos in these cities being torched and burned? Talk about deflection…not BLM and anti fascist it’s white supremicists .Clearly this is a vile attempt to move attention away from the Dems complicity of these riots and try to project the blame onto Trump .It just evil.
Since many Democrats don’t feel the need to give the President his due respect, I don’t see why he should feel obligated to show them anything.
Tit for tat? He’s the president for heaven’s sake. He can’t rise above slights?

That type of excuse is for junior high.
Here let’s just substitute Romney. And the he (Romney) tells us how to run our county.” I don’t see a problem. Omar is super shady I don’t care if she is from middle earth or Ohio.
Here let’s just substitute Romney. And the he (Romney) tells us how to run our county.” I don’t see a problem. Omar is super shady I don’t care if she is from middle earth or Ohio.
So all the stuff about immigrants from Somalia in Minnesota meant nothing? OK, if that’s how you want to play it.
I call dibs on “never.”

Psst, Psst, That Omar?

It isn’t President Trump who supports Planned Parenthood.
You are doing a good job at it.

I see a political attack. This happens a lot. People call the President a White supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Racist bigot, and all kinds of other names.
Agree. How despicable. Also, I will just leave it at this. The Democrats have no room nor right to accuse others of racism. Not as long as voting for the party means supporting if not voting for Planned Parenthood.

What a great use of debate and a respect forum, to use it to talk about racism.
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This thread links two unconnected issues. He accuses her of two things: cheating, and trying to change her adopted country.

Neither of these has anything to do with white supremacy, because cheating is not a racial issue and the country he says she is trying to change is a mixed race country.
You err:

" How to Address a Member of the United States House of Representatives

—-Envelope, official:
——–The Honorable
——–(Full Name)
——–(Room) (Name of House Office Building)
——–United States House of Representatives
——–Washington, DC 20515

That’s basic manners. It goes without saying that it applies to all of the members. Folks need to accept that fact.
So while you are busy giving us lectures about our needing to show basic manners on how to address an elected Rep. Omar, in every post I have ever seen from you, you always disrespectfully call our elected president only by his last name. He is our president, therefore, he is President Trump. If we “need to accept that fact” on how to address people, then so do you.
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Saw this morning that the Democrats picked up a new endorsement.

“White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden”


Richard Spencer, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and organizer of the infamous 2017 Charlottesville riots, announced yesterday on Twitter that he will be voting for Joe Biden in the upcoming 2020 election.

A Twitter user asked Spencer if he will be voting for Biden or sitting out the election, given his belief that “Biden/Kamala will be tougher on crime/BLM than Trump.” Spencer responded, “I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on ‘accelerationism’ or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people…”
Enrique Tarrio Afro-Cuban chairman of Proud Boys a White Supremacist?
So going with what most everyone else is saying on this thread, the issue with this article and situation in general is:
A. At this point, MSM calls out Trump for so many things, most prove to be over exaggerated or outright false, that they’ve pretty much dug their own graves as far as people taking this stuff seriously
B. The American Left has no double standard
C. Anyone can try to defend IO as much as they want, but at the end of the day, even while Trump has a hard time keeping his mouth shut sometimes, one of them at their absolute worst still loves America even if it is for the money, while the other seems to be viciously trying to deface America at every turn. Im not touching the foreigner stuff
D. Anyone like me who has plunged their face into social politics and the true depths of how the American left handles it’s politcs (screaming, crying, shouting over others, drowning voices they can’t counter reasonably) almost immediately looses trust for people who are looking for another name to call someone else. Yeah, the republican party isn’t exactly the solution to every problem is at least a step in the right direction for just the sake of integrity alone. The difference between the two parties is that while officials in the republican party distance themselves from neo-nazi groups in declarations and written statements, the left doesnt distance themselves from BLM or Antifa alike. Why? Because unfortunately, I think the Democratic party has become the definition of a wolf in sheepish clothing, at least referring to the officials themselves. Several things are still unanswered for. Jeffery Epstein, the lies of AOC and the media’s compliance with them, the articles posted about the alleged “children in cages” at the border, the entire progressive feminist movement and the hypocrisy within, etc. If you would like me to share links to these things and the evil within I will, but because I’d like to finish this post before my own judgement, the point of what I’m saying is, this name calling has lost all credibility and is ultimately self-destructive because the radical left has used this evil hypocritical guilt-trip name calling nonsense for so long now, I think its making people say “you know, if he’s ‘racist’ for every little thing he does, maybe being racist isn’t that bad” which is just terrible that the term has lost all impact and meaning.

This is the problem: that it encapsulates everything people are growing sick of from the left, to the point where the truth doesn’t matter anymore.

Also, just as a sidenote, when did Trump fail to denounce Neo-nazis? He asked in the debate who specifically, they said the proud boys, and he responded addressing them “stand down” and if im not mistaken was interrupted by the moderator. Is there something else I was missing? God Bless, and I love you all.
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I said MSM, never excluded any particular network/people in those networks. MSM wants money, and what sells more than outrage? Where has most of the outrage come from? The radical left. Where MSM plays a role in the problem is drumming up the issues and, after years now of yelling the same topics, people have stopped caring, either because of the false content or the irrelevance and pandering.
More insults from Trump! . . . Is this the kind of language that the whole of America should adopt? As president, he’s supposed to set a standard.
Apparently we already have by the lie in the title. Trump has often condemned white supremacists.
Forgive me because I’m not sure if this is sarcasm or not but im assuming its not. Probably is so, I will check it out.
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