You had me going there; I thought you were finally seeing the light. But it seems that you fail to realize that it is your desire (feeling) and others’ for humanity to be fulfilled.
I know i said i would blank you, but i couldn’t resist getting the last word on this statement here.
You fail to realize allot of things. You are good at dodging and twisting.
But I was talking about the moral fulfillment of humanity as a metaphysical whole in terms of ultimate beginnings and ultimate ends. But what i will say is that the fulfillment of humanity as a whole cannot be obtained outside a strict adherence to the nature of love as a universal objective absolute. We need a transcendent principle of being and belief which encourages and inspires people to value life, to see life in the context of an absolute goal that fulfills and unites humanity as a whole. Human beings must view their existence as a sacred gift. Simply teaching people to live according to what feels good to them, will not solve anything; because pain, suffering, and death, will only repel those who explicitly fear those things in general; and some people who fear absolute death (Ceasing to exists) will do anything to live including
exploit and
oppress others, and this is evident in the world.
You say that people act according to feeling, and this is partly true. But most people act against that which is wrong because they believe or feel that its
truly wrong; not just in opinion, but in objective truth. The idea that people only do good to avoid the consequences is quite simply false. Evil people have become good because they had come to believe or accept that what they were doing is
truly, universally and objectively wrong, and not because they were going to benefit from it. People have given their lives,
theists and
atheists, because they believed that their behavior and sacrifice represented a higher standard of good, that their actions truly presented what was right, and they made that sacrifice regardless of their personal good in this life. Racism is being overcome because it is believed to be wrong. And we have all benefited from that standard of good and belief.
Truth is an important word, but it is not simply removed from belief, and cannot be if we want a better world. Not being able to prove that universal moral values exist is not a disproof and neither is it unreasonable to believe in the objective good if we believe in the good of human civilization, and especially the good of future generations of innocent children that we are going to bring into this world on the whim of our emotions and sexual activities.
One might say that since we cannot prove moral values logically, that therefore one cannot believe in them. But we are not calculators. In terms of the practical good, it is irrational to teach people that universal moral values do not exist, and that their lives, objectively speaking, is meaningless and ultimately captive to the inevitable despair of death. We are human beings with feelings; we have a personal nature. We need love in order to be fulfilled; and that can only be fulfilled by a greater good then human beings. Thus a logic that follows from the axiom of a belief in existential fulfillment is most rational in a practical and human sense so long as such a belief does not contradict logic. As human beings that want and need to be fulfilled, we have to believe and teach that life has value; we have to believe and teach that life is worth living. Living simply for fear of death or fear of losing friends will not make a better world because a better world is built on sacrifice and strong moral beliefs.
In any case, whether or not universal moral values exist has never been an object of this thread. The Universal Moral Value of people is an axiom of this thread, and ought to be an axiom of life. If you value my existence now, and if value your existence, you would not be happy about the possibility that you and i could have been aborted at the whim of a selfish mother whom lived for her own good. The good of yours and my existence is not being fulfilled. Your dignity is impinged upon by the idea that your existence is not of value until you are proven of being valuable for some mere material end. It stinks. Its as simply as that. We know that a living person is the productive end of the embryonic process; thus to destroy that process, necessarily means that we are destroying a person in so far as a person is the productive end of that process. It doesn’t matter whether or not the person in production is aware it.
Case closed.