You cannot willy-nilly change the example. The actual story is about the old man, who was happily wandering on his side of the street, minding his own business. Then come along these do-gooder ignorant kids, who want to impose (or force) their values upon him, against his wishes.
There is a nice old prayer about it: “Oh Lord, please save me from the people who want to save me from myself”.
On the other hand, I gave you the proper method how to handle the situation. Give all the necessary information to the “old man”, and allow him to make the decision whether to cross that street or not. And IF the old man ASKS for help, then go ahead and give it.
Novus Fidem can change the story Pallas Athene.
That’s what we christians like to do: Take the negative and turn it into a positive.
We love self-sacrifice too. Like when a child is thirsty in the middle of the night and the tired mother gets out of a warm, cozy bed to go get him a drink of water so he could stay nice and warm in his bed. This is all love is - simple. It’s a commitment to do for someone without expecting anything back.
I was going to post 1 Corinthians 13 but I see it’s useless.
Mathew 16: 1-4 would fit in nicely too. But I think you also won’t understand that one.
Ah. And here’s why:
1 Corinthians 2:1-16 especially verse 14
But, alas, this is circular reasoning and I do believe we’ve been through this before so I know you will not accept.
Could I ask you what YOU think love is? You might have already answered. If so, just direct me to the post. I’m really interested.
I do agree with those two posters who know a different language. I’m afraid the English language trivializes love. We LOVE everything, our spouse, our dog. I wonder how this got started. We could have said, I like my dog, I really like my dog, I really like my dog really a lot-really.
Interesting question. Maybe we’ve lost, as a society, the knowledge of what real love is. Maybe, except for some nutty Christians, nobody really knows what it is anymore! Maybe that’s why you’re having trouble understanding what self-sacrifice is.
Are you the old man asking for help? We’re trying Pallas Athene. Think you’ll ever make it across the street?