You mean twisting the reality to fit your preconceived ideas?
Of course. But that is not a “sacrifice”.
I already did. Love is a positive emotion which MUST be expressed in positive actions.
No, I just brought up the story to show how wrong it is play “Big Brother” or a “nanny state”. Why don’t you respect others, instead of intruding forcefully in their lives? Using the analogy: if the old man is comfortable on his side of the street, it is actually an INSULT to him to try and drag him over to the other side. On the other hand, if he actually asks for help, then it is highly admirable to help him.
I do think the old man analogy is a good one. The O.M. has to WANT to cross the street, or he never will! I was trying to be honest in asking if you’ll ever make it across. Here’s why:
You really cannot be forced to cross. Jesus is knocking but the door has no handle on the exterior of the door. You’ve seen this in that famous painting of Jesus. So YOU have to open the door from the inside.
I’m hoping you read the biblical passages I posted, but I fear you didn’t.
The first one explains what Love is in reference to God.
The second one refers to your post no. 55 - looking for a sign.
The third explains why you’re not getting any of this.
Threads develop and go in different directions. Now you’re looking for God to speak to you in a language you can understand. We’re trying P.A. Your posts no. 63 and 70 seem sincere. Here’s the short answer; Jesus is the language God uses to speak to us.
God is great,God is almighty; He created everything; He’s a giant in intellect, goodness and morality. How could we grasp such a greatness? Can’t. So He sent His son, Jesus to try and explain it to us. He did the best He could. He died on a cross. What could be more clear than that? It shows how much God loves us, and because of this great sacrifice (a sacrificial system sacrifice) we now can be so thankful and love God back.
Your willingness to accept answers is non-existent. Atheists are like this. You never know if they’re really sincere or if they just want to debate. I meant it about Noahide. It might be a beginning.
You’ve gotten some really good answers here. Vico no. 5, utunumsint no. 10, Vic Taltrees no. 48 and 49, ynotzap no. 56, Novus Fidem, Tony Rey, Fhansen, they’re trying P.A.
So you’re asking what it means to love God.
Here is what it means: All these posters taking the time to try to explain it to you.
Love in action.
I hope you really read those passages.