Read the Bible on Abraham. God tested Abraham, our adopted earthly father, in many ways. God was testing him and forging him as lesser metal into precious metals. God says this several times to Abraham.
Abraham and his wife Sarah became the parents of nations, the earthly ancestors of Jesus, their seed became like grains of sand across the earth.
God first asked Abraham ( Abram) to leave Ur, to be led into a land Abraham would inherit forever. Lot went with him, and their people.
Then Sarah was barren. But God promised Abraham a son who would start the inheritence, Isaac. Now Abraham and Sarah had a child by Hagar, Ishmael, thinking this was how the promise of God would be fulfilled.
Sarah did conceive in her old age and have Isaac. Ishmael did found a nation too.
There were a few wars before Isaac was born.and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham pleaded that city’s case with God’s destruction angels.
Then God’s final test of Abraham, and his formation to be the father of all nations, our adopted ancestor too, was to tell Abraham He required the first fruits sacrifice of Isaac.
I imagine this not only affected Abraham, but also Isaac.
Abraham’s obedience to this ultimate sacrifice, was unquavering.
AND the rest, as they say, is history. There was a ram found to replace the sacrifice of Isaac.
Think of this.
God went on to sacrifice His first fruit, His own Son. Jesus Christ, for our repentence and forgiveness, and for mercy.
Do you really believe God would sacrifice His Son for those intentions if God intended not taking His own commandments gravely.
Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, soul, heart.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
And one commandment about slander I am questioning your question might be doing to God !
Read and reread the chapter. Ponder the comparison of sacrificing first fruits in Sons. Ponder the formation of Souls.
Jesus said, ’ the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak’ after praying in the garden during his Passion, a sacrifice for His Father and us.
I pray for the gift of Grace to strengthening your faith and complete trust in God