I fully realize that to build cities overnight, where “all the smart people” could go, and get away from the rest of us over-reacting, hypochondriacal sheeple who are cramping their style, is impossible.
In fact, it’s kinda the whole point of the Noah narrative, albeit cast in a slightly different light…
Again, don’t read any more into my narrative than I intended. We need look no further than the Holocaust, internment camps for Japanese during WWII, and the Cherokee Trail of Tears, to see that getting people together and transporting them, isn’t something pleasant to contemplate.
Nonetheless, I have wondered if such a scenario could work as kind of a “lab experiment” to see if our assumptions about the spread of CV are correct. These people are so smart that they know better than public health authorities? They’re so antsy that it is driving them insane to stay home and chill for a few weeks?
Then put 'em all together and see if they’re right. If their rates of infection and serious illness and death rates remain low, then indeed, they’re smarter than the rest of us. I know that such speculation runs on the rumble strips of “violating the dignity of the human person”, but again, just a thought exercise. On my now-rare forays into the larger world (I wear an N95 respirator and, yes, some people look at me funny, wouldn’t be the first time
), I see people wandering around, dawdling in crowded spaces, not comprehending what “social distancing” means, and I fear for their health, but hey, free will, you know. I’m just trying to stay well and keep my family well.
I do have very real concerns about so many people losing their incomes, and what all of this is going to mean for the larger economy, months down the road. Not good, but can’t be helped. No economy, and no people on the face of the earth, has ever been as resilient as we are. Thank God for all of our good gifts of intellect, ambition, and resourcefulness.