Basically the objection was Just because something is illogical and can’t be fathomed logically by our human logic, doesn’t mean it is false. It could be true, but our human logic is too faulty to realize it
My question was if that objection could be proven wrong.
Let not talk about human logic then; let’s talk about truth, which goes beyond human capacities. I tried to draw everything out to its logical conclusion… hopefully I didn’t miss anything.
Quaestio: How do we know that truths attained by unaided human reason is not rendered false by truths that are not attainable by unaided human reason?*
Sequence I
Proposition: Truths do not contradict themselves. There are truths that can be known by unaided reason and potentially truths that cannot be known by unaided human reason. Therefore, truths that can be known by unaided reason and truths that cannot be known by unaided reason cannot contradict themselves.
Objection to Proposition:** That the conclusion follows from the premises; granted. But that the premise “truths do not contradict themselves” is not derived by human logic and therefore not subject to possible invalidity, denied; for we can know by unaided reason that something cannot both be and not be in the same respect.
Conclusion of the Sequence: Given the premises (A) that Truths do not contradict themselves and (B) that there are truths that can be known by unaided reason and potentially truths beyond what can be known by unaided reason, then it logically follows (C) that truths known by human reason and those beyond it cannot contradict.
Sequence II
Reply to Objection: That the principle of non-contradiction can be derived from unaided reason, granted. That the principle of non-contradiction can be invalidated, denied; for the validity of any given proposition presupposes the principle of non-contradiction.
Objection to Reply: That the validity of any given proposition presupposes the principle of non-contradiction, granted. That we should nevertheless presuppose the principle of non-contradiction, denied; for it seems that it cannot be proven apart from presupposing itself.
Conclusion of the Sequence: The principle of non-contradiction can be derived from unaided reason, and any proposition is dependent upon it.
Sequence III
Reply to Objection: That the principle of non-contradiction cannot be proven apart from presupposing itself, granted. That we should abandon the principle on account of this, denied; for the principle is abstracted from experience, which does not contradict itself.
Objection to Reply: That the principle is abstracted from experience, granted. That experience cannot contradict itself, denied; for though a person may never experience something contradictory, this does not rule out the possibility.
Conclusion of the Sequence: The principle of non-contradiction cannot be proven apart from experience, and is in fact abstracted from experience.
Sequence IV
Reply to Objection: That a person may never experience something contradictory, granted. That this does not rule out the possibility, denied; for in order for anything whatsoever to be experienced, it must be experienced and not
not experienced; yet this presupposes the existence of the principle in reality, and is from where we abstract it.
Objection to Reply: That for anything whatsoever to be experienced, it must be experienced and not
not experienced, granted. But that this applies to all experiences as a principle to be abstracted, denied; for one thing can be contradictory and another not.
Conclusion of the Sequence: It is possible that a person may never experience something contradictory, and if a person does experience something that isn’t contradictory, he cannot both experience and not experience it.
Sequence V
Reply to Objection: That one thing – such as a proposition – can be contradictory and another not, granted. But that this does not apply to all experiences as a principle to be abstracted, denied; for the very existence of an experience which does not contradict itself – such that,
whatsoever, it is *and *is not – demonstrates the very nature of experience as precisely non-contradictory. That is, an experience cannot both be an experience an not be an experience, and yet remain an experience. Thus, there can be no contradictory experience, because if it were contradictory, then it would not be an experience.
Objection to Reply: That an experience cannot both be an experience and not be an experience, granted. And that the principle of non-contradiction can be abstracted from experience, conceded. But that the principle as abstracted from experience demonstrates that the principle applies to all of reality, denied; for experience is only a part of reality.
Conclusion of the Sequence: Some things – such as propositions – can be contradictory (though we have not defined how). However, there are some things, such as experiences, that cannot be contradictory. Additionally, that there are any non-contradictory experiences demonstrates that the principle of non-contradiction can be abstracted as a principle (albeit pertaining at this point only to experience).
(I’m running out of characters… starting a new post in which I continue this.)