Don’t put your faith in logic. Just because something is logical doesn’t mean its true. I think you’re equating logic and truth. That’s the mistake a lot of philosophers make.There is a question that has been bothering me lately and it seems to turn the 5 proofs from 'Proof" to only “Possibility”
Now logically these make sense and it would be illogical to disagree with them.
BUT…there is a doubt in my mind that keeps saying this:
"Just because we can’t logically fathom something, doesn’t mean it’s false.
So basically just because some of the arguments made against the 5 proofs are logically impossible for US logically, doesn’t mean the arguments aren’t true outside of human logic.
Is there a way to get rid of this doubt?
Remember, these are supposed to be Proofs, as in it is verified and can’t be proven false, not just strong logical possibilities.
How can we Prove the 5 proofs even against the above doubt?
The Truth does not have to be logical. The Truth has to be faithful. If we try to derive logic from truth then it becomes impossible for the truth to exist. The Truth about God defies logic because with God anything is possible, even the illogical–that is why logic should not be part of your reasoning for God. Human logic always falls short of a supreme being. The logic that anyone contrives in this universe is always subject to the physical law of said universe. God is not subject to the laws of this universe–that is why the illogical can be manifested by his Spirit. There is nothing that subjects God. His Spirit goes beyond subjection.