Anthony V, thanks for taking the time to explain that in such length. Forgive me if I distill it down a bit in giving a response.
Only if you forgive me for taking so long to respond. Great, done. We’ll call it even. :tiphat:
So Aquinas differentiates between a series of causes that are sequential in nature, like a line of dominoes falling one after another. And a series of causes that are simultaneous in nature, like the same dominoes stacked one on top of another. According to Aquinas a sequential series of causes can be infinitely long, while a simultaneous series of causes can’t be.
Sort of. I would caution that “simultaneous” does not necessarily mean instantaneous. To be fair, what I said certainly implied it, although I principally used “immediate” to refer to the sort of causal proximity which A bears to B, and B bears to C; if A goes away, we have no relevant causal power in B or C since they derive it of A. But that phrasing was a bad call on my part, because it made things sound more temporally determined than they are. However, I would agree that simultaneous efficient causality certainly is a specific kind of series of
per se efficient causality. I’m not sure when and if you would find that kind of instantaneous
per se series.
The key, rather, is
instrumentality. The main point was this:
Causally speaking, there is a certain sense in which we can do without Grandpa, whereas we cannot do without Crime and Punishment. That “certain sense” has to do with whether the causal power is derived or “built-in.”
In other words, in a
per se series of A, B, C, for every effect generated of B onto C, there is an intrinsically corresponding effect of A. The reason is that B (and even C, if we were to posit another variable upon which it acts) acts as an efficient cause only in a derivative manner of A; for which reason, we would conversely call B an instrumental cause of A. The effect that B has on C is principally A’s effect, passing through B, such that it is only B’s effect instrumentally.
Does it necessarily mean that the causal process is instantaneous? Certainly not. If you write using a pencil, which you are then using instrumentally, it doesn’t matter whether or not the pencil is instantaneously leaving graphite upon the paper. What
does matter is that the pencil is not the kind of thing which has a built-in power to write on paper without a proportionate cause of some stripe or another to use it as an instrument.
We might object, “But isn’t that a
per accidens series? Isn’t it the case that in the series A, B, C, that B (the pencil) affects C (the paper) even when the force of A (the hand) is gone? Don’t you remember – it’s the difference between A acting as a cause and B acting as a cause
when the series is not instantaneous. There’s a small gap in time! The pencil moves just a little bit on its own, like when the son begets his own son (the grandson) without the father being around.”
The answer is (1) no and (2) it doesn’t matter. In the case of a
per accidens series, there is not the kind of proportion there is in the
per se series. In the prior, there need not be a 1:1 proportion (all things being equal) between the primary cause and the secondary cause(s). The father does not have to beget the son for every time that the son begets a grandchild. Or, to use the abstract variables example, B can affect C more (or less) times than A affects B. This is what we mean by “built-in” power, as opposed to “derived” or “instrumental” power. B is not just an instrument of A acting upon C. Rather, B can act as an independent agent.
On the other hand, there *is * (all things being equal) a 1:1 proportion in the
per se series of causality. All things being equal, for every inch that you move your hand, the pencil will also move an inch. The pencil’s movement doesn’t need to be instantaneous; it only needs to be “instrumental” or “derived” of the hand. The pencil cannot affect the paper more than your hand (or other interfering but proportionate causes, when all things are not equal) affects the pencil. Sons can beget children more times than they themselves are begotten, but, all things being equal, pencils cannot draw more lines than the hand draws.
To use the abstract variables example, for every effect of B upon C, there is an intrinsically corresponding effect of A upon B. Notice that this is not “extrinsically corresponding,” but intrinsically corresponding. To illustrate “extrinsically corresponding”: If the father begets the son, and the son begets exactly one grandchild, then we have a correspondence of effects such that the father begot the son as many times as the son happened to beget a son. That would still be
extrinsically corresponding, because there was nothing about the father’s begetting of the son which necessitated that the son beget exactly one other son. It just happened to be the case, and there is no pertinent causal connection. Hence, it is still a
per accidens series.
We might also ask whether it is pertinent to the topic as to whether or not there can only be one non-instrumental cause in the series. What if it’s not 1:1 because it’s not “all things being equal?” The point is simply that whatever power is found in the effect(s) is derived of some other causes. If we have the domino example, it’s not just you pushing the first domino over, but the inertia of the first domino after it’s pushed over, and gravity, and other things which science talks at us about. That’s fine; the dominoes derive their “falling over” from the confluence of causes that bears upon the first domino when you push it over. The essential piece is simply that they don’t have the built-in power to
push themselves over when there isn’t that series or some equivalent.