The fact that you would reference White Fragility is very telling. The book is unapologetically racist, extremist anti-white dogma. The main points being:
white people enact racism every day of their lives through the ways they talk, act, and perform in social interactions.
The two “master discourses” of Whiteness are “individualism” and “universalism.” Supposedly, White people have been “socialized” from the moment they were born to see themselves as individuals rather than as members of racial groups, causing “systemic racism,” and making white people incapable of seeing how they constantly reinstate and reinforce white supremacy with virtually every word they say, or do not say. What a load of bunk. It’s completely at odds with MLK and the Constitution. We need to look beyond race, not define ourselves by it. America rid itself of this type of thinking in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s in the civil rights movement, but now, we’re sprinting back towards it. It’s sad.
What’s more, even if you remain silent in inter-racial dialogue, you are making a “move” of Whiteness which keeps you complicit in the preservation of white supremacy. What a convenient argument. If you don’t agree with me, or aren’t angrily pointing fingers with me, you’re a white supremacist. It’s so immature. It’s just the Kapka Trap… whereby any denial is interpreted as evidence of guilt. If you object to any insinuation that you are racist because you are white, or that what you have said has racist connotations, you are failing to come to terms with your racism and exhibiting white fragility.
White Fragility is a racial bullying tactic. We should reject tribal racist books such as this.