Still can you tell God one life is less than another?You are talking about your personal experience in one single crisis center in a first-world country.
Let’s look at it world-wide. If the estimated yearly rape cases in South Africa is 500,000, then the world-wide number must be in the tens of millions. If only 1% of those poor women get pregnant, that’s an awful lot of pregnancies due to rape. Many might be able to handle this traumatic experience and see it through for another 9 months without becoming a psychological wreck, but thousands of others won’t. I think that this problem needs to be addressed.
And I am from a third world country. I know how many try to frame the debate of abortion.
All I say is that one won’t solve rape with abortions, clearly. One won’t solve the trauma of rape by adding additional trauma with abortion. And one can certainly help the woman. But let’s try and reduce rape first and foremost and not try and justify abortion.
And I work in a women crisis center that is involved internationally with about a hundred other crisis centers.
The stats here are that of less than 1%. In other countries it might be higher or lower. Still I don’t see justification for killing anyone. Rape does not justify the murder of someone. It should prompt other ways to try and solve the core of the problem and not the consequence.
Lastly, can you really say that the life of the child is less valuable to God than that of the mother?