However, with adultery some measure of restitution can be made. With abortion, a life has been taken and cannot be brought back.
I agree. Which is why it becomes urgent to also address why there are many demands for abortions.
I believe adoption pipeline has limited capacity. Woman’s capability to carry term has limited capacity too. Pregnancy is heavy on womans health. Some women go through postpartum depression shows how heavy it is to carry term.
Religious teaching that fails to recognize this fact is one
lack of compassion toward woman (& her family) in its formulation. For example, if a married couple has many children, how is it wrong to use contraception within the marriage? A good moral teaching must include compassion in it.
A good catholic husband who knows his wife is getting old and tired, would he prefer to follow a perfect moral teaching that lacks compassion for his tired wife? Ideally, nfp. But
what if things are not ideal in this world, and nfp doesn’t work for this couple?
Similarly, thinking that merely forcing women to carry term while allowing porn do business as usual, and probably some even take part in it, is a partial moral teaching that lacks compassion & care towards woman & her family.
When things are not perfect in this world, demanding perfection from some but extremely permissive toward others is just simply oppressive. And this oppressive attitude toward woman is the bad spirit that push many women, despite knowing they aren’t ready for sex & pregnancy, they have sex anyway.
Why women have abortion? Because of
the same bad spirit of
lack of compassion.