**To start with, if a constitutional law was enacted to make Abortion illegal under all circumstances than the number of abortions would take a drastic drop. **
In any case, I think that the woman undergoing the abortion is the chief orchestrator of the murder conspiracy against her child. After all, she paid the others to carry it out. So in other words, I wholeheartedly believe that every woman who willfully undergoes an abortion should be tried for murder and given a sentence befitting murder should she be proven guilty (plus the fact that the victim is a child, and the defendant’s own child, could both be considered aggravating factors).
That this might result in thousands or millions of convictions does not concern me: I also wish that every single Nazi who had a hand in the holocaust should have been tried and punished. Every single concentration/death camp guard, every single SS Personal, and so on. Just because a crime is common does not in and of itself make it any less heinous.