The Church is not a democracy: there is no impeachment process for the Church to get rid of a Pope. The Pope answers to God. Generally a Pope must either renounce the position, or, and I’m not sure of all of the details on this one, it must be determined that he has lost it (trying to proclaim a heresy ex cathedra, for example). A Pope may also say, “If I’m captured, I renounce my Papal office” so that a new Pope may be elected.Just spitballing and thinking out loud here - does anybody know what the process of “impeachment” of a Pope is? If it could be proven 100% that a Pope is guilty of being complicit, how could the Church remove him from the Papacy?
Why? (Just trying to understand your perspective.)But I think the part about homosexuality in the clergy was unnecessary.
The fact that his statements are Sooo unsophisticated, so unpolished, lends a little credibility to those parts that are not obviously his own personal pique or annoyance.All he had to do was mention it in one or two sentences. But he goes on and on about it. It seemed like a rant to me.
Where is he?God bless Abp. Vigano…