Abuse allegations by Church Militant

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I don’t think this is about cashing in as much as reporting detailed current events that MSM or conservative Catholic won’t. He does come off a bit strong but I can deal with that. The comments are realistic and not filtered.
Most of what he says repeats what the secular media said. How do know what he says is unfiltered? He uses the same filtering as the Catholic Left dissenters most of the time.

Nobody ever went broke attacking the bishops. Nobody went broke calling people to repent the sins of people other than themselves.

What are confession lines like where you are? Around here they are short.
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If you value your soul, stay far away from Voris and his Church Militant. There nothing of value you can get from him that you can’t get from a more authoritative source. If there something that Voris is saying that no one else is saying, it is most likely a lie.
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Is this Church Militant channel being hushed-up by the Church in the USA?
Yes, if by hushed you mean it is not allowed to carry the name Catholic, but this happened quite a while ago and is unrelated to abuse.
Church militant is setting up a kangaroo court?
Seems New York are setting up a grand jury, and the call is for 50 more

So it’s not a Church Militant kangaroo court
Voris seems to be a good man - but we in the UK don’t know his background nor motivation
I won’t click to see what is the persecution of the day.

In 2012 the Diocese informed Mr Vorhis that he was in violation of Canon Law. In order to comply, the organization had to be renamed. If that happened to me, I’d have had my pride hurt. Going to guess that Mr Voris is a regular human being who also is capable of having hurt feelings.

If we look hard enough, we can find conspiracy in just about any situation. I choose not to believe that there is some great organized effort to keep a small, private web blog and You Tube channel silent.
Voris was violating Canon Law for using the word “Catholic”, while hundreds of priests were compromising and or sodomising boys - were they violating Canon Law?

I write this tearfully as a born, bred and born again Catholic
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Voris was violating Canon Law for using the word “Catholic”, while hundreds of priests were compromising and or sodomising boys - were they violating Canon Law?
did you read the rebuttal or answer to the grand jury report? It opened my eyes… And also in that alleged 300, there are laity. so its not 300 priests, that number includes x amount of laity.

read the rebuttals. they are an interesting read. I learnt what a grand jury is, its not exactly any type of court trial.
Voris was violating Canon Law for using the word “Catholic”, while hundreds of priests were compromising and or sodomising boys - were they violating Canon Law?
did you read the rebuttal or answer to the grand jury report? It opened my eyes… And also in that alleged 300, there are laity. so its not 300 priests, that number includes x amount of laity.

read the rebuttals. they are an interesting read. I learnt what a grand jury is, its not exactly any type of court trial.
It’s necessary to reflect on Boston, now Penn and NY to come. Do you doubt that there are hundreds of clergy involved? There were 10 masters convicted in one Anglican school alone in England
I only need reflect on the experience here in my own diocese.

And the results of the Royal Commission report.
and just as is the experience here, in USA the experience also includes laity in religious activities.

and yes, until its proven how many are involved, I doubt a report that uses the terms

'were likely to have"

innocent until proven guilty.
Church Militant, like similar COMPETING websites, depends on clicks to generation revenue and donations. If one site finds problems in a diocese, then their COMPETING website has to find problems at a higher level. If one site publishes some semi lurid material, their RIVAL far-right or far-left Catholic website has to print lurid material, or they lose out.

Suppose one of these websites actually called for readers to confess and repent their own sins, rather than sins of others.

They would go broke. So they don’t do that.
It’s a standard principle in USA that if an industry fails to self-regulate sufficiently, the government will step in and regulate it, so he’s basically correct if the Church doesn’t govern itself from within it should be governed from without.

It would also be good at this point if every diocese could address this issue in terms of getting all the old cases out in the open once and for all. It’s bothersome to me as a Catholic that every couple of years we have to visit this issue again when another diocese has an investigation. It makes people who don’t bother to actually learn about the issue, the fact that these are old cases and the fact that new protective procedures are in place, think that all this abuse is going on right now. The way the media reported on the Pennsylvania report, people just casually reading would think that 300 priests were going around in the last 10 years abusing children and it all was being covered up. It also makes a whole lot of Catholics who somehow weren’t paying attention the last 10 times a report was released get all excited over what’s basically old news.

I’ll leave it at that.
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i have to find the thread, its one of the many ubiquitous threads on CAF on this topic, Two were linked up on it.

have you seen Holy Father Pope Francis 's letter to all Catholics today. Its in the news .
He even references previous Popes comments at different times on this topic.
Its a lovely letter. very touching.
You realize that it is not some zero sum situation. Both using the title “Catholic” without proper permissions can be wrong while abuse is wrong while theft is wrong while murder is wrong while hate is wrong.
I’m a new convert, coming into the Catholic Church this year. I joined the Church to have a full, close relationship with Jesus. I prefer studying the Holy Scriptures, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and reading about all the marvelous saints. Those activities are edifying to my soul. I want to watch things that build up faith and knowledge of the Church, instead of focusing on sensationalism.
You realize that it is not some zero sum situation. Both using the title “Catholic” without proper permissions can be wrong while abuse is wrong while theft is wrong while murder is wrong while hate is wrong.
Oh yes, but Jesus himself said said, in Matt 18:6 "“If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

The Pope has just published a letter today to all Catholics in which he says, “Clericalism, whether fostered by priests themselves or by lay persons, leads to an excision in the ecclesial body that supports and helps to perpetuate many of the evils that we are condemning today. To say “no” to abuse is to say an emphatic “no” to all forms of clericalism.”

We should read and listen to Voris, because it seems he may have been right all along. I have just heard a priest tell parents and god-parents at a baptism that Adam and Eve were not real and that Darwin’s science is better. I waited and after the ceremony challenged that heresy and he laughed in my face. The cathedral office then ignored two e-mails, so today I have challenged the cardinal in a written snail mail letter.

The pope has today called-out clericalism and told the laity to end it https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...-church/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.bf3d077c71ad
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I have not read the letter by Pope Francis.
Our Bishop had a letter read before every
Mass yesterday. He has been a good Bishop brought in to clean up the Diocese after many scandals that occurred under the last Bishop. He has done a good job and there have been no incidents since he came on board.
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