Abuse allegations by Church Militant

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Did you read the full report on the Benedictine schools? I did. Interestingly when they went co-ed girls were also subject to abuse. Must have been the influence of ‘homosexualist’ clergy.
I am glad you think so. M. Voris is good for some people. For me, I do not care for illogical propaganda, even if I agree with premise. I also do not like watching stuff that helps me get mad, even if it is something I want to be mad about. But Alex Jones? No, I know of no one like him.
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and since you’ve read it, the percentage of females/males in the abused cohort was …?
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read the rebuttals. they are an interesting read. I learnt what a grand jury is, its not exactly any type of court trial.
The grand jury is just like the inquisition, getting information before proceeding. In fact it is called an inquest.

The PA report did not do a good job listing the ages of the victims. I wonder why.
The only time I saw Voris was years ago on
The Vortex. I am not a follower of Voris.
Someone posted a you tube video which
I watched. So just seeing him 2 or 3 times perhaps no more than 2 minutes each time, I don’t know him well enough to
make any judgment call about him.
I get the idea from CAF he is unpopular among many Catholics.
I am not sure what you mean about illogical propaganda and I hope you are not insinuating that Rush Limbaugh is guilty of illogical propaganda by making the comparison.
I am not sure what you mean about illogical propaganda and I hope you are not insinuating that Rush Limbaugh is guilty of illogical propaganda by making the comparison.
I tried to find another word other than propaganda, but yes, I think both use inflammatory language in a way that runs contrary to logic, or at least both use to. I quit on Rush Limbaugh years ago because his bias lead to inconsistency and logical fallacy. As to Voris, a couple of times I went through videos that were a topic of a thread and posted specific examples of this.
I have found Rush Limbaugh to be right on
when it comes to political commentary. He is brilliant.

I don’t see Voris on the same intellectual level as Rush Limbaugh.
Voris is not evangelising against being gay; Voris is opposed to active homosexuality in the church, sexual abuse of young Catholics, and the cover-up by some bishops.

He says it in 4 minutes, but this guy says less in 26
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Be cautious. I wouldn’t say it is not a good place to go or that they aren’t telling the truth but I would be very cautious going there and listening to their news shows, reports and download, especially if you are not secure in your Catholic faith or if you are a nonCatholic, you could get the wrong impressions from them. They, at times, could almost appear as if they are attacking the Catholic church, while in their eyes they are trying to defend it. It is all in the approach they make. Sometimes you almost think you are feeling hate coming from the shows.

Not too long ago you could watch or listen to the catechetical shows they have and learn the faith but now unless you are a member the only shows you can listen to or watch are the short news clip type shows and some of those can be very repetitive and focus on the same thing frequently.

There are lots of other websites that are reporting Catholic news and what is happening with the crisis and there are lots of places to learn the truths of the faith.
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All too often, CM headlines the same issues that are in the secular media. A really valuable resource would remind us of unfamiliar or forgotten truths.
f they were being hushed up, it would not be right there on Youtube for everyone to see. However, it appears on Youtube for everyone to see.
That’s exactly what I said.
you shouldn’t drop the word persecute that easily because most of the time, it probably would make those really persecuted roll their eyes at you.
I don’t believe I dropped the word persecute at all, much less “easily.” Perhaps you meant to respond to someone else?
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At least he renamed.

NCR was told to drop the Catholic in their name and they flipped off their local ordinary.
CM’s latest article on what has gone on with the oversight of the US Military Chaplains is mind blowing.

Names are named. Full quotes from a priest who tried to tell Cardinal O’Brien about the issues.

O’Brien then suggests to the priest (who had the guts and love to come forward) and suggested that he get psychological help!!

Any source of strength in the world: The Eucharist, Church teaching, other Sacraments, marriage, the family, the military are targets for the forces of evil, and many are these are being attacked by s/s enthusiasts.
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